PhD, Associate Professor, Aksenov E.P.,

The Kuzbass State Technical University, Russia


The study of financial management processes of economic entities from the point of view of socio-economic development priorities, strategic objectives, solidify the positive results that their modern fundamental theoretical terms is overwhelming, yet out of view of researchers challenges remain to ensure systematic-functional essence of financial management businesses.

Desktop functionality requires the clear need to address the financial management as the process of financial businesses, drop-through a system of shared management functions, which are the expression of the development of a single comprehensive whole-system of financial-economic relations of economic entities.

However, financial managers and specialists of the system-the functional submissions that reveal the essence of the management of financial relationships are not enough and deliberate. Though many may disagree with this, since the notion of the financial system, the management process is one of the most used in the theory of management and the financial and economic practice. But the sense that often the managers and professionals are investing in these concepts, indicative of the structural and functional asymmetry in financial management.

Financial management, in fact, is the catalyst for economic activity economic entities, supporting structure, which is "given" all other economic tools in all depend on it. This is partly due to the influence of neoclassical economic and financial theory, tradition consider finances as independent and self-sufficient system with properties of self-regulation, which creates the necessary conditions for the functioning of the economy, the society, but is not able to act independently from the other parts of society, aims to address the vital problems. Marxist conception of the basis and superstructure also contributed to the dissemination of ideas about the primacy of finance in the economy and society.

However, the concept of self-regulation of economy, finance, enjoys the reputation of unquestionable truth more among the ideologues of economic liberalism. In particular, this means that the theoretical justification of the concept does not appear virtually anything new after the system of natural liberty,         A. Smith. From a consideration of the financial and economic theory from the perspective of its use as a means to improve public welfare are the following conclusions:

a)   the system of natural liberty businesses need clear definitions of category, should be based on the legal framework of the State, before she will be able to provide the most efficient, effective, efficient and economic use of resources;

b)  realization of functions of private economic interests are not beneficial at all for some natural overlap between private interests and the good of society, and due to the fact that public institutions are organized in a way that compels private interests of economic entities in those areas where they are most effective and fruitful for the society;

c)  the purpose of the institutional regulation of the financial-economic activity of businesses – to private interests in the beneficial sales channels of public interests relating to obtaining of socially significant results – increase human capital, improve the quality of life of the population.

It follows from this that the less popular concept now in Russia:

a)   ignores normal conditions of financial and economic properties of self-regulation of businesses;

b)  distorts the essence, contents of this idea;

c)  avoids the question of borders, in which it may be silent about what is already in the late XIX – early XX centuries of self-regulation under capitalism was just an illusion.

It should be noted that A. Smith and his system of natural liberty expressed the view that time due, i.e., that it should be, not what it was or is there in fact. In addition, the system of natural liberty was essentially a concept of society in general and not of economics and finance as its component parts. As a result of the financial-economic concept of self-regulation was increasingly abstract design, than a reflection of objective reality. Of course, the phenomenon of financial-economic of self-regulation occurred in the past, and at present, but not in those boundaries, the extent of which are referring to supporters of this concept.

Functional market self-regulation means that all financial and economic processes: production, distribution, consumption, savings, investment should be made in the form of the interaction of supply and demand for commercial prices, regulated in the sales process. However, until the beginning of the 19th century, and in most States, and much later, the main elements of the market to some extent defined by non-market factors: political power, local customs, formed the restrictions and privileges. In these circumstances, the exchange can occur either at fixed prices, or quantitative restrictions placed on top, which is preceded by the Exchange and its condition.

Depending on the specific conditions of the Exchange can have different institutional origins and express different social relations. Therefore, the expression « a system of markets » and the «a market′s system» are not identical. And the first to be describing the real economic life must of necessity be supplemented by specifying the nature and forms of regulation by other institutions of society. Therefore, this expression can be meaningful, the opposite economic self-regulation, as, for example, in the mercantilism or in the models of market socialism.

The institutional nature of the financial and economic systems cannot impose the logic of abstract pure market model as a theoretical framework of large-scale transformations, even if reformers in intend to convert only the economic system of society. This logic can be implemented in private theoretical tasks with a certain target function, for which the problem of ascertaining the system-wide consequences of the accepted decisions don't matter much. In the reform of the financial and economic processes at the national level, affecting the population cannot be disregarded the terms of the sustainability of institutional forms of social life.

The basic principle of systemic-functional approach is not consistent with economic centrism, because the claims of primacy over his parts, which, undoubtedly, is the economic system with its financial functions. So you need to explore how design changes, reforms and their implementation with the imperative of rational mind, i.e. for which there is a financial and economic system, as it serves its purpose as a differentiated, integrates and interacts with other subsystems of society.

Systemic-functional approach to solving the problems of financial and economic development inevitably leads to the need to find a critically important set of functional imperatives, the level of which depends the survival, integration and development of the nation. It is necessary to search for functionally-structural entities responsible for their implementation. Features of the development are due to historical differences in forms and understanding of these generic functional imperatives, and the mechanisms for their implementation.

You can disagree on issues about the number of imperatives and their relative importance, the nature of the functional entities in society for their implementation. Due to historical and methodological features of the development progress of the financial-economic knowledge is manifested in the functional imperative is nominated as the dominant and, accordingly, any social structure, responsible for its execution, the role of the representative of a nation.

The whole economy of peace within the borders of faith merges with other manifestations of social life, forming with them the indissoluble whole. The world turns out to be a reasonable and justified only as the scope of ethics of goodwill. In this ethics and in subordinate economies is the result of social action, which is favorable for all participants and strengthening goodwill between them. Therefore, all social formations has one common goal – to promote goodwill, but from the point of view of conformity with the requirements of the common good from the perspective of economic efficiency.

The common good is an absolute imperative and functional criterion that should guide in all spheres of social life, including economics, finance. Economics, finances are understood as a source of social values.

With systematic-functional positions of any financial and economic subsystem have properties intrinsic to the socio-economic system in General, as it essentially addressed the same problems of system integration and interaction of the functions of the management of financial relationships. Within the subsystem are developing similar problems of differentiation and the autonomy of management functions. Process execution subsystem management function is also linked with the process of its own development, in which the changing configuration of the structure, the internal and external environment, the relationships of domination and subordination of the functional elements.

In the Soviet era, financial-economic development the dominant role belonged to the production function and relations directly related to its implementation. This dominance has gone so far that turned the production into an end in it, one of the real needs of other sectors of the economy, finance, and other subsystems of the Russian society. There is now a clear expansion of commercial banking systems that seek to subjugate the entire national economy. But here you can see that the result of this dominance can be detrimental for both the economic subsystems, which significantly reduces the level of implementation of the system function, and for the State as a whole.

Excessive autonomy creates opportunities for imposing private monopolistic interests of individual businesses or financial-industrial groups, dominant, as relevant to national priorities and goals. Often the slogans of self-governed economy worth yearning for authoritarianism, neglect of national priorities of socio-economic development.

From these positions, you must consider the slogans «market», «open», «self-governing» economics that dominate in the modern Russian reality. Financial-economic system can be totally self-regulating. It is always bad or well-coordinated by the society in the face of political, socio-economic institutions that determine development priorities and coordinate the interests of businesses within the legal field.


1. North, D. C. Institution, Institution Change and Economic Performance. – Cambridge: University Press, 1995.

2. Parsons, Ò., Smelser, N. Economy and Society. – Glencoe: Free Press, 1956.

3. Smith, A., An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations, edited by R.H. Campbell and A.S. Skinner, The Glasgow edition of the Works and Correspondence of Adam Smith, 1979.