Social psychology
PhD in sociology,
assistant professor A. I. P'yanov
The North-Caucasian
federal university, Russia
Now the society experiences complexities
in connection with change of social orientations. Country transition in
conditions of qualitatively new economic relations has affected structure of
many families as small social groups, having generated unusual for them
intragroup changes. In turn, these intragroup changes lead to increase of level
of an internal conflictness of a family, and also to growth of divorces and
decrease in level of birth rate. In this connection the urgency of research of
the factors influencing quality of marriage, for all-round diagnostics and
correction of family relations at rendering of the psychological help to a
family sharply increases. The literature analysis shows that it is possible to
allocate the common features peculiar to families in the changing society: birth
rate falling, complication of interpersonal relations, growth of divorces. At
the same time in the majority of the works devoted to a family, it is
considered as rather closed system having weak communication with surrounding
institutes, the organisations and even groups.
The family acts as socio-cultural
generality in which people are connected by certain unity of vital values,
representations; the unity of a position in mutual relations with a society and
etc. character of these valuable orientations and family functions
predetermines the maintenance, forms and criteria of stability of marriage [1,
p. 64]. The family as small social group with a generality of psychological
features is object of studying of social psychology. The social psychology which
has arisen on a joint of sociology and the general psychology, is engaged in
research of the group and mass psychology shown in cumulative behaviour,
experiences and ways of psychological dialogue, studies features of behaviour
of the person under the influence of group, that distinguishes behaviour of the
person in collective from its behaviour in relative loneliness [2; 3, p. 6].
The centre, axis of all
socially-psychological phenomena appears just that nearest environment in which
there is an individual that is micro conditions and their direct influence on
the individual [4, p. 13]. A problem of social psychology is disclosing of
mechanisms of functioning of a family as specific socially-psychological
generality, influence of group consciousness on the person, reflexion of the
internal laws operating in this or that group.
Knowledge of laws of
socially-psychological reflexion of the validity. Influence laws ìèêðî conditions on the person opens scientific knowledge of that part of
laws which underlie process of socialization of the person and which most
strongly influence members of a family generality.
The most quoted in the Russian
sociology of a family is the concept of a family given by its founder by
Anatoly Kharchev: «the family is a link between physical life and life of a
social organism. It can be defined as group of relatives on marriage, by birth
or to the adoption, in common living, conducting the general housekeeping,
connected certain psychological, moral, and in the presence of the state and
legal relations, and bearing the friend for the friend civil responsibility»
[5, p. 5].
Now uniform classification and
typology of functions of a family is still insufficiently full developed. So,
G. Sverdlov and V. Rjasentsev (1958) as the major functions of a family name
function of a continuation of the family, educational, economic functions and
mutual aid function. E. Vasiljeva (1981) in the researches considers three
groups of functions of a family: economic, reproductive-educational, cultural-recreational
functions. According to S. Laptenjuk (1967), it is necessary to consider as the
major functions of a family economic-household, population reproduction, the
organisation of leisure of the members, educational. The domestic social
psychology considers a family as small group with a specific special-purpose
designation, first of all the family is collective (the social organisation) as
it out of family and intrafamily activity is socially significant and
necessary. Family, being included in social structure of a society, integrates
its values.
In the Russian social psychology the
wide experience on family and marriage research is saved up, but at the same
time the analysis of references shows that the questions directly related to
quality of marriage as also the concept of quality of marriage, however, is
insufficiently developed are still insufficiently developed. Researchers
conducted in this direction basically concern studying of the separate parties
of quality of marriage: its stability and durability, psychological
compatibility of spouses, family roles in a society and etc. Only few authors
addressed to a problem of research of family relations from the point of view
of quality of marriage and have tried to deduce components of this concept (D.
Kutsar, 1985; V. Solodnikov, 1988; P. Yakobson, 1981). But also in these works
quality of marriage is described not completely.
