Economic sciences/13. Regional economy
Agric. Sci. Mazaeva T.I., Dr. Sci.Tech Rogachev A.F.
The Volgograd state
agrarian university, Russia
Management of ground resources as the factor of maintenance of food
safety of region
Problems of the market formation of the ground in
Russia are caused, first of all, by incompleteness of an agrarian reform and
absence of the general(common) concept of reforming of ground relations. In
this connection, essential influence on formation of the mechanism of distribution
of ground resources get as institushion factors, and features of functioning of the developing
market of the ground.
The Russian Federation has huge potential of material
and intellectual resources which, at an effective utilization and realizations,
should provide well-being of the population. Among factors on which performance
of a problem of such scale depends, the
major role is played with ground resources. Their effective utilization and an
economic estimation now still remain subjects of disputes of scientists and
Provisioning of the population of Russia, rich ground
and water resources, for maintenance of a worthy standard of living, always was
a priority direction of social and economic development of the state.
In market conditions the ground became object of sale
and purchase, rent, donation etc., and its(her) role as has passed means of
production on more high level. Fierce competitive struggle, formation of
attitudes(relations) of new type in the state, - all this has sharply raised
the question national projects about development of mechanisms effective use as
to a priority for all country [4].
Centuries-old practice testifies that the main sources of
viability and prosperity of any state are his(its) ground resources and the population
living on them. Security of the country ground resources - the major economic
and a political factor of development of a social production. Presence of
ground resources gives wide open space for economic development of regions of
the world.
At a heavy use of the ground it is necessary not only
to think of increase of efficiency but also to care of increase of fertility of
Last years it was possible to agriculture of area
essentially to increase manufacture of the basic kinds of production растениеводства - grain and seeds subcomplexes. Manufacture of a grain
on the average for the period of 2000-2009 has made 3,4 million т and has increased to a level of 2000 in 1,8 times.
Mid-annual manufacture seeds sunflowers has made 500,0 thousand tons, or has increased in 1,6 times
in comparison with 2000 (340 thousand tons).
Nevertheless, regularly
repeating droughts are the main reason of unstable character of agriculture. An
example are 2009 and 2010. For example, in June, 2009 in areas of the Volgograd
area crops of agricultural crops were lost on the area about(near) 500 thousand
га, including grain - 310
thousand га. During the winter
period of 2010 in territory of area as a result of influence adverse агрометеорологических the
phenomena there was a destruction of crops of winter grain crops on the area
445,0 thousand га [3].
Unprofitability of the agricultural enterprises renders direct influence on
quality of the processable grounds. At the minimal processing or its(her)
absence fertility of an arable land, as a rule, is reduced, the areas subject
wind erosion are increased, pollution почв heavy
metals, mineral oil, pesticides extends.
Thus, it is represented
[2] proved a conclusion that in the majority of regions ground resources are
used inefficiently, and control systems of them - are irrational.
Consumption of the basic
food stuffs predicted in 2012 per capita region can not reach(achieve) rational
norm. Among products which risk to become scarce, milk and a beef (sm of tab.)
is necessary to note.
In opinion of experts of
management in an agrarian policy and development of rural territories of the
Volgograd area, for maintenance of the population of region with the necessary
own foodstuffs according to rational norms of consumption it is necessary to
make not less than 320 thousand tons of milk for one year.
According to experts, by
2012 manufacture of milk in region will increase only on 54,8 thousand tons
(without taking into account manufacture of milk in personal part-time farms).
Consumption per capita in this case will make only 210,7 kg or 69,1 % from norm
(305 kg).
The necessary
consumption level under forecasts will not be achieved in 2012 and on a beef.
In view of planned increase, consumption per capita a beef will make 63 % from
norm (12,8 kg instead of 20,3 kg).
The table - Balance of resources and uses of meat and meat products on
the Volgograd area, thousand tonn
Resources and use: |
2000. |
2005. |
2007. |
2008. |
2009. |
2010. |
Resources: |
Stocks by the
beginning of one year |
14,2 |
6,8 |
9,6 |
10,4 |
10,1 |
10,9 |
Manufacture |
114,9 |
124,0 |
138,8 |
127,8 |
136,1 |
146,2 |
Import, including
import |
24,2 |
46,3 |
63,9 |
70,1 |
68,0 |
77,2 |
Total resources |
153,3 |
177,1 |
212,3 |
208,3 |
214,2 |
234,3 |
Use: |
Industrial consumption |
0,0 |
0,1 |
0,1 |
0,1 |
0,1 |
0,1 |
Losses |
0,1 |
0,1 |
0,5 |
0,4 |
0,3 |
0,3 |
Export, including
export |
14,5 |
6,3 |
22,3 |
19,4 |
21,4 |
33,5 |
Personal consumption |
134,0 |
162,8 |
179,0 |
178,3 |
181,5 |
190,8 |
Stocks on the end of
year |
4,7 |
7,8 |
10,4 |
10,1 |
10,9 |
9,6 |
Author's calculations on economic-mathematical models
show, that the price of realization of meat and livestock КРС renders positive influence on manufacture of meat per
one year. The increase of the price of realization and manufacture of meat at 1
thousand tons per one year results in increase of consumption of meat at 0,01
and 0,53 thousand tons accordingly. In turn, the increase of the price of
realization 1 ц meat on 3,99 roubles per one year is caused by
increase среднедушевых incomes of the population.
Development of the means
allocated on realization of two target programs - « Development of agrarian and
industrial complex of the Volgograd area » and « Social development of village
till 2012 », passes insufficient rates. Thus the analysis of financing of the
target program for 9 months 2010 has shown « Development of agrarian and
industrial complex of the Volgograd area », that from the stipulated annual regional
limits is used only 51 %.
In this connection
before agriculture of region there is a number(line) of the important
problems(tasks): to lift cattle-breeding branch, to strengthen a forage
reserve, to solve a problem of processing of agricultural raw material (for
example, local processing of eggs makes - 5 %, milk - 14 %) to increase
capacity on storage of a grain and also to modernize system of a regular
irrigation [1].
The global food problem
is felt more and more sharply. Many see an output(exit) in the further
expansion arable, pasturable and fishery угодий. The processable grounds (an arable land, gardens and plantations)
today borrow(occupy) 1450 million га or only 11 % of territory of a manned land. The
appropriate parameters for meadows and pastures - 3400 million га and 26 %. It
is possible to note, that all possible(probable) reserves of expansion of field
and cattle-breeding cultural landscapes are used yet. However it is possible to
meet many estimations, testifying that natural factors limit opportunities of
such expansion. Recently all more than scientists were declined to idea about a
priority of management in questions of an effective utilization of the ground
Thus, rational use of
ground resources renders essential value not only on supply of the population
by products in required volumes, but also опосредованно influences a
level of maintenance of food safety as regions, and the country as a whole.
The literature:
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University (the State university of management) .-2012.-N 1. – p. 59-63.
3. An agriculture of the
Volgograd area / Volgograd, Volgogradstat, 2005. - 553 p.
4. Ushachev I. Economic
growth and competitiveness of an agriculture of the Russian Federation //
agrarian and industrial complex: economy and management - 2009-N 3.
5. Fituhina O.N. Agroprodovol'stvennye
the markets in conditions глобализации. - Rostov-on-Don, Rostizdat, 2008.