Anna Khalina

Moscow State Pedagogical University

                    Team building. Work in Team. Roles in Team.

Time management systems have become exceedingly popular in recent years. The ultimate potential benefit of such systems is the ability to optimize how you spend your time in order to extract the best possible results in the shortest period of time. Such systems do come with a price, however, and that price is the time you must spend first learning and then maintaining the system. The more complex the system, the more costly it is to use. The more time you spend managing your system, the less time you'll spend reaping the rewards of increased productivity.

The trouble is that teams are one of those areas that some people assume look after themselves – put a few individuals together, Call them a team, and off we go. But a team is like a human being. It is born, growth up, and hopefully reaches maturity. It has its own personality, its own needs and characteristics, and its own pattern of development.

A team is group of persons with the some mission and with some co-ordination moving together to achieve some common objectives. The process that aims to develop some level of cooperation and team work within a single unit is called as a team building process. The constitution of an effective team can begin only when the effective team share a common goal for which they strive to work, the members should have respect towards each other, there must exist a goal for which all the members should be willing to utilize their strengths and thus achieve the objectives of their team and in turn the objectives of the team will serve purposeful to the objectives of the organization. Thus the corporate philosophy of the business scenario stands exactly right that the company should consider each member of the team an integral part very integral towards the functioning of the organization.

Thus to build coordination among the members of the team many team building exercises have been formulated that strengthens the coordination levels of the team and motivates the team to work effectively towards the objectives of the organization. Thus to put in simple words team building exercises are exercises that are developed to build a cordial relationship between the various individuals of the teams or to encourage the bonding between each other to motivate each other and build a relationship between each other that can truly formulate a pathway for the various team members to walk on that pathway together and help the organization to achieve its goals with a well interactive and the maintenance of a good well coordinated team. Although it is possible for a team which does not have good amount of coordination between them to achieve their goals but the goals which are achieved by such a team are in no way in comparison with the goals which are accomplished by a well coordinated team.

There are some companies which set apart a budget for each team for their team building exercises and this amount may be used by the teams to go for special trips and treats, whereas there are some companies which consider the team building events just as a measure of playing games which are played at home level and this in turn fosters friendship between the employees, so this friendship in future helps the employees o build a good amount of coordination in the future course of time. These team building events are carried on with the basic objective of just building a bridge which allows the team members to interact with each other and understand each other to a better extent.

A successful team manager starts by understanding that throwing a group of workers together isn’t enough to build a team. Team members must be instructed and motivated to share common goals, learn to communicate openly with each other, and carry out strategies and weakness. An effective team leader is part of the team and not someone who stands outside, laying down rules or acting as an autocrat.

  An excellent team has all the skills it needs to achieve its purpose and these means having people with different styles, different approaches, and different strength. Team uses approaches, techniques, and procedures that fit with the right sort of leadership, a climate of honesty and trust, and the acceptance of a range of complementary skills and roles. The hallmark of an excellent team is that its members have the ability to say what they think or feel, without neglecting others or being neglect themselves. 

Many people choose people who are like them to work with, cloning themselves. It makes life comfortable and means there is always someone else who sees things from the same sort of per­spective, but it isn't the best approach. You end up with two people doing the same things and nobody filling in the gaps.

If you choose someone different you could select someone who would:

• Do the things you didn't like.

Fill in the gaps where you were not entirely competent and

Complement you in the things you were good at.

• Have his own role rather than duplicate yours.

Bring another perspective to ideas and decisions.

Nobody can be good at everything. You don't see sports teams where the players are interchangeable, equally skilled at defense offense.

An effective team is made up of individuals with their own strengths and weaknesses. The secret is to put together a team that has all the potential weaknesses covered somewhere, so you have a full range of strengths. By definition this means avoiding cloning, making sure that there are some very different characters in the team who may not feel comfortable with each other at first.

