Development of the oxidative stress and genetic predisposition to
coronary heart disease in persons of elderly and senile in Rostov-on-Don
Nguyen Thi Trang, Miliutina N.P., Shkurat T.P.
Institute of Biology, Southern Federal University
on Don, (Russia, 344090, Stachki, 194/1),
Key words:
Coronary heart disease, age, oxidative stress, free radicals, stability and
structural state of erythrocyte membranes and genes of the candidate.
Objective - Research of the intensity of free
radical oxidation of blood, indicators of structural-functional state of
erythrocyte membranes, and the frequency distribution of genotypes and alleles
of polymorphic loci of candidate genes in patients with coronary heart disease
(CHD) in groups of elderly and senile patients living in the Rostov region . Materials and methods - The study
selected patients with coronary artery disease (n = 340). The control group (n
= 450) consisted of a random sample of both sexes with no significant signs of
coronary artery disease. Use biophysical, biochemical (chemiluminescent assay
system H2O2 – luminol, spectrophotometry, determining the
intensity of lipid peroxidation , antioxidant activity and stability of the
erythrocyte membrane) and polymorphism analysis of candidate genes methods. Results- It was found that the
development of coronary heart disease in elderly and senile patients living in
the Rostov region, increases the rate of production of activated forms of
oxygen, levels nitric oxide metabolite, the intensity of lipid peroxidation in
plasma and erythrocytes, reduces the activity of the enzymes superoxide
dismutase, catalase in erythrocytes and disrupts the stability of erythrocyte
membranes. It was also found that residents of elderly, a manifestation of
coronary artery disease is associated with polymorphic markers T174M
angiotensinogen gene (AGT); L33P gene receptor integrin beta 3 (ITGB3); L28P
apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene and C786T endothelial nitric oxide hydroxy (eNOS).
Identified polymorphisms in genes that regulate homeostasis and endothelial
function are associated with the development of oxidative stress and impaired
structural homeostasis of erythrocyte membranes.