Pedagogiczne nauki

Oleksandra Tsybaniuk

Chernivtsi National Yuriy Fed’kovych University

The System of Schoolchildren Education (the 2nd half of the XIX-beginning of the XX centuries) – is the Addressee of the Implementation of the School Subject “Physical Education”

Abstract. The author has analyzed archival materials, the legal framework, and based on this selection of chronological stages introduction of Physical Education as a subject in schools program Bukovina region of the investigated period. The main components of the introduction the author includes physical education - a subject as an object of administration, education and region as the destination organization, organized and carried out the introduction of a subject.

Keywords: period, region, physical education, school subject, the addressee.

The problem definition and its connection with scientific and practical tasks. The forming of the people’s responsible attitude to their health as the highest individual and social value has been defined as a priority task of the system of the physical education in the light of the recommendations of the National doctrine of the education development in Ukraine and in the raw of relative state documents and programs.

The critical situation happened with the state of health in Ukraine under the modern social-cultural conditions, as far as unfavorable natural conditions became the reason of the growth number of diseases of all layers of the population. Despite the fact that the number of the pupils in the special health groups dropped in general in Ukraine for 0,2% (2007), in Bukovina this index is still growing: 4966 children (4,1%) in 2005 comparing to 4983 (4,2%) in 2007; at the same time the number of children who attended classes of physical education in the special health groups grew from 2034 (41,0%) in 2005 to 2194 children (44,0%) in 2007 [1].

It is impossible to change radically the situation in the acting traditional system of the health care of the population because of the lack of financing. The functioning of the system of physical education is followed by crisis phenomena, stipulated by the objective factors which make it impossible to reach good results of the physical education of children and youth. These are, first of all, the absence of the medical control over the state of health of children, insufficient studying-methodological equipment of the process of physical education, which comprises only 17,6%; reducing number of the sport playgrounds in the area from 1097 in 2000 to 1076 in 2007; cutting gymnastics places with sport equipment for ten units etc [7].

Thence, to ensure effective functioning of the system of physical education of schoolchildren under the conditions of changeability of the Ukrainian society the acute need in the use of the new mechanisms of administration, regulation and self- regulation on the state, regional and local levels in the educational institutions. Physical education was given the role of the public factor of the adequate reacting to the worsening of schoolchildren health, destabilization of their behavior and change of their life orientations.

The success of the administration of the educational institutions regarding providing physical education of schoolchildren depends on the soundness of awareness of its managers and executives  about works concerning managing decisions of the pedagogues of the second half of the XIX – first decades of the XX centuries, particularly the period of the initiation of the organizational-pedagogical factors of the education management in the direction of the general democratic tendencies of the public development of the European countries, also Austria-Hungary.

It is logic that on the modern stage the researchers more and more persistently induce to the pursuit of the answers for the topical questions in the heritage of the representatives of the historical-pedagogical thought of the modern Ukraine (L. Berezivs’ka, I. Vorobets’, O. Dobzhans’kyi, A. Okopnyi, N. Pobirchenko, Ye. Pystupa and others). The works of the scholars in the field of the solving problems of the management of the educational system in Bukovina in general (L. Kobylianska, I. Kovalchuk, D. Penishkevych) and physical education in particular (A. Andriychuk, N. Gnes’, M. Guivoniuk) are distinguished by the attempts to prove the effectiveness of the borrowing of the achievements of the scholars from the past by the modern Ukrainian pedagogical science. 

The tasks of the investigation: to define the stages and characterize the peculiarities of implementation of the social practice of the physical education of schoolchildren as the independent school subject into the system of education of Bukovina of the period under investigation.

The main material. Experts in the theory of the management of education and physical culture (K. Voronova, O. Zhdanova, M. Oliynyk) define the function of the innovation (implementation) as such on the basis which the management is the factor of changes and upgrading of all the processes which take place in the system. Using modern researches in the field of the management of physical education and sport as a public phenomenon, we define the implementation of the physical education in the system of school education of Bukovina of the period under investigation as the organizational process [6, P. 55].

On the basis of the analyzed sources, legislative base, printed materials, it is reasonable to consider the first chronological period of the implementation of physical education in the system of school education of Bukovina 1849-1870 – the stage of the implementation of physical education (gymnastics) as an obligatory school subject into the content of education of the region, particularly into the curricula of gymnasiums according to the “Organizational draft of gymnasiums and real schools in the Austrian-Hungarian Empire”, where in the chapter “General issues (paragraphs 1-3)” the aim of the gymnasiums as secondary educational institutions is formulated. The second chapter “The curriculum of the educational institutions” declares the content of the education: §18 defines gymnastics among 11 obligatory school subjects, and §50 separates general cultural subjects in the system of secondary education: drawing and drafting, singing, gymnastics as obligatory subjects for gymnasiums. Separate chapters of the draft for real schools don’t presuppose gymnastics as a subject, motivating it by the aim of studies in the real schools – to get professional knowledge and skills [3; 4].

The second stage (1870-1889) is the establishing the system of періодизація of schoolchildren of public schools and institutions of the secondary education. The important milestone of the implementation of the physical education is the third stage (1890-1909) is the confirmation of directions “About Introduction of Entertainments of the School Youth”, “About Foundation, Maintenance and Attendance of the Public Schools” with the remarks about ordering of school rooms and taking care about health inside them.