As leader, it is important that you pick people - or develop the roles of those already in the team - who match up with some classic characteristics that make for an effective and rounded team. There is a cast of characters who together make up a well-rounded team.


This individual comes up with some weird and wonderful ideas, sometimes when you're in the middle of something else! Their brain always seems to be on the lookout for other ways of doing things. They aren't always very good at making their ideas work and figuring out the details, but where would the team be without ideas and sharp flashes of insight?


Here is someone who never comes up with a new idea but takes someone else's idea and turns it into reality. They quietly work away on the details and make sure it gets done. Their character means they need to know what the outcome might look like before they start work, but once they're off they will do a great deal of the work, or make-sure it gets done. Clearly, this individual is very different from the creative thinker, but they work very well together as long as they are on the same team and working toward the same ends.


This is the person who looks at her watch and reminds you there's only half an hour left and still a lot to do. They push for action and don't really like all that thinking and planning. This is helpful because it can keep the momentum going, but it can be annoying to (he other team members who relish the detail and the creative process for its own sake.


In the middle of an exciting discussion about how an objective can lie achieved, the scrutineer looks up from the data and says you can't afford it, or it would mean more work elsewhere because of the domino effect. These people bring you down to earth with a bump by always having their feet firmly on the ground and coming up with the practicalities, problems, and difficulties. This can be extremely difficult if you are a creative thinker, but it does stop the team from going down paths of fantasy.


This is generally someone who hates conflict and argument, so they and mediate between opposing factions and find some common ^ground. Smoothers really care about the people on the team and ||work hard to make sure everyone feels all right, even when it is unrealistic. However, they act as a sort of mirror that reminds everyone to stay civilized, and in doing so, perform a very valuable function for the team as a whole.


This is someone everybody thinks at times is rude, abrasive, and awkward. Stingers confront other people directly and come up with all sorts of moral and practical arguments to explain why they would do things differently. They liven up team meetings and get the adrenaline flowing, which in itself is a valuable alternative to just drifting along with the tide of opinion. In doing so, they can offend, irritate, and intimidate their colleagues, but their contribu­tion is often extremely sensible. However, it can get ignored because the other people don't listen to what is being said, they're too busy getting angry with the stinger.


Here is the person who keeps time and ensures everyone is in tune, managing the process of team meetings and making sure people have the chance to speak and be heard. He or she watches the way things are going and reflects what has been said. They summarize from time to time and act like an effective chairperson in a meeting. Without this, individual meetings may never achieve their purpose and the quieter individuals such as the scrutineer, may never get a word in edgewise and may give up trying.

Be open to people, reach out to them, you need them. Sharpen their skills for their own good in achieving the goal, being people you can work with in you own level. In such a way you indeed shall has success in solving great problems you might face tomorrow.     

"Team work is the fuel that turns the common place to uncommon place" - John C. Maxwell

Team work pays. Team work is superior to individual effort. C. Gene Wilkes wrote in his book 'Jesus on Leadership'    that:
          - Teams involve more people, thus affording more resources, ideas and energy than any one individual       possesses.
          - Teams maximize a leader's potential and minimize his or her weaknesses. Strengths and weaknesses are more exposed in         individuals.
          - Teams provide multiple perspectives on how to meet a need or reach a goal, thus devising several alternatives to each situation. Individual insight is seldom as broad and deep as a group's when it takes on a problem.
          - Teams share the credit for victories and blame for losses. This fosters genuine humility and strong bonds. When individuals take the credit or the blame alone, it tends to foster pride, and sometimes a sense of       failure.
          - Teams keep leaders accountable. Individuals connected to no one can jeopardize or change the goal without accountability.

Team building is hard work. It is tough, and the more talented the team members, the tougher it is. The true measure of a leader is not getting people to work; neither is it getting them to work hard. The true measure of a leader is getting people to work together.

Finally, team work is needed to accomplish your desires individually or collectively. Team work will put your establishment on a higher level than you have ever imagined. Maintain team work in whatever your capacity is in the company.