Baisultanova Kulipa Sharipkanovna


Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai – khan ,



 Interaction between government and civil society in economic sphere of Kazakhstan


This article discusses the problem of involving Kazakh institutions in the process of economic growth. In Kazakhstan, created and developed by various public organizations and political parties. In connection with the ongoing political and economic reforms in the country increases the need to involve civil society in the process of economic growth and improved living standards.
         Keywords: civil society, economic growth, non-governmental organizations, the middle class, democracy. Small and Medium Business.

The experience of democratic countries shows that the relationship between the state and civil society is a long and complicated way of growth and development. The dynamic interaction between the state and civil society is an important factor for sustainable socio-economic development and political modernization. The problem of analyzing relationships between the state and civil society in economic growth is at the intersection of different sciences: political science, sociology and economics.

For centuries, many scientists worried about the problem of interaction between government and civil society in various spheres of life, and the role of the state in the ongoing processes. Recently, special interest and cooperation of the state of civil society in economic life and activities of civil society in the welfare and democratization. Currently, this issue is at the heart of the global social changes that are taking place in many countries around the world and will determine the prospects for the global community.

The relationship issues of civil society and economic development are reflected in the writings of Karl Marx, in his view, the anatomy of civil society is to be sought in political economy. [1] Civil society in the writings of Karl Marx is seen as a set of relations of production. Society was controlled by the bourgeois state, which protected the interests of the economically powerful segment of the population. In civil society, the main role played by the private owners, they were the ruling class and the poor in a society had no rights, they have no opportunity to realize liberally. Urgent problems of workers, violation of their civil and political rights, have contributed to the union workers. In the early twentieth century, solving social and economic problems of the society was made possible through the establishment of trade unions. Trade unions are an active subject of civil society, the institution of labor relations between the state, the employer and the employee. Currently, in the developed European countries can meet trade union organizations, which play an important role in the socio-economic life and play a role in the democratization of society and the development of market relations. The effectiveness of the labor movement for a long period made him a full-fledged participant in the political and economic life of the country, they are defending the interests of workers, argued for maintaining economic and political stability in the country.

American political scientist F.Zakariya noted that, in European history, economic development tends to lead to the appearance of the two elements that are critical to the success of liberal democracy. First, it allows key segments of society. First of all, private businesses and the bourgeoisie as a whole will have the power and independence of the state. Second, in dealing with this kind of community groups, the state becomes less predatory and capricious, it is more focused on the observance of certain rules and the requirements of society, at least - to the requests of its elite. This process leads to the liberalization of the political regime. [2].

It should be noted that a vibrant civil society contributes to the economic well-being of the population and economic growth increasingly that stimulates the activity of the institutions of civil society. Civil society as the main tools market promotes democratic change to public policy of modernization and helps to combat corruption and enhances civic initiatives, political stability and economic growth.

In such a society, business entities and their associations granted autonomy to address socio-economic problems. Its aim is to create conditions for the development of civil society and their self-organization. With changes in the political and economic life, the adoption of market mechanisms and the impact of the global economic crisis on the national economy of the constructive cooperation of various groups in society and the state is a factor of stabilization and harmonization of socio-political relations in society. The close cooperation between the state and public organizations, the consolidation of democratic values ​​ the principles of a market economy.

In connection with the ongoing political and economic developments in recent years in Kazakhstan, there are changes in the strategy of development of civil society. In 2006, the presidential decree was adopted Concept of Civil Society. There is a growing activity of the members of civil society, there are over 5,000 public organizations. Public institutions are involved in the actual process of making important decisions in the political and economic sphere, thus contributing to the solution of social and economic problems of the Kazakh society.
Institutions and civil society as the main tools market promotes democratic change in public policy of modernization, liberalization of the political system, increase civic initiatives, political stability and economic growth. Citizen participation in the political and economic process of the country through the establishment of public organizations and associations contribute to the consolidation of society, they have a key role in building consensus and public dialogue. Of course, political stability and the harmonious interaction of government, business and civil society organizations have a beneficial effect on growth. It should be noted that, in the programs of political parties in the parliamentary elections in Kazakhstan in 2012, economic issues were a priority and the most important. People's Democratic Party "Nur Otan" proclaimed actively promote the implementation of the economic and political reforms. It is noteworthy that one of the main objectives are the improvement of the living standards of citizens, establishment of social justice, security and stability in the country. The Democratic Party of Kazakhstan "Ak Jol" (Good luck) aims to reduce unemployment, social justice and raising incomes. "The Party of Patriots of Kazakhstan" aims to build a democratic state and civil society with a market economy, introduction to participate in the management of state and social affairs socially active part of society, sustainable development, the creation of a high quality of life and to give priority to public health. Kazakhstan Social Democratic Party "Aul" declares such goals as increased government regulation and support for the agricultural sector, protect the interests of rural workers actively promote the implementation of economic and political reforms aimed at further democratization of society, the implementation of market-based forms of relations in all sectors of the economy, raising the living standards of citizens. Democratic Party "Adilet" (Justice) said the main task of the construction in Kazakhstan legal democratic social state, the creation of effective, advanced and developed economic system, the formation of a civil society. National Social Democratic Party (NSDP) has set itself the task of building a democratic, social state, the innovation economy, the implementation of humanitarian policy. According to the political platform of the party, at the heart of the Communist People's Party of Kazakhstan, CPP is a Marxist-Leninist ideology, which was adapted to the new conditions of social development. [3] It should be noted that the political life in the community gets a close relationship with the vital interests and needs of the population. In our view, the institutions of civil society, based on the initiative and activity of citizens in social, economic and political problems can ensure the elimination of many of the negative phenomena in society and prevent crises like the political system and economic development. To this end, increases the need to involve civil society in the process of economic growth and improved living standards.

