Ulzharkyn Muslimovna – the doctor of pedagogical sciences,
Professor Republic of Kazakhstan
In the scientific and pedagogical
literature the concept “ornament” is considered as art of a rhythm (A.V.
Filipov), as a sheaf of symbols (S.V. Ivanov), as an ancient kind of the fine
arts (I.G. Kovalev). M.S. Mukanov determines an ornament as a multi-colour
decoration of any thing elements of the stylized image by means of the
curvilinear and geometrical figures created on this or that system of law
(symmetry, a rhythm, etc.) in the combinations representing certain ornamental
style, or synthesis of different styles. In K. Ibraeva opinion the ornament is
a specific kind of the fine arts which in the conditional - symbolical form
reflects the major from the point of view of the person of idea of life. K.
Eralin speaks about an ornament as about the main art element for an ornament
of subjects etc. Each of the above-stated definitions, reflecting structure, a
scope, graphic themes, the symbolical values, specific features of an ornament,
has the right to independent existence. It is necessary to note, however
insufficient illumination in the given concepts of functions of the Kazakh
national ornament. From our point of view, functions of an ornament are the
1. An ornament of subjects and the products, used in a life such,
jurt (various tapes, felt, tekemet, syrmak, alasha, carpets, etc.);
subjects of a life (chests, supports under chests, hangers, various
kinds of utensils, a cloth, etc.);
Clothes (headdresses (saukele, takiya, kimeshek), footwear, a dress,
camisoles, chapans, trousers, etc.);
2. Registration of architectural constructions:
- tombs (Kozy Korpesh - Bayan sulu,
Babaja Katun, Aisha Bibi, Dombauyk, etc.);
- the mausoleums (Arystanbap, Kozha
Ahmet Jassavi, etc.);
- buildings (sites of ancient
settlement Baba-Ata, Taraz, Kasribas, Syganak, Kulan etc.);
- a bath (Otyrar, Taraz etc.);
- kulpytas (karagash, Kamysbay,
3. Transfer of ideas of the person:
- the married woman informs parents
on the life in the aul of husband by means of an ornament;
- the dzhigit learns about one thing that the
girl is engaged under the image on her bracelet;
- mother of the girl expresses the kind
attitude to mother of the son-in-law by means of an ornament on a ring "
kudagy zhuzik";
- ornaments
"kuskanat", "kustumsyk" decorating given girls transfer
wishes of parents and relatives.
4. Transfer of outlook of ancient peoples:
- ideas about a universe (fire,
water, air, mountain) about four sides of the world (" tortmuyiz"
(" four horns ") ", sharshy ou" (square);
- worship the supreme heavenly
forces (cosmogonic ornaments);
- reflection of the natural phenomena
(vegetative motives, shape of birds, animals).
5. Display of creed of national superstitions:
- various guards from
putting the evil eye (tumar ou, nayzeky ouy);
- reverence of sacred numbers
(zhety "gul" (seven flowers) " kyryk muyiz" (forty horns);
- respect for sacred subjects and things
("bauyrsak”, "botagoz" (" an eye of young of camel "
or " the camel eye ").
6. Reflection of an
image, a way of life of people:
cattle breeding (" the mutton horns ", " a trace of young
of camel ", etc.);
agriculture (" arpa bass ", " bidiyk", etc.);
trade (" buhar teru", " kezhim teru").
7. Expression of good
mutual relations, qualities, properties of conditions:
prosperity, abundance (muyis oular, etc.);
peace life ("pigeon", etc.);
friendship (connection with ornaments of other peoples);
freedom, independence (kuskanat, kustumsyk).
Told allows us to determine concept
" the Kazakh national ornament " as follows: " the stylized
patterns by means of which subjects at an ornament, things, products,
architectural constructions are transferred a detail of a life, emotionally
aesthetic impressions, ideas, dreams, wishes of people and their attitude to
world around in the graphic form ".
More capacious is the concept "the Kazakh national ornamental
art" as wider is the scope - all kinds of arts and crafts, each of which
is based on application of various technological receptions. According to our
understanding, the Kazakh national ornamental art is a set of all kinds and
technological receptions of performance of the Kazakh national ornaments, which
meet in all products of arts and crafts.
The origin of the Kazakh national ornament concerns to the period of the
Stone Age. The analysis of historical sources has allowed to draw a conclusion
on influence on development of the Kazakh national ornament of the following
Social and economic: cattle breeding, agriculture, crafts, trade;
Natural: a natural phenomenon, flora, fauna;
Spiritual life of people: national customs and traditions, creed of
superstition, etc.
