Engineering science / 12. Automated control the
system on a production
Vinnitsa national technical university, Ukraine
of process of exchange information
in the
computer systems
Basic parameters which
influence on the transmission process and which can be varied is:
power of signal of transmitter Рс.пер, to regulate which simpler all;
speed of transmission υ, the change of which
though needs certain charges, but special technical complexities does not cause;
length of code combination nkod which is determined the
chosen method of code and amount of errors which are determined and corrected.
The change of this parameter requires the change of algorithm of previous
preparation of information;
a coefficient kυ, the value of which is characterized principle of construction of signal
of transmitter (by a presence and duration of pauses between informing
signals). The correction of this parameter requires the
change of forming algorithm of signal a software-based, hardware-based or combined
way [1 – 3].
transmission of information by the communication channel it is possible not
only separate bytes but also blocks, long Nb bytes. Then, the index of quality of information transmission depends a communication by channel Ek on composition of signal vector which is transmitted, probability of distortion of the elementary signal р0, block
length which is transmitted, Nb and amount of errors
which are corrected, t. Thus, the task of construction
of code can be formulated in a kind:
where – transmission speed
of the information;
рk –
of correct acceptance of block Nb data bytes;
рпор – threshold probability of correct acceptance of block Nb data
υk – speed of information transmission by a communication
υпор – threshold speed of
information transmission by a communication channel;
Т –
of transmission the block Nb data bytes,
taking into account the maximum value of volume of signal Vk
£ Vnop
For the second case index of
quality of the information transmission by a communication channel Ek
depends on composition of the signal vector which is transmitted, probability of distortion
of the elementary signal р0, size of block
which is transmitted, Nb and amount of repetitions r. Thus,
the task of construction of code can be formulated in a kind
thus in both cases threshold
speed of information transmission is determined after the Shannon methodic [4].
Mathematical models which bind probability of authentication of informing signal to ratio signal/noise, and mathematical models which allow to define the maximal
value of effective speed of transmission for the real terms, method and code parameters
are got [5 – 8]. It characterizes local optimums of objective
function which describes the process of information transmission. If as an
index of quality of the information transmission by a channel Ek take the volume of signal,
its minimization on condition of providing of necessary veracity of exchange
information fully answers both a purpose and conducted researches. Coming from
it, objective function (1) and (2) it is possible to give in a kind:
. (3)
The condition
F = const shows that the bar of frequencies for forming of communication channel is determined normatively and can not change, and power of signal of
transmitter Рс.пер can not exceed a
maximum value for providing of capacity of the system on the whole. Speed of information transmission also must not exceed a maximum value which is determined by the cycle of manipulation of information on a receiver.
At the use of methods (n, k)-coding volume of signal Vc is possible to
define as
. (4)
Minimization of form (4) at implementation of the formulated limitations allows to define
the optimum mode of exchange information at the real terms of connection. Passing to the logarithmic axes of coordinates,
, (5)
task of search of a minimum of volume of signal Vc can be erected to the task of
the linear programming, which simply enough gets untied by a simplex method [9].
Like the
volume of signal can be defined and for the terms of the majority decoding
. (6)
And in this case
the task of optimization can be erected to the decision the task of the linear
programming by a simplex method
. (7)
higher ratio and algorithms of adaptation is got fully acceptable to
achievement of optimum terms of information transmission and realization both parametric and structural- algorithmic optimizations.
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