Dokukova N.A., Kaftaikina E.N.

Belarusian state university, Belarus

Dynamics problem research of the longitudinal-radial oscillations of the ring


The problem of the dynamics of longitudinal-radial oscillations of the ring is researched. Complex stress-strain state of the annular member ds will consist of the twisting of the cross section by the angle x4(j, t), longitudinal extensions u(j, t), the bending that occurs in the plane of the ring with an offset cross-section by the x3(j, t)angle its center of gravity of the plane from the ring and tension-compression in the plane of the center line in the direction of the polar radius v(j, t). Under the ring meant inextensible circular beam of constant cross section with a radius R. There are the bending, torque, lateral and longitudinal forces in the cross section of the circular timber (Figure 1) [1]. During the motion position of the cross-section of the ring is characterized by the offset  x3 of the gravity center of the ring plane and by the rotation angle of the section x4 (Figure 2).

Figure 1 - The beam segment with length ds

Complex dynamic equilibrium of the element ds of the ring with all the force factors, shown in Figure 1, and leads to a system of four partial differential equations, the first two of which are different from those already known [2] a missed inertial term in the second equation.


,            (1)


   ,               (2)


,                                                                                      (3)

.                                                                                           (4)


Figure 2 - Cross-section of the ring and scheme of the ring deformation


The two last equations (3) and (4) describe the longitudinal vibrations and transverse shear in the plane of the ring. General equations system of the stress-strain state dynamics of the ring is a system of mutually dependent partial differential equations, free oscillations integration of the first of them presents certain difficulties. For future studies will use the standard methods of solution, developed in [3], the latter system of the longitudinally radial oscillations of the ring (3), (4) with a special non-uniform right side interpreted distributed along the longitudinal axis by the internal pressure:

,           ,                              (5)

where  (ñ-1),  a - acceleration value (m/s2), acting on the outer ring as the load in the form of a standing wave, referred to the mass  of the considered infinitesimal element ds,  n  N  , g - frequency (rad / s).

Using the initial conditions at the following form:

,  ,                                (6)

homogeneous boundary conditions and periodic

.                            (7)

Here  is a constant initial elongation (m). Then the complete solution of the inhomogeneous differential equation will be the following:

.  (8)

The second equation integration of the system (1)-(4) is allowed to determine the unknown displacement v(j,t) in the radial direction with homogeneous initial conditions

,  ,                                   (9)

and boundary conditions

,                                                 (10)

,  ,                                   (11)

.   (12)

The changing of the ring radius caused by the deformation in the radial and longitudinal directions, can be determined on the basis of formulas (8) and (12)


Setting specific parameters r =0.015 m, R =0.15 m, m0=6.9 kg/m, F - cross-sectional area of the ring (m2), r=7860 kg/m3, E=2.1·1011 N/m2,  G=8.0·1010 N/m2,  J1 = 2·10-5 m4, Jê = 7.95·10-8 m4, we can visually interpret longitudinal radial strain state of the ring (Figures 3,5-7).

Figure 3 shows the longitudinal-radial strain state ring for n = 1, corresponding to the first form of the oscillations (Fig. 3 a). This view is consistent with the results obtained in [2]. In addition, when the speed of the load close to the velocity of the traveling wave in the material become apparent deflection of the elastic line study rods beam constructions, disks [2] (Figure 4).

a -view of the oscillations in the plane of the ring

at t =  s, DR=0.025cos(j)(2cos(34459.0×t)-1)

b – general view of natural and forced vibrations in the plane of the ring at t=0.8 s


×10-5cosj×(5cos(34459×t)-34459 sin(5t))

c - the spatial view at t = 0.8 s

Figure 3 - Longitudinal radial strain state ring  when n = 1, q1=0.025m, a =120m/s2, g=5rad/s


In our example, the speed of the load is , the speed of the traveling wave in the steel is 5 m / s. Obviously, the deflection of the material is clearly visible (Figure 3 b, c). This is consistent with experimental studies of the critical speed of rolling tire vehicle. [2] If the rolling velocity less than critical, the strain is localized in the area of tire contact with the road, if it’s above than the critical speed, then waves are formed on the side surface (Figure 4).

Äèñê Áèäåðìàí 001.jpg

Figure 4 - Experimental study of the critical velocity of rolling car tire [2]



a- view of the oscillations in the plane of the ring at t =  s, DR=0.008cos(2j)(2cos(68918×t)-1)

b - general view of natural and forced vibrations in the plane of the ring at t = 0.2 s


-0.7798×10-6×cos2j(5cos(68918t)-68918 sin(5t))

c- the spatial view for t = 0.2s

Figure 5 - Longitudinal radial strain state ring when n = 2, q1=0.004 m, a =250m/s2, g = 5 rad/s

a-view of the oscillations in the plane of the ring

at t=s, DR=0.006cos(3j)(2cos(103380×t)-1)

b - general view of natural and forced vibrations in the plane of the ring at t = 0.3 s,D1R=0.006cos(3j)× ×(2cos(103380×t)-1)-0.27726×106×cos(3j)(5cos(103380×t)-103380sin(5t)

c- the spatial view for t = 0.3 s

Figure 6 - Longitudinal radial strain state ring when n=3,q1=0.002 m, a=200m/s2,g=5rad/s

a-view of the oscillations in the plane of the ring 

at t =s, DR=0.0024cos12j(2cos(413510t)-1)

b- general view of natural and forced vibrations in the plane of the ring at t = 0.0005s


× cos(12j)(5cos(413510t)-413510 sin(5t))

c- the spatial view for t = 0.0005 s

Figure 7-Longitudinal radial strain state ring when n=12,q1=0.0002m,a =4050 m/s2, g = 5 rad/s

         The presented numerical and analytical calculations can be argued that the longitudinal-radial deformation depends strongly on the number of their own form. Free vibration form are crucial in comparison with forced at high frequencies, where n. The elastic line deflections of the ring at a lower load modes (internal axial pressures) become apparent at low frequencies, with increasing load speed to the speed of propagation of a traveling wave in the material.

Images of the natural forms in the ring plane in Figures 3a, 5a, 6a for n = 1, 2, 3 fully correspond to the forms of motion, presented in [2].



1. Dokukova, N.A. One method for solving the dynamics of bending and twisting of the ring./N. A. Dokukova, E.N. Kaftaikina, P.N. Konon// The modern science formation -2011: The material for the 7 international scientific and practical conference, Praha, 27 September-6 October 2011,- Praha: Publishing House «Education and Science» s.r.o., 2011.-. T. 11. - P. 3-9.

2. V.L Biderman. The theory of mechanical vibrations.-M.: Vyssh.shkola.1980. 408 p.

3. A. N. Tikhonov, A. A. Samarskii Tikhonov, Samarsky. Equations of mathematical physics. Macmillan, 1963 - 765 page