Qualities of any object are
instructions on set of its properties, on its structure and construction, and
also on its functional purpose as in interaction with other objects of a social
reality, and with the learning subject. Quality is that gives the chance to
distinguish one object (the social phenomenon) from other object, and, hence,
to identify, to compare, unite and separate and in general to design these
objects not only in life, in practice, but also in consciousness. Quality of
object is found out, thus, in aggregate its properties which are somehow
structurally ordered. Property is a way of display of the certain party of
object in relation to other objects with which it enters interaction. Set (or
system) properties forms set qualitative definiteness of object, characterizing
it from integrity and relative stability.
Quality gives the complete
characteristic of object in its any relation and a condition. Properties are
shown with different degree of intensity that characterizes a system condition.
The object is turned by the properties outside, and the condition – in itself.
Properties, conditions, functions and communications form qualitative signs of
object. Thus, quality represents the complete characteristic of functional
unity of essential properties of object, its internal and external
definiteness, relative stability. Quality is closely connected with object structure
that is with the certain form of the organisation of elements making it,
properties owing to what it is not simply set of the last, and their unity and
integrity. Any qualitative condition of object rather [7, pp. 233–235].
Proceeding from this philosophical
definition of quality, it is possible to tell that quality of marriage
represents the complete characteristic of functional unity of essential
properties of marriage, its internal and external definiteness, relative
Property is the philosophical
category expressing such party of a subject which causes its distinctions or a
generality with other subjects and it is found out in its relation to them.
Essential properties of marriage – a way of display of the certain parties of a
family in relation to other objects of a society. As essential properties of
marriage social, economic and legal functions of a family can act.
To external definiteness of
marriage, in our opinion, social adaptation, observance of cultural and
national traditions, conformity to public expectations, performance of function
of reproduction of the population concern. The family as a social generality
carries out the major functions on population reproduction (simple and
expanded), to the maintenance of children, primary socialization and social
control, the organisation of household consumption, formation and maintenance
valuable orientations, morally-ethical standards, external and internal
culture, samples of a way of life [8, p. 9, p. 69; 9 p. 125]. The family is the
intermediary between individual and social life, it «is the social institute
providing the mechanism through which the social inheritance» [10, p. 170].
It is necessary to notice that from
the point of view of social psychology the greatest interest is represented by
internal definiteness of marriage. As a role of internal factors of stability
of marriage solving they are necessary for «distinguishing» on the levels
reflecting degree of the importance as matrimonial relations. Therefore it is
so important to allocate independent enough levels of relations in matrimony.
According to N. Obozov and A. Obozova it is following levels: 1)
psychophysiological level, 2) psychological level, 3) socially-psychological
level, 4) socio-cultural level.
From our point of view, the basic
indicators of internal definiteness of marriage are psychological compatibility
and a coordination of actions of spouses. At joint life partners in marriage
almost constantly are in process of joint activity as they have the considerable
interdependence caused by joint conducting of housekeeping, dependence from
each other at distribution of the family budget, an involvement into process of
joint education of children. If in marriage between partners joint activity it
is possible to speak about processes of psychological compatibility and a
coordination of participants of this activity is carried out.
Complexity consists that does not
exist now the uniform approach to a problem of psychological compatibility,
neither unequivocal treatment of the concept «compatibility», nor the standard
criteria and compatibility indicators.
The analysis of works of domestic
and foreign authors has allowed already mentioned by us above N. Obozov and A.
Obozova (1981) to allocate three approaches to research of psychological
compatibility [11]. So, in the tideway of the structural approach compatibility
is considered as steady adaptive structure on similarity and distinction of
partners. The functional approach considers partners as carriers of certain functions,
carriers of social roles. Compatibility in this case acts as a coordination in
social and role expectations of partners. Authors characterize the adaptive
approach as research of results of compatibility: integration, unity, mutual
understanding which as researchers underline, corrections [12, p. 99].
Compatibility – old enough concept
of the psychology dictionary, however scientific studying of the phenomenon
designated by this concept, has interested social psychology rather recently.
Now it is difficult to establish, in which area of a socially-psychological
problematics speech about compatibility for the first time has come. At change
of group conflicts, a psychological climate in groups, efficiency of group
activity, style of group behaviour, at research of processes and results of
communications, dynamics of interpersonal relations and feelings and other
socially-psychological phenomena it was revealed that they are definitely
caused by a parity of properties of co-operating subjects. The combination of
characteristics of subjects which positive impact on the studied phenomenon
made began to be designated as compatibility of subjects [13].
