PHD student Nadiia Kolisnyk, Doctor of Pedagogy Viktor Sidorenko    

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Methodological approaches of scientific-cognitive activities in pedagogy: theoretical aspects


This study presents literature review of existing methodological approaches useds in higher education of Ukraine in pedagogy. These approaches are focused mainly on scientific-cognitive activities of students in higher education. Available literature sources revealed five main classes that incorporate main methodological approaches. Our analyses are based on literature of past years since updated information in this field is not available. There is a strong need to perform research in the near future in order to get more insight into educational systems in pedagogy. 

Literature review and research objective

Methodological approaches in higher education play an important role in providing society with highly qualified experts in a certain field. Educational systems depend largely on these approaches. Combining the methodological approaches with teaching ones improves the quality of higher education. Scientific-cognitive activities (e.g. learning processes, developing systems of collecting scientific information) performed during education are also determined by these methodological approaches (Kraevkyy, 2001; Moskalenko et al., 1988). So far, these methodological approaches have not been discussed to a large extent. A few studies addressed this aspect, for instance, Kraevskyy V., (2001), Moskalenko et al., (1988), Gorski, (1966), Dobrov, (1998) and Kopnyn, (1974). Today, updated information about the methodological approaches required in higher education is not easily available.

This study, therefore, aims to review existing methodological approaches in higher education of Ukraine and to discuss them. 


We performed literature review in order to address this research objective. We analyzed relevant literature-sources on methodological approaches. These sources include scientific articles and educational books, which are available. 

Data analyses of methodological approaches

In literature there are two types of methodology in higher education of Ukraine. First type is general methodology. This methodology covers philosophical principles of research and also general-research principles. Second type is specific methodology. This methodology is applied to specific science or field (Gorski, 1966).

 Today, many scientists do not distinguish between two terms namely method and methodology. This is important to separate because they are different in their nature of the art. Method is a concrete mean that is used in certain scientific field in higher education of pedagogy. Methodology is combined methods, tools, approaches, forms of scientific-cognitive activities in higher education of Ukraine.  Thus, in Ukraine we consider methodology as something generalized that includes methods.

In this study we focus mainly on methodological approaches because they cover and incorporate certain ways of illustrating, presenting and communicating materials to students in such a way that they can easily understand. Other methodological aspects are not discussed elsewhere (e.g. Kraevskyy, 2001).

 In Ukraine, there are five main classes, which include main methodological approaches in higher education regarding scientific-cognitive activities. First class combines systematic-forecasting and social-environmental approaches. Here approaches are applied in a certain scientific field, for instance, in environmental sciences, social sciences. They facilitate self-development of students needed for their future career. They also account for learning processes of students in a certain scientific field. These approaches differ between scientific fields. For instance, in social science these approaches can be (i) forecasting educational processes, (ii) organizing cultural methods for teaching purposes, (iii) supporting pedagogical activities of students (Gorski, 1966; Dobrov, 1998).

Second class consists of personal approaches to conduct educational activities. They facilitate communication between a student and teacher. They also provide a basis for students to developing their own opinions, ideas and improve their existing knowledge in a certain scientific field. These approaches can be incorporated in different cognitive communication games during educational programs (Moskalenko, 1988; Kopnyn, 1974).   

Third class includes approaches regarding regionalization of educational systems in higher education of Ukraine. These approaches incorporate regional characteristics of educational components. Cultural features of population are important elements in this class. For instance, in the southern Ukraine in Crimea most of population is Tatars. Their culture differs from population of the northern Ukraine. This has impact on educational systems. Thus, these approaches facilitate better understanding of educations systems on a regional scale. They can be, for instance, establishing appropriate cultural systems for education of students from different regions.

Fourth class involves approaches regarding self-development of educational systems. Educational systems can be further developed and improved by themselves. For instance, these developments and improvements can be done in terms of innovative technologies, methods and tools. There are distinguished approaches like systematic approaches regarding educational disciplines, programs that facilitate learning processes in students.

 Fifth class incorporates paradigmatic approaches in higher education of Ukraine. These approaches aim to balance the quality of education in terms of content, practical trainings, direction of education, structural components of education etc. They mainly focus on educating students. For instance, different ways of teaching, communicating, reflecting on learning outcomes of students etc.

Conclusions and discussion

We analyzed existing methodological approaches in higher education of Ukraine regarding scientific-cognitive activities in pedagogy. Our analyses indicate that there five main classes, which incorporate main methodological approaches. These are (i) systematic-forecasting and social-environmental approaches, (ii) personal approaches to conduct educational activities, (iii) approaches regarding regionalization of educational systems in higher education, (iv)  approaches regarding self-development of educational systems and (v) paradigmatic approaches in higher education of Ukraine.

Our analyses are mainly based on literature-sources of 1960s-1980s. This is because updated information is not easily available from libraries and online sources. And, time was another constrain to cover all available literature sources regarding methodological approaches.  However, we argue that our analyses can serve as a first step to full analyses of this field.


Gorski D.P., 1966. Problems with total dyalektycheskoy methodology of science and logic. Publication of Mysl, Moscov, Russia, 374 pp.

Dobrov G.M., 1998. Science at science. Publication of Naukova Dumka, Kyiv, Ukraine, 304 pp.

Kopnyn P.V., 1974. Epistemological and logical principles of science. Publication of Mysl, Moscov, Russia, 588 pp.

Kraevskyy V., 2001. Methodology of scientific research. Publication of SPbHUP, St. Petersburg, Russia, 148 pp.

Moskalenko A.T., Pohorodze A.A. and A.A. Chechulyn, 1988. Methodology in the field of theory and practice. Publication of Nauka, Novosibirsk, Russia, 306 pp.