Ph.D (Candidate of Social Philosophy), Levchenko A.V


Khmelnytskiy national university


Sociocultural environment as factor of higher educational establishment’s student’s motivation


Cardinal changes in Ukraine that is caused by a crisis in all spheres of social life are great influence on functioning of higher educational establishments, amending their activity and pulling out new requirements for them. One of them there is a necessity of strengthening of social and pedagogical orientation, activation of co-operation of higher educational establishments with surrounding society.

Today universities (as higher educational establishments) are in the spotlight of social and cultural life. As an organized social system, university - is a part of society, a social institute, which realizes pedagogical, moral and other social norms are part of culture.

Foremost, for the normal functioning and development, it is necessary for university to have complete and objective information about social environment, its structure, state, and progress trends.

It is especially important to get precise information about a situation in a microenvironment, because takes place there, in that or other measure influences the activities of universities. It is necessary, that every educational establishment presented high-quality information about situation in a microenvironment, and it knew it’s most serious problems and potential possibilities [2].

Students today test on themselves influence of socio-political, cultural, economic factors and their cardinal transformations which take place very quickly. In such position socialization frames broaden as a result of super active sociocultural environment. The young generation today in the direct surroundings runs into the situation where changes of valued orientation take place, old cultural principles are destroyed and new ideals and standards of behavior are created. And that affects behavior, relations, options and values of young people, including student as its part

Equal as and adult population, modern Ukrainian youth is not single unit, it is different by various signs: by the standard of living, availability of high-quality education possibility, political views, availability of leisure sphere [1, 2].

A problem is that position of individual in the society social structure not only forms certain behavior, providing subculture socialization, which is influenced by social position, status of parents and circle of friends and acquaintances, but also generates different points of young people view on those or other questions, including the choice of educational establishment and form of studies. One of main factors that make difference in student’s society is not only the feature of primary socialization but also specific environment that comes from the place of university in reproductive processes. The different types of education open access to the heterogeneous types of labor and provide different possibilities of further social advancement.

It is necessary to remember, that final career choice, direct capture of functional duties takes place out of educational establishments, directly on enterprises, in organizations, establishments. But Ukrainian society faced the situation of divergence of two important components - educational services market and labor-market [3].

Today despite all critical remarks to the soviet system of higher education (which was dependent on the state, where was subzero mobility of the professional education system) it is impossible to deny the value of knowledge that were passed and its high quality. Modern society still needs high skilled specialists. Higher education, the same as before, is considered as the important index of personality development. Amount of people which have higher education grows with each year, however the value of knowledge substantially went down [2, 3].

A basic problem lies in the knowledge level falling of modern students which study at the universities across country except for few elite establishments. As a system of higher education is the major institute of secondary socialization, the decline of high-quality educational process influences from one side trigging of society recreating functions, in this case we should doubt professional qualities of specialists; at the same time, from the point of view of the personal self-determination grows authenticity of different variations of both individually-psychological and social psychological character .of a person.

The special feature of higher education as the mechanism of the social adjusting is that it comes forward as a result of interests and necessities combination of different social subjects: whole societies, concrete task forces of social groups and individuals [4].

The character of intergroup relations, which exist among students, students and teachers, students and administration, is an important factor that influences both quality of knowledge and general satisfaction from studying at the university, on its image and competitiveness.

During studies at the university students experience completion of primary and beginning of secondary socialization, when the primary understanding of the surrounding world is completed and takes place appropriation by the individual social subject in forms, accepted in society.

Co-operation as basis and condition of various connections establishing between objects is a fundamental principle of educational process. Thus this co-operation in an educational process has the hierarchy, structure, and system [1].

Today more teachers express dissatisfaction that students don’t visit lections, do not listen and accept information and do not prepare their assignments. Among teachers there is widespread opinion that university must give students only knowledge and it is not obligation of the teachers to actually educate students, because it is the prerogative of school and family, or educator activity must be conducted only within the framework of educational time. It can be explained by such factors: former traditions of university education are lost nowadays and that social type of modern student changed [4, 5].

In the conclusion we should say that successes of integral process and increase of student’s general culture level depend on active, creatively directed activity of university faculty, which assumes the collaboration of teacher and student, their mutual spiritual enriching.  Today the quality of education depends on such extremely important factor, as a culture of educational space which is organized by a teacher in the process of co-operating with students. A considerable place in this process must occupy producing in students moral values: call of duty, consciousness, own dignity, self-discipline and public activity. 



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