For the first time the problem of
psychological compatibility in domestic psychology has been put by B. Lomov
(1972) who have specified that the factor of psychological compatibility of
group is most significant for working capacity of the groups made of casual
people. Speed of achievement of a coordination of actions and size of applied
efforts depend on compatibility. Incompatible groups potentially contain the
conflict [14, p. 225].
To a compatibility problem it is
possible to name the most widespread approach the structural approach focused
«... on search of optimum combinations of characteristics of members of group»
[14, p. 91]. For a coordination of actions are basic characteristics of
professional qualities of subjects of joint activity: abilities, skills,
knowledge. For compatibility leading characteristics are personal properties of
partners: requirements, motives and interests. The optimum combination is
designated as harmony, conformity of characteristics of partners. The
structural approach is based on thought that psychologically compatible and
aspiring to a coordination of actions individuals form some steady adaptive
structure. But the empirical facts received till now within the limits of this
approach are inconsistent enough [15].
At the present stage the most
general sign included in concept «compatibility», it is considered mutual
conformity of properties of participants of group. Compatible it is possible to
consider those people who are in a sense situationally indivisible and
independent (in sense of internal unity and self-management).
The American researchers understand
as compatibility the maximum degree of mutual satisfaction of requirements each
other. When personal properties of members of group promote compatibility of
their actions, group atmosphere is favorable, in relations of members of group
there is no intensity and group functions more effectively.
From similar positions this concept
was considered and in the Soviet social psychology: «Compatibility is the
socially-psychological characteristic of group shown in ability of its members
to co-ordinate the actions and to optimize mutual relation in various kinds of
joint activity» [16, p. 325]. As marks in A. Volkova's research, «compatibility
is a concept for a designation of objective conformity of properties of
co-operating subjects in relation to activity uniting them» [13, p. 67].
For the compatibility factor in
marriage of the most important interpersonal satisfaction the established
relations, joint activity is.
Research of a problem of
compatibility of spouses demands the analysis of all set of multidimensional
interrelations between the husband and the wife, and the criterion of
compatibility of spouses will be the fullest as in a family one person opens
before another many parties of the person. Owing to it the compatibility
problem in a family is many-sided. It is compatibility physiological and
psychological, socially-psychological and social.
Among individually-psychological
characteristics of compatibility allocate following levels:
1) sociological (the social and
economic status, a trade, formation);
2) socially-psychological (valuable
orientations, a solidarity of purpose and positions, the interpersonal status
and etc.);
3) psychological (character and
other properties of the person, intelligence, etc.);
4) psychophysiological (temperament
an emotionality, reactance of an organism) [13, p. 29].
By compatibility consideration as
process it is possible to allocate processes of the adaptation, «grinding in»
of characters, requirements, motives of behaviour. Compatibility as a
phenomenon of interaction, dialogue of people can be defined both as result,
and as process. In the first case compatibility is effect of a combination and
interaction of individuals. The combination is given a priori set of
individuals before their direct interaction, dialogue. An optimum parity in
steam, group of personal qualities of participants – a compatibility condition
as process. The coordination of behaviour, emotional experiences and mutual
understanding in which all person of co-operating people is expressed and is
compatibility process [17, p. 101].
For compatibility of the most
important the is professional-active coordination, and interpersonal
satisfaction the teamwork, the established relations is not. The basic
criterion of compatibility is mutual satisfaction of people each other [15]. Individual work also causes
satisfaction, but its source is process or result of work. In teamwork by a
satisfaction source is not only activity, but also interaction between
participants. As at interaction of the person with the person in the conditions
of a family matter not only professional subjective qualities (skills,
abilities, knowledge), but also properties of the person (temperament,
character, intelligence, motivation), efficiency of joint activity – result not
only coordination of actions, but also compatibility.
According to A. Volkova,
«matrimonial compatibility acts as a coordination of family values and role
expectations, which is claims at realization of family functions. And more
important is the coordination of family values whereas concerning distribution
of family roles there is a possibility of mutual adaptation and correction of
installations. Integration of representations of spouses about family way as a
whole is rather individual process having the features in each specific case»
[13, p. 58].
