Csikósová, Mária Antošová, Katarína
Čulková, Andrea Seňová
Technical University
Košice, Faculty BERG
In present
globalized world, where there is dominant market economy, there is one of many
characteristics reality that difference between accounting and market value of
organizations is deepening. More and more knowledge of their employees decide
about competition advantage and success on the market. Assuredly every firm
dispose except the tangible assets also with hidden assets, that cannot be
catch up in financial reports, but they are important for its wealth and in
modern world they are many times decisive. It means such knowledge, abilities
and experiences of employees – assets for which it is necessary to create
qualitative and effective process and methodology how to identify, obtain,
measure, report and evaluate them. Development is showing that importance of
such hidden wealth is still increasing and there is assumption that it will be
still growing.
Measure of success
of any firm depends nowadays more on human capital than on physical capital.
When considering a human capital as a combination of qualification,
skills, experience and people’s intelligence, i.e. the factor which provides
every business or non business organization its particular and unique
character, we do realize that mainly employees are the resource capable of
learning, innovation and creative effort, that means resource that is properly
motivated and that would provide its organization a long-term prosperity.
The purpose of this monograph is to specify the place and
significance of management method and
marketing tools in the process of firm’s value creating, to emphasize the
necessity of investment into human capital, analyze different approaches in
further education of employees within a firm and mainly to present
possibilities and ways for measurement and evaluation of the return on
investment into human capital in the sense of knowledge management in present
globalized world.
Keywords: marketing, management, market value of the firm,
investment in education, measurement and evaluation of the return on
investment, methodology, effectiveness, knowledge economy, globalization.