On the basis of the given factors the following specific features of the
Kazakh national ornaments were generated:
- substantial (symbolical value, outlook, an idea, dream, customs and
traditions of people, etc.);
- color (a principle of identity of color and expression, symbolics of
colors and shades, etc.);
- composite (provisional equality of the areas of a pattern and a
background both their structural and semantic equivalence, a principle of
stability of the image in expression, strict observance of structural system of
an ornament, etc.);
- connection with ornaments of other peoples (on the basis of
distinction and similarity).
Taking into account above stated, it is necessary to note that,
materials on the Kazakh national ornamental art are a component of the contents
of art education and with a support on the richest history of people, influence
on spiritual, aesthetic, emotional, intellectual development, and as formation
of all qualities of the person of the future expert.
The analysis of curricula and developed state standards on specialities
"Design of a suit", "the Technology and designing of
garments" prove, that materials on an ornament, including Kazakh, are used
at studying such disciplines, as " the Kazakh national suit ", "
the World history of a suit and an ornament ". However it is necessary to
notice, that studying of the given subjects is limited to the narrow themes
caused by specificity of an educational institution, " the Decor in a suit
", " Kinds of an ornament ", " the Ornament in a suit
", that, unfortunately does not open all depth of the contents of the
Kazakh national ornament.
At the same time it is necessary to take into account that fact, that on
the given specialities the high school prepares for the professionals
specializing in manufacturing of suits, various headdresses, accessories,
footwear, etc. in which registration the ornament is applied. The given
circumstance should affect increase of objective and subjective necessity of
introduction in learning- educational process of university of materials on
studying the Kazakh national ornament. This conclusion proves to be true a
number of existing contradictions:
Necessity for experts skilful using the Kazakh national ornament in
manufacture and insufficient studying of this direction by preparation of the
future experts of the given branch;
Urgency of necessity of introduction of the given problem in teaching
and educational process and absence of necessary methodical recommendations for
its realization.
One of possible ways of the decision of the given problem is use of
materials of the Kazakh national ornament at studying socially - humanitarian
disciplines, in particular during teaching rates " the History of
Kazakhstan ", "Cultural science", " the Kazakh language
materials do not break logic of presentation of the basic themes harmoniously
intertwining in the contents of the program. At introduction in a rate of
materials about the Kazakh ornament the general academic load and a circle of
the basic themes according to the working typical program of high schools is
For example, in the contents of the program of course “the History of
Kazakhstan”, by consideration of a theme “the Primitive social order in
territory of Kazakhstan” is necessary for telling about occurrence of the first
ornaments in territory of Kazakhstan during an epoch of a neolith, about arts
of ceramics, about development of textile, jeweler art Scythian-Saks tribes in
a bronze age. Comparison of ornaments of those times with ornaments XVI - XVII
centuries is useful. It is necessary to tell about the ancient ornaments
esteemed by Kazakhs as sacred " tumar ou", " gul ou”, "su
ou", "tau ou", to open their maintenance, to explain value.
We suggest to enter use of materials on the Kazakh ornament in the given
course in eleven themes:
In the contents of the program of a theoretical rate on cultural science
the third section is completely devoted to a history of culture of Kazakh
people. During teaching the given rate, comparing among themselves ornaments of
different peoples, it is possible to open some substantial features of the
Kazakh ornament. In the given rate of an opportunity for acquaintance with
materials of the Kazakh ornament contain in 16 lecture themes, also in two
themes of seminar occupations.
In the contents of the program of a practical rate of the Kazakh
language also there are reserves for parallel studying a material about the
Kazakh ornament, special terminology, professional lexicon at mastering
morphology. As examples probably use of terms of arts and crafts, the name of
ornaments with a detailed explanation of their semantics.
In summary it is necessary to note, that the given recommendations are
not the exhaustive decision of the above-stated problem. The decision of it is
possible under condition of introduction in the curriculum of high school of a
special course on studying materials of the Kazakh ornament.
1. Филиппов
А.В. Построение орнамента с большим числом вариантов. – М.: Академия
архитектуры СССР, 1937. – С. 3.
2. Иванов
С.В. Искусство народов Сибири как
исторический источник. – М.-Л., 1969. – С. 7.
3. Ковалев И.Г. Калмыцкий народный орнамент. – Элиста, 1970. –С. 155.
4. Муканов М.С. Казахские домашние ремесла. – Алматы: Казахстан, 1979. –
С. 22.
5. Ибраева К. Казахский орнамент. – Алматы: Өнер, 1994. – С. 13.