The phenomenon opposite to
compatibility, incompatibility of people when their requirements do not find
satisfaction in interaction, as actions and behaviour as a whole mutually to
exclude each other is. An incompatibility consequence with each other two
simultaneously arisen promptings to operate is the conflict. At co-operating
people the exception one another is direct or through any object causes a
condition of dissatisfaction [18]. At its situational occurrence it is
necessary to consider compatibility or incompatibility as an interaction
condition, instead of combinations. Hence, it already the process which
consequence is compatibility or incompatibility.
At incompatibility in marriage there
is a conflict – there is a collision both subjective, and objective tendencies
in motives, relations, actions and behaviour of partners. At incompatibility of
partners in marriage inability in critical situations is observed to understand
each other, not synchronism of psychomotor reactions, distinction in attention,
thinking and in other congenital and got qualities of the person that
essentially influences quality of marriage as breaks its stability.
Compatibility or incompatibility is
a consequence of interaction process. In the course of joint life in marriage
partners solve joint problems. The coordination in the decision of these
problems between partners in marriage defines level of their compatibility. At
joint activity in case of efficiency there is a satisfaction not only self, but
also the partner [12]. Joint activity in marriage arises, when there is an
information interchange, necessary for successful manufacture, mutual
duplication of actions, assistance, support, mutual control, actions. And
actions of one partner depend on simultaneous or preceding actions of other
The interaction structure in
marriage can be considered from the point of view of four-componential
structure of interaction. It includes affective, cognitive, conative
(behavioural) and physiological components. In various kinds of joint activity
in marriage various components join, or one of components becomes the leader.
For compatibility each component has various relative densities (objective
partners independent of desire and subjective, significant for them and
regulated or not regulated by them). In compatibility of marriage partners
leader is the behavioural component. Components are crossed among themselves.
So, for example, crossing, to be exact, the interrelation of cognitive and
emotional components is shown in estimations and self-estimations. And the
parity of estimations and self-estimations will be unequal depending on quality
of marriage.
Above already it was said that
quality of marriage is influenced by compatibility of partners. Compatibility
is coordination in activity between its participants. In this definition
essential are two sign: a coordination and activity. The family consent is
defined as å unity of thought, a
generality of the points of view, unanimity and friendly relations. In the
conditions of the decision of joint problems the consent reflected in a
psychomotility, characterizes of compatibility. Compatibility second sign –
efficiency of activity. He specifies in that fact that the coordination in this
case is connected not with any kind of interaction of people, and with concrete
activity. Any activity always assumes as a consequence productivity, success,
efficiency. Activity is connected with manufacture of material and spiritual
products. It is estimated on time, quality and as a whole by efficiency,
including efficiency [12]. Result of compatibility – efficiency of joint
activity of spouses. Compatibility process between spouses in marriage is a
coordination of the tempo-rhythmic organisation of partners, individual style of
activity, their skills, abilities in carrying out of those or other operations,
knowledge of the duties before a family.
At compatibility mutual satisfaction
interaction of partners is mediated by activity. It is known that successful
performance of individual activity causes satisfaction in the person. At joint
activity in case of it enough big success partners have a satisfaction not only
self, as at individual activity, but also satisfaction the partner [16]. At
successful performance of joint activity on education of children, housekeeping
conducting, distribution of free time and leisure partners in marriage have
also a satisfaction not only self, but also the partner.
In the conditions of joint activity
each participant continuously receives the information on the various parties
and components of process of interaction. This information, as it is known,
develops of four kinds of signals about:
- other participants of activity;
- itself (own participation in the
activity, the reached results, a condition);
- external conditions of activity;
- the general results of activity
[18, p. 5].
At direct spatial contact to the
partner each of spouses receives the information and on intermediate results of
activity, and on the contribution of the partner in the decision of mutual
family problems, and about that, is how much successful (or not successfully)
interaction process is developed. Thus there is an estimation of inclusiveness
and the contribution of the partner which corresponds with success of own activity.