The purposeful activity of civil society for the protection of the basic rights of people, including the security of persons and property a positive effect on the conditions for the development of human capital.

Currently, creating a constructive interaction within the rants of "civil society is the state - business." As you know, on their effective interaction depends on the implementation of economic reforms. According to official government bodies in Kazakhstan in 2010, GDP growth was around 7 percent in 2011, this year, the real growth was at 5.4 percent, the inflation rate - 6.8 percent. GDP per capita in Kazakhstan has increased over the last ten years, more than seven times and exceeded eight thousand dollars. During the period of 1990 - 2010 years. Life expectancy at birth fell to 1 year, while the average number of years of schooling increased by almost 3 years and the expected number of years of education has also increased to 3 years. Kazakhstan's GDP per capita grew by 33% over the same period. [4] Over 21 years in the Republic of Kazakhstan has been a steady growth in the last 10 years, the country's GDP grew by almost 7 times (from 17 billion to 115 billion dollars). One of the factors that positively influence the economic growth is the expansion of economic independence, entrepreneurship and business in accordance with the principles of the market economy.

As we know that the successful interaction of the main component is the business and government, public institutions has an impact on economic growth. An important element of civil society is the middle class, the formation of which is in Kazakhstan with difficulties. As the practice of foreign developed countries, small and medium enterprises is an active subject of civil society, social and political stabilization processes. It must be emphasized to improve the welfare of the middle class plays a key role, the position of the middle class depends on the dynamics of political and economic transformation, a qualitative change in the structure of civil society. However, the day of the small and medium business in Kazakhstan do not contribute significantly to the economic well-being. According to local analysts, the share of small and medium enterprises in the country's GDP is about 30 percent, indicating that it is not enough weight in the economy. Today, there are a number of problems in the formation of a middle class in Kazakhstan society, which include weak implementation mechanism established legal framework, poor market infrastructure and insufficient government incentives. In our view, the development of civil society to be fully taken into account the potential of the middle class, as the basis of civil society - politically active and economically free.

Unfortunately, the main initiator of change in many areas is the state, which leads to the restriction of the activities of public organizations. Public institutions are not fully considered as the driving forces behind the development of the national economy, providing economic development and enhance the well-being of citizens. And it is in the global economic crisis, of course, is fundamental to overcome it. For economic growth in Kazakhstan, in our view, should be possible to use the potential of society to create the conditions for civil society institutions and their involvement in the achievement of economic goals, with special attention to the promotion activities of small and medium business is as the foundation of civil society. In connection with the ongoing political and economic reforms in Kazakhstan increases the need to involve civil society in the process of economic growth and raising living standards. Therefore proportional to load on all spheres of the economy and efficient redistribution of power must consider the potential of civil society as an important resource for economic growth.

Conclusions, suggestions and recommendations

As we see, in the ongoing political and economic processes in Kazakhstan civil society institutions play a role. Development of civil society is a very important step towards democracy and a market economy in Kazakhstan. This will increase the activity of the citizens which undoubtedly contributed to the implementation of economic reforms and liberalization of the political system performance in the country. In recent years there has been growth. However, there are some problems in the development of civil society markedly passive involvement of civil society in the process of economic development.

The author believes that at this time in Kazakhstan not underestimate the capacity of the institutions of civil society, whereas it is the interaction and cooperation between the state and civil society can contribute to satisfying the diverse needs of the population. State dominates in cooperation with NGOs.

1. Encourage the active participation of NGOs in the country's economic development by promoting social partnership

2. Work out a system with the middle class in order to improve civil initiatives from below.

The author believes that in this article the following new position and results are:
      • Highlight the theoretical foundation for the study of civil society and the economy.
        The influence of civil society on economic growth.

• Analyze some of the reasons of the weak interaction between the state and civil society in economic growth.


    1. Marx and Engels. Selected Works, V.4, 1986 p.137
      2. Fareed Zakaria. The future of freedom: illiberal democracy in the United States and beyond / / Research and Publishing Center "Ladomir", Moscow, 2004
3. Majilis elections 2012 / /

4. The Human Development Report for 2010, "The Real Wealth of Nations: Pathways to Human Development" / / United Nations Development Programme in Kazakhstan