Usachev V.A. Levchenko Y.I.
Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade
named after M.I. Tugan-Baranovsky
Public debt management
problems and its service
The important
element in macroeconomic management strategy is to reduce the size of the
budget deficit. Modern economic thought has many concepts of budget deficits,
to measure the effectiveness of fiscal policy and its impact on the economic
system. The most important ones are:
overall budget deficit, which is also called "actual" or
"cash" formed government expenditures that exceed government revenues
and subsidies;
deficit is equal to the external state expenditures excluding government
revenues from external sources;
intestine deficit - a total
deficit "negative" external deficit;
deficit is defined as the overall deficit excluding interest payments
inflationary share;
primary deficit is the difference between the value of the total sum of all the
deficits and interest payments;
current budget deficit surplus produced
current state income excluding current expenditures.
Debt financing of
budget leads to the accumulation of public debt, which should serve. Debt
service associated with the payment of interest thereon and the gradual
repayment of principal.
Debt is an important element of the cycle
"income - expenses." When the economy grow revenue, then grow and
savings that should be used by households, firms and government. Creating a
debt - a mechanism by which savings are passed economic agents carrying costs.
If households and firms are reluctant to borrow, the private debt is growing
fast enough to absorb the growing amount of savings. So that the economy is not
moved away from the full employment of resources, all savings should be used by
the state government debt growth.
Public debt is the total amount of
accumulated government debt holders of government securities, which is the sum
of past budget deficits for the withdrawal of budget surpluses. Public debt
consists of internal and external debt of the state. Internal public debt -
debt of the state to households and companies of the country, who own
securities, issued by her government. External public debt is
a debt of the state to foreign citizens, firms, governments and international
financial organizations.
The main reasons for creating and
increasing public debt are:
public spending without a corresponding increase in revenues;
downturns and automatic stabilizers of the economy;
cuts to stimulate the economy without a corresponding adjustment (decrease) in
government spending;
impact of political business cycles - excessive government spending before
elections in order to gain popularity among voters and retain power.
There is a positive correlation between
the size of the budget deficit and public debt. The budget deficit increases
the national debt, and the debt increase, in turn, requires additional
expenditures on its maintenance and thereby increases the budget deficit.
In volume deficit occurring all changes
in the value of government debt, including due to the influence of inflation.
It is therefore essential that public debt as measured in real, not only in
nominal terms.
The budget deficit is the difference
between government spending and income.
The absolute size of the debt is not very
indicative of macroeconomic indicators, as debt increases with increasing GDP,
and its value affects inflation. More informative are the ratios of debt,
ratio of debt to GDP;
ratio of debt service to GDP.
The relative value of government debt
("debt / GDP") depends on factors such as the level of the real
interest rate, which is determined by the amount of payments on debt, growth
rate of real GDP and total primary budget deficit. Reduction of debt relative
to the economy is possible only if the growth rate of real interest rates will low
for real GDP growth and the share of the primary budget surplus to GDP ratio
will increase.
The degree of the impact of public debt
on domestic demand and aggregate supply, foreign trade balance is fully
determined by the structure of government revenue and expenditure. Depending on
the nature of the effects of debt on the economy, they are divided into short
and long term. Short - a budgetary implications deficit known as the
problem of "crowding out". Long-term - economic effects of public
debt, known as "the burden of debt."
Management of external debt is divided
into three stages: fundraising, its location (use) and repayment of debt.
Accordingly, the system of external debt of the country means managing all
stages and includes:
of creditworthiness - a country's ability to borrow;
of solvency - the ability to service debt;
control level of external
the composition of external debt.
For this purpose, the indicators of debt
- debt indexes that measure different components of external debt. The standard
debt indicators are:
ratio of the size of the debt (paid or unpaid) to exports and to GDP;
the ratio of debt service
payments to exports and government revenues;
debt service ratio (the
ratio between the amount of debt service payments and the value of exports of
goods and services).
Effectiveness of external debt is largely
determined by other economic policies. Return on invested capital, and hence
the size of the external loans depends on trade policy, exchange rate policy,
pricing, as well as monetary and fiscal policy. In turn, the level of external
debt and terms of debt largely determine the nature of economic policy in the