The 4th stage (1910-1918) is the period of appointment of the inspector in gymnastics by the Land school council and implementation of military exercises into the curriculum of the secondary schools. Note, that this periodization is conventional, though the above separated stages make it possible to display the evolution of the foundation and development of the system of physical education in Bukovina in the period under investigation.

Using the results of the scientific research of M. Oliynyk we can add object, addressee and the subject of implementation to the main components of the implementation of the innovation. In our investigation the object of the research is physical education as a school subject which was introduced into the content of the curricula of the educational institutions of that time.

We determine that the educational system of the land can be legally considered as a formed addressee for the implementation of the physical education in the form of an independent school subject. That fact, that gymnastics was also presupposed in the certain chapters of the project plan for the real school, is also significant, as the choice of this subject was reasonable for studying at real schools in the complex with the obtaining of professional knowledge and skills [4, s. 38].

The subject of implementation are bodies and people who participate in the foundation of physical education in the lands at all stages, in particular: the Ministry of religions and education, the Ministry of defense, Land school council, district school councils, principles and teaching staff of the educational institutions.

The organizational characteristics of the management process of the implementation of physical education of schoolchildren as an object into the system of education of the region in the period under investigation presupposes distinguishing logical consecutive stages, particularly the characteristics (diagnostics) of the problem, analysis of the state, defining criteria and constraints in the decision taking, implementation of innovations, establishing the feedback, systematic control over the system, discussing the conditions for optimization of the management process [6, p. 39-40].

The implementation is exercised and guaranteed on the basis of the mechanism capable of ensuring the introducing novelty into the real environment, overcome its resistance [5]. So taking into consideration the peculiarities of the process, let’s simulate 4 stages: 1) Analysis of the system of education of schoolchildren in Bukovina as the addressee of the implementation of innovations. 2) The characteristics (diagnostics) of European tendencies of the organization of physical education of schoolchildren. 3) Ensuring the process of the implementation by the regulatory and legal framework. 4) Systematic control over the system of physical education of schoolchildren of the region.  

One of the subjects of implementation of physical education into the content of education in Bukovina in the second half of the XIX centuries became the Land school council as the highest supervising institution, which was not only the connecting link between schools and ministries, but could also act independently. The Land school council, according to this law, consisted of the head “Landesschef”, deputy, two members of the regional department, school inspectors, four priests of different confessions, two representatives of the teachers’ staff and a delegated member of the Chernivtsi city council. The next task is defined as reporting to the Ministry of religions and education about the state of the system of education in the region.

The fact of the subordination of the education to the secular body (Land school council) is very interesting, as far as the “cleric government” was losing its power to supervise the education.

The work of the gymnasiums was based on the grounds of “the Organizational outline” and regulative curriculum, which was acting with the changes, which were made later, up to 1909. In school years 1895/961883 Bukovinians obtained secondary education at three gymnasiums: Chernivtsi, Radovtsi and Suceava. In 1896 according to the resolution of the government the second German gymnasium was founded in Chernivtsi, in 1904 – Kitsman’ bilingual gymnasium (Ukrainian, German), and in 1909 – Ukrainian-speaking gymnasium in Vyzhnytsia [2, sheets 11-14; 18-21].

Заснування в 1875 р. університету в Чернівцях дало поштовх до розширення мережі середніх шкіл у краї. Поширення на Буковині фахових і загальноосвітніх знань сприяло розвиткові класичних середніх навчальних закладів і зародженню нових – реальних гімназій, започаткуванню жіночої освіти (відкриття дівочих ліцеїв).

According to the archive sources, during 10 years of the XX century the number of state secondary schools in the region grew almost twice: state gymnasiums were opened in the towns Seret, Gura-Gumora, Kimpylung, and a couple of private educational institutions: the real gymnasium in the town Storozhynets’(1906), gymnasium in Vashkivtsi (1912) [2, sheet 4].

At the end of the 60-s of the XIX cent. the need to reform the real school in the region appeared. Also it was necessary to re-structurize the content of the study subjects. In 1870 the reform of the Chernivtsi real school took place and 7-year studying was introduced as well as a new curriculum. The technical subjects were gradually shortened, but the comprehensive function was strengthened due to the implementation of the general cultural subjects – gymnastics and drawing.

The development of the network of girls’ institutions started, and in 1898 the girls’ lyceum started working on the basis of the higher girls’ school, its type presupposed studying languages and sciences. After finishing these institutions the girls had the right to teach at public schools or enter the university as listeners. Since 1910 two-year courses were introduced in the lyceum for taking gymnasium exams of the certificate, which gave the opportunity to enter secular colleges of the university. Prewar statistics shows that in the region in 1914 there were 9 classical schools, 1 real gymnasium, I real school and 3 women’s lyceums with the total number of 6617 pupils among state schools. Among 10 private institutions there were 2 classical and 3 real gymnasiums and 2 women’s lyceums [8].

Conclusions. So, summing up the above mentioned, we can define the system of education of schoolchildren of Bukovina of the second half of the XIX cent. – beginning of the XX cent. as a formed addressee of the implementation of the physical education as a school subject.



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