Технические науки / 6. Электротехника и радиоэлектроника

Zharikova I. V.

Research Supervisor – Doctor of Engineering Nevliudov I. Sh.

Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics, Ukraine

Microelectromechanical systems testing challenges

Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) is the integration of mechanical elements, sensors, actuators, and electronics on a common silicon substrate through microfabrication technology [1]. MEMS promises to revolutionize nearly every product category by bringing together silicon-based microelectronics with micromachining technology, making possible the realization of complete systems-on-a-chip.

MEMS products are becoming increasingly common essential components of modern engineering systems such as the airbag (or inertia) sensors in automotive industry, surgical devices and implantable biosensors in medicine, optical switches and RF waveguides in telecommunications, and the navigation, safe and arm in aerospace applications [2]. The current and increasing success of MEMS stems from its promise of better performance, low manufacturing cost, miniaturization and its capacity for integration with electronic circuits.

The cost of testing has become a major portion of the total cost of an electronic product. MEMS devices necessitate special considerations during fabrication processes such as handling, dicing, testing, and packaging. Most research work in the MEMS area centers on design, technology, and packaging problems and not testing.

Electrical tests are one of the most important methods employed to characterize MEMS. Electrical testing of MEMS can take on many different forms including wafer probing, electrical trimming, final test at temperatures, engineering characterization, and reliability evaluations.

MEMS products are designed to perform a variety of functions of electromechanical, chemical, optical, biological and thermohydraulic natures. Mechanisms that cause failure of MEMS devices thus vary significantly from one type to another. Test instrumentation depends on the specific type of MEMS device and the desired performance characteristics [3].

Creating accurate fault models requires a complete knowledge of all the possible failure mechanisms in MEMS. Fault models are assumptions about how physical defects affect the behavior of the unit under test. In the case of MEMS, where physical failure mechanisms are much more complex due to presence of mixed domains, developing fault models becomes a difficult challenge.

Most of the on-going research in MEMS fault modeling and simulation builds upon the approaches used in analog fault modeling and simulation. However, a large variety of physical, chemical and other effects complicate fault model generation for MEMS, making a purely analog approach inadequate.

So the test problem is complicated by systems that contain a large number and large variety component or modules. Thus, MEMS inherently poses a new challenge to the testing community due to its multi-domain operational characteristics.

The testing problem associated with MEMS has created serious limitations to the high-volume commercial production of microsystems.

The main difficulties in MEMS testing are [3]:

-   accessibility, controllability and observability. There is limited electrical access (I/O  connections) to most MEMS-based devices. This prevents internal nodes access which in turn makes controlling certain internal parameters and observing test responses difficult;

-   diverse function. Different modules within the microsystem (i. e. sensors, actuators, analog or digital signal processing circuits) require completely new approaches to testing. Unlike digital and analog circuits, there are no known fault models and test algorithms designated especially for the microelectromechanical structures found in microsystems;

-   interference. In highly integrated microsystems, various sub-systems are in immediate proximity and therefore, can adversely affect each other. For example, heat dissipation of a digital signal processor may result in the thermal expansion of the microstructure used in the sensor circuitry. Such a change in the sensor geometry results in faulty sensor output;

-   test environment. A system under test typically requires some form of initialization. This is inherently difficult for systems with sensors and actuators where special environmental conditions are required;

-   packaging influence. Packaging of a high-density multi-module system can cause mechanical stress that may change the MEMS  functionality. For example, in case of a bulk-micromachined pressure sensor, any stress developed on the diaphragm due to packaging can create undesired voltage fluctuations at the output;

-   complex failure mechanisms. A comprehensive MEMS testing methodology requires a complete knowledge of all the possible failure mechanisms.

Problems such as damping, stiction, cross-axis sensitivity, over-load protection and in-process survivability need to be analyzed and understood. These effects are quite complex and difficult to model accurately for test generation purposes.

The test cost pressure is constantly present in any manufacturing operation and efficiency in the overall test strategy can provide a positive impact on the overall product revenue. At the same time most testing techniques are highly design specific. As a result, they may work well with one design but not with others. The success of any testing technique depends on the fault models applied. A majority of MEMS devices are inherently mechanical in nature and therefore require some special considerations during various manufacturing stages and testing.


1.       Невлюдов, И. Ш. Микроэлектромеханические системы и нанотехнологии [Текст] / И. Ш. Невлюдов, А. А. Андрусевич, В. А. Палагин. – Харьков : Коллегиум, 2007. - 268 с.

2.   MEMS and MOEMS Technology and Applications [Техt] / Editor P. Rai-Choudhury. – Washington : SPIE Press Monograph, 2000. - 528 p.

3.    Kolpekwar, A. Development of MEMS Testing Methodology [Техt] /                A. Kolpekwar, R. D. Blanton // Proceedings of IEEE International Test Conference, nov. 1997. - Washington. - 1997. - PP. 923-931.