Besides, in a family as in really operating group, alarm and regulating
functions of a context of a situation of interaction essentially amplify in
connection with high level of readiness of partners to joint activity and
presence of last experience of dialogue and interaction in similar situations.
Considering that spouses are in
constant material and moral and psychological dependence from each other and
also because activity of everyone makes essential impact on life and activity
of the partner in marriage, quality of marriage substantially depends on
coincidence of motives of joint activity (from orientation to material benefit,
to self-affirmation, to joint activity on education of children and etc.).
The increase in interdependence of
partners in marriage creates conditions for increase of the importance of a
phenomenon of compatibility for preservation of quality of marriage. As a
result the compatibility phenomenon as a result is reflected in quality of
family-marriage relations.
Following important component of
quality of marriage is its stability. The estimation of stability, durability
of marriage is one of the major characteristics of a way of life of a family.
V. Sysenko divides for the first time concepts «durability of marriage» and «stability
of marriage». Stability of marriage it considers as «stability of system of
interaction between spouses, efficiency and productivity of their joint
activity directed on achievement as mutual, so the individual purposes of
spouses» [19, p. 25].
Essentially expands V. Bojko's given
concept (1988). Stability of marriage, in its opinion, has the objective and
subjective parties. The objective party of stability of marriage depends on
probability of its disintegration which can be expressed a parity of quantity
of marriages and the divorces registered in given region for a certain time
interval. The subjective party of the characteristic of marriage includes
satisfaction matrimonial relations, installation of spouses on family
preservation. Indicators of the subjective party of stability of marriage,
according to V. Bojko (1988), the estimation of its durability which is given
by spouses [20] can serve.
In sociology and psychology it is
accepted to differentiate two ways of inclusion of the person in this or that
social integrity – adaptation and integration. As the family as a social
generality possesses the greatest possibilities for socialization of the
person, «it is necessary to underline importance of differentiation of
integration as organic, assuming a personal choice, inclusions of the person in
social whole, and adaptations as external and passive adaptation to vital
circumstances» [21]. And, if adaptation promotes simple (mechanical) stability
of marriage integration, in our opinion, promotes qualitative stability.
The concept «integration» is
developed for labour collectives [22], but it is applicable and for a family as
primary social generality. According to two types of integration – professional
and moral-psychological – for a family allocate the forms of the integration
expressing capacity in performance of a matrimony and family problems connected
with it, and the moral-psychological relation to them. If family integration is
socially caused coordination of group in realization of joint activity,
decomposition – destruction of integrity of group which can restrain aspiration
of spouses to adapt even to adverse for preservation of a family to conditions.
At studying of problems of mutual
adaptation which has been most full considered by known Russian sociologist
Sergey Golod [23], and integration, the domestic science has developed
fundamental concept which most figuratively expresses the general marriage
potential of a family. This theory carries the name «the theory of marriage
clearing». In its basis working out of the greatest conformity of requirements
of two participants of search for the purpose of maintenance of the optimum
mutually beneficial union lies. The given theory is based on a starting
position about polyfunctionality of the marriage union, called to satisfy
various requirements of partners in the conditions of close and long contact.
According to G. Vasilchenko and J. Reshetnjak, the general marriage potential
consists of physical, material, cultural, sexual and psychological factors
The physical factor has especially
intuitive character: without dependence from a sex one person causes
unaccountable sympathy or an antipathy in other person. This individual and
deeply personal reaction is defined by all physical shape, a voice timbre, a
behaviour manner, speech, a mimicry, gesticulation, a manner to put on, at
last, the smell peculiar to the given person. Being defined at the first stages
of dialogue, the physical factor differs exclusive stability. The material factor
is defined by a parity of the contribution of the partner in the general
material status of a family and conformity of this contribution to expectations
and requirements of other partner. The cultural factor is defined by a parity
of intellectually-cultural requirements spouses. Expressiveness of this
factor changes throughout life even one pair.
The sexual factor is defined by
conformity of the real program of intimate affinity of each of partners to
sexual expectations of another. This factor is subject to many influences,
including age and state of health influence with which it and should correspond
first of all.
