The Associated professor of the pulpit SHD    KSU

Kalybekova M.CH.




Трудовая армия была изуверским изобретением НКВД, позволившим увеличить вдвое бесплатную рабочую силу лагерных заключенных людьми, невинными в полном смысле слова, но низведенными в положение заключенных и содержащихся под стражей. Особенно тяжелые испытания выпали на долю спецпереселенцев, которые в условиях войны рассматривались государством как наиболее дешевая рабочая сила. Они составляли основной костяк мобилизованных в «трудовую армию».

         The totalitarian state with its extensive facilities, based on increasing of masses of cheap labor, subtlety used the sphere, which formed the camp economy. The mention of such notion is lawfully because the totalitarian regime always regarded the corrective system as function of independent segment in production of the gross output, conducting this system the role of free labor source, which was used on hard physical work and in climatic disadvantage region [1].

         Particularly, the most difficult trial fell to special settlers, who for the time of the war were considered by government as the cheapest labor. They formed the main body mobilized people in "labor army". The labor army was fanatically cruel invention of PCID allowing to double free labor camp prisoners innocent virgin, but reduced in position of prisoners and were kept under guards. Special settlers were sent to the labor area, at first on the place of construction the most important object of defense, to railways, enterprise and mines.

         In August 1941 CC NCP (National communist party (b)) and SPC of USSR have confirmed military - economic plan which plan of USSR on the fourth quarter of 1941 and on 1942 years was presented by government. In 1941-1942 220 plants and fabrics, basically from Ukraine, Belorussia, Moldavia, Moscow, Leningrad were transferred, including 54 plants and factories of light industry. Basically, the regions of the placing of transferred enterprise were Alma-Ata, Uralsk, Petropavlovsk, Chimkent, Semipalatinsk, Karaganda, Aktyubinsk. There was shortage of labor resource for the war so account of city and rural able-bodied population were winnowed on law of the wartime. The mobilization to the rear work was conducted through recruiting - offices and executive committees of local soviets. Mobilization concerned of all categories of the population, both local population, and special settlers.

         The Camp economy grew very rapidly. If in 1932 in the country accounted 11 correctives-labor camps of   MMCLC (Main Management of Corrective Labor Camps) then in the beginning of 1949 it has managed already 53 camps and camps of construction of PCID and 425 correctives-labor colony [2].

            MMCLC spread within Kazakhstan too. At the beginning of 30th years on coal mining and construction of Karaganda railway were occupied more than 30-nd thousands peoples deported to labor settlement.

For the first-quarter of 1940 in Karaganda area on the most important construction and enterprise of PCID were mobilized from 92974 able-bodied persons 43954 persons of  special settlers, who worked in:Trestugol-8748 persons; Shahstroy- 1948 persons ; KARAGANDAGRESSTROY- 390 persons; Trestkazzoloto-487 persons; The May Mine "BOKO-AKZHAL"-219 persons and etc. [3]. On East Mine of Balhash cooper factory of Ministry of metallurgical industry of USSR prisoners basically used for underground type of the work.    

         For years of the war the contingents from number of special settlers together with local population were mobilized by special resolutions by Government for work in industry and in the most important construction. By the resolution of SPC of USSR from  26th  of September in 1942 "About allocating the labor power for the working on construction of the oil pipeline and construction of Kazakhstan oil complex", in order to labor duty were attracted 2350 persons [4]. Also taken into consideration special time position with the loading of coal in Karaganda area were mobilized1000 persons [5].

         Military obliged men, also from number "unfit to service of the Red Army were mobilized, but able - bodied (of them not less of 30% able for underground work on mine" for working on enterprise Narkomcvetmet and Narkomstroya , 2250 persons for working on enterprise and construction of electro stations, 1000 persons  worked on construction of Balhash cooper smelting plant in Trest "Pribalhashstroy", 1800 persons worked on enterprise and construction [6].

         At the first years the main multiple group of mobilized formed the deportee Germans, male part of which was completely called in labor army. Soon they begun to pick women. The men were mobilized from15 till 55 ages, women from 16 till 45 ages [7].

         In 1943-1944 special settlers arrived from North Caucasus to Kazakhstan and labor reserve increased.

         The policy of state became hard and was directed to " use physical possibilities of the camp labor on any production" [8]. This witnesses the Edict of the Presidium of the SUPREME SOVIET of  USSR from 5th of June  1939 "About camps PCID (Public Commission of  Internal Deals) of USSR", according to it was necessary to refuse from the system of conditionally-ahead of schedule discharge of camp’s contingents, to stop practice of  count one workday for two days in prison and conditionally- ahead of schedule liberation from camp.  To raise the stimulus for increasing of capacity of the labor to install for some workers giving high factors to capacity of the labor money prize, to improve of conditions in the camp. But as for concerns the shirker, who refuse from work and disorganizers of production, the cruel measures of the enforcement were used; the escalated camp mode, prison cell, the worst materially conditions and other measures of disciplinary punishment. To the most fraudulent disorganizers of the camp life and production were used more hard, judicial measures of the punishment, in separate events, inclusive high measure of the punishment.

         For years of the Great Patriotic war has gained its exclusive importance preparation of skilled workers for industry and transport. The State labor reserves were one of the forms of the renewing worker class since the first days of the war - in this system was realized broad preparation of skilled personnel for leading branches of industry, transport and construction.

         The mobilization of youth to schools of factory training and to craft and railway school was hold such way as mobilization to Labor army on base of governmental document.

         Feeling distract of the authority, restrictions in civil rights, deported people have completely shared the grief and difficulties of the all soviet people. But the special fate became labor army for years of the war. They showed stability and heroism on labor front. Deported people made the big contribution to national Victory that was meant not less, than heroism on front military in history of the Great Patriotic War .



1. People who was deported to Kazakhstan: time and fates. Almaty "Arys"-"Kazakhstan",1998. P.94.

2. Zemskov V.N. Prisoners in 30th years // Sociological studies. 1996.  7. P.3.

3. CPSII under General Public prosecutor's office RK. F.16. D.3.

4. CGA RK. F.1109s. L.2s. D.18. Tie.1. S.28.

5. CGA RK. F.1109s. L.2s. D.18.Tie.3. S.1.

6. CGA RK. F.1109s. L.2s. D.18. Tie.4. S.32.

7. GAKO. F.41.L.2. D.3. S.2.

8. CGA RK. F.1109s. L.2. D.2. Tie.1. S.6.