National University of Economics and Trade Named after Mikhailo
The development of
science in the USSR
Soviet scientists in the 20s and 30s have achieved great success in many
branches of science. Pavlov has enriched the world of science with valuable
research in the study of higher nervous activity in man and animals. Tsiolkovsky
developed the theory of rocket motion, which lies at the heart of modern
aviation and missile missions. Research Zhukovskii and Chaplygin, who discovered
the law of formation of wing lift, lie at the heart of modern aviation. Based
on scientific research of Academician Lebedev in the Soviet Union was the
world's first mass production of synthetic rubber. Thanks to the outstanding
scientific discoveries of Soviet physicists in the Soviet Union already in the
30s for the first time in the world put into practice the principles of radar.
Proceedings of Academician Ioffe, laid the foundations of modern physics of
semiconductors, which play a pivotal role in technological progress. Soviet
scientists in the 30s made a great contribution to the study of
the atomic nucleus and cosmic rays.
Academician I Gubkin and his colleagues conducted in-depth studies in
the field of geology of oil fields, which led to the discovery of oil between
the Volga and the Urals.
Proceedings of the outstanding scientist Michurin, his successor
Pryanishnikov and others play an important role in the development of
Scientists have made a number of major geographical discoveries, especially
in the study of the Far North. Great service to science has lasted 274 days
drift on an ice floe near the North Pole, carried out in 1937 by Papanin, E. T.
Ernst, P. Shirshov and E. Fedorov.
In the 30's were created aircraft that are set world records for
distance and altitude. In 1937, the ANT-25 (designer Tupolev) V Tchkalov, G
Bajdukov and A Belyakov made a nonstop flight from Moscow - Portland (USA) over
the North Pole, covering a distance of more than 10 thousand km. Soon on the
same course made even more distant flight crew ANT-25: Gromov, AB Yumashev and
SA Danilin. In September, 1933. on the stratosphere "USSR" made rise
to the stratosphere G. Prokofiev, E. Birnbaum, and K Goudov. They reached a
height of 19 thousand meters, setting a world altitude record.
Soviet science has become more closely linked with the life and played
an increasingly important role in building socialism.
The Communist Party of constant concern for the education and political
education of the masses, persistently and widely promoted the great Lenin's
teaching on how to build socialism and communism, and explained its policy,
expressing the interests of the people, and directed the people to fight for
its implementation. Party waged a relentless struggle against the lackadaisical
attitude towards work and public property, public opposition to their personal
interests, against nationalism, chauvinism and bureaucracy, bribery and other
remnants of capitalism in the consciousness and behaviour.
For the education of the people were widely used clubs, libraries,
museums, theatre, cinema, radio, newspapers, magazines and books. The Soviet
state tirelessly cared about the development of these areas of culture.
In 1939, the number of clubs in the USSR were published 9 thousands of
newspapers to 10 times more than in 1914, were published in great quantities
scientific, political and artistic works. In 1939, the USSR books were
published in 111 languages. But before the Revolution, more than 40
nationalities in the Soviet Union had no written language. Powerful tool for
cultural and political education was the radio, which was attached to the
development of exceptional importance. By the end of the 30s the country has
few powerful stations. Radio is widely
penetrated home workers.
Invaluable role in the communist education of the people playing the
Soviet literature and art. Vivid images of courageous, staunch fighters for
socialism have a powerful influence on the masses.
At that time the party was formed by a large group of Soviet writers.
Its core were such eminent proletarian writers and poets, like Maxim Gorky,
Vladimir Mayakovsky, A. Serafimovich, Demean poor and others who supported the
October Revolution, and went with the people.
The party carefully brought up young writers. From among them the rise of
such great masters of speech, such as Mikhail Sholokhov, Alexander Fadeev,
Dmitri Furmanov, Tvardovsky, Nikolai Ostrovsky.
The party brought together writers on the basis of the creative method
of socialist realism in a single Union of Soviet Writers. This alliance was
finalized in August 1934 at the First Congress of Soviet Writers. It discussed
the report of Gorky on the status and tasks of Soviet literature, the
Constitution was adopted. The congress
elected the chairman of the Writers' Union of Gorky.
Soviet writers and poets were created by talented works, which displayed
the heroic history of the socialist revolution, civil war, the lessons learned
within the building of socialism.
of the Soviet literature were workers and peasants - the creators of history,
the builders of the new society. Therefore, literature was a true, close and
understandable to the people