All factors considered above are
closely connected with each other. And, all the same, special position occupies
the psychological factor. This factor is a collector on which all other factors
are focused, and at the same time it defines unity and integrity of human
behaviour. In the general structure of marriage interaction the psychological
factor means correlation of personal features of both spouses, first of all
their characters and role claims.
At all mosaic of problems and width
of researches of factors of stability of marriage, special attention are
deserved by attempt of the Polish sociologist Yan Szczepanski to define
the most essential signs of successful marriage. He writes: «Internal unity of
matrimony and a family is supported by influence both internal and external
forces». Internal forces concern:
1) mutual love there where it is
solving in a choice of the spouse;
2) call of duty in relation to
spouses and children;
3) mutual aspiration to advancement,
career, comfort;
4) care of joint dwelling, the
house, and housekeeping;
5) care of children, division of
labour in this sphere;
6) the realized or not realized
desire to justify expectation of environment, relatives and wider groups;
7) aspiration to realization of own
dreams and representations of the period of training;
8) possibility of harmonious
development of the person and marriage use as implementers ýêñïàíñèâíûõ aspirations of the person.
External forces are:
1) the magic sanctions doing
sometimes impossible divorce;
2) pressure of public opinion or
system of sanctions when refuse recognized position in a society to people from
the broken up families;
3) pressure of economic conditions;
4) demands of care made by the
environment about children [25, pp. 146–147].
The scheme of stability of marriage
has been offered for the first time by the American social psychologist Jane
Loevinger (1987). She has suggested to consider stability of marriage as result
of balance of three kinds of forces:
1) forces of an internal attraction
which is connected with appeal of individuals for each other;
2) forces of external support of
3) the force counteracting marriage.
As internal forces of an attraction
it considers love, friendly relations, financial support, the high social
status of the spouse, prestigiousness of position of the family person, its big
possibilities in different spheres. To forces of external support Jane
Loevinger carries moral obligations in relation to marriage, fear to damage to
career by divorce, obligations in relation to children, the difficulties
connected with a social role of the lonely person, legal barriers, a divorce shame.
To marriage it means by external forces of counteraction of other partner, the
conflict of career and marriage obligations, the contradiction between
attachment to parents and the relation to the spouse, appeal of freedom from
external duties, aspiration to support oneself. The external forces supporting
marriage, Jane Loevinger named «social barriers», counteracting divorce [26].
N. Obozov and A. Obozova (1981) have
allocated subjective and objective, external and internal factors of stability.
They carry stability of social system and material living conditions of a
family to external objective factors. To external subjective - force of social
control, efficiency of rules of law, national and cultural traditions,
expectations of a significant environment. They carry emotional communications
to internal subjective factors, and to internal objective – indicators of
matrimonial compatibility [12].
Hardly it is possible to identify
stability of marriage with well-being. Quite stable (steady) marriage can be
unsuccessful, disputed, but for whatever reasons can continue to function up to
the natural end. People can keep the marriage because of difficulties of
psychological rupture, for the neurotic reasons (fault comprehension, fear of
changes, emotional instability, unreasonable hopes) and under other factors,
compelling to suffer discomfortable relations. All it can be fair for the
stable marriages, to partners not giving emotional satisfaction.
According to many authors, degree of
stability (steady) is characterized by conflictness and unity level. Separate
researchers are inclined to connect the factors stabilizing a family, with
character of requirements, interests of spouses and performance of various
From the early childhood and to
extreme old age the central place in human life is occupied with attachments.
The greatest attachments arise, as a rule, in a family. Successful marriage
marks lives of people sensations of happiness and safety. It occurs thanks to
compensations which promise to people long mutual relations.
The family is that place where bases
of the person are put. In it the same as and in any collective, the
socially-psychological climate is formed. But in family life it is the
phenomenon has more great value, than in life of other group as the family is a
primary factor of socialization of the individual. And the future social and
individual essence of the person depends on character of a
socially-psychological climate in family group, first of all. Character of a
climate in a family directly affects on mental and physical health of the
person of the person, its mood and activity.
All above-stated
shows that quality of marriage as a system indicator of well-being of a family
provides possibility of construction of effective programs of the
socially-psychological help to a family and its members.
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