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Zubkov S., Kolesnyk A.

Kharkov State University of Food Technology and Trade



The problem of modern period of Ukrainian economy, which displays on the state level and on the level of economic entity, is great wearing out of fixed assets and the consequence of it is their renewal. Impetuous development of the economy and the severe competition on the internal and external markets demand on the maintenance of corresponding modern technical and technological levels of enterprises requisites for the backing of high competitiveness. Nowadays the main obstacles on this way are the absence of the shareholders’ equity in the enterprises, inaccessibility of credit resources and high credit rates. At such terms the solution of the problem of production assets renewal financing on the enterprises in the economic activities such financial institute as leasing can be used. In specialist opinion, the leasing has perspectives of swift development in Ukraine in the near future.

Many scientist research the problem of leasing. In spite of this the single point of view which definitely solves the leasing nature isn’t elaborated. Variety and contradiction of views are explained not only by the lack of the leasing theoretical aspects elaboration but by the absence of the single methodical approach in practice, exactly that leasing is the complex dynamic category. The multifactor nature of the leasing demands on the regulation of the accumulated knowledge, identification it general and special trends and properties which differ it from the similar economic phenomena and process. That’s why the development of the complex approaches to the definition of the leasing nature is one of the most actual problems for today.

The goal of this work is the researching of the different points of view on the leasing nature and the elaboration of the personal approach to the leasing examination which is based on its nature and forms of leasing display as regards to every entity of the leasing relations.

The theoretical research of the existent points of view of the different scientists in the field of economy about the leasing nature was conducted by us. This research showed that any definition of leasing just from the one position was limited and it couldn’t cover all forms of display of this difficult and multifactor economic phenomenon. That’s why the necessity to elaborate the approach, which covers all sides of leasing display, appears. In our opinion it can be approach which connects with forms and content of leasing relations as regards to each participant of the leasing process. It will allow us to coordinate all interpretations of leasing concept.

We will consider content and specific organizational forms of leasing practical realization for salesman, lessor and lessee for the adequate understanding of leasing nature of each participant of leasing process.

According to the philosophical understanding of definitions «content» and «forms» and to our mind, leasing content is leasing meaning for the entity of the leasing relations and form is the realization of leasing relations. From the definitions which are considered we will give the display to the content and leasing form for each participant of leasing process.

At first we make the matrix which represents the connection of each definition with every separate entity of leasing relations on the basis of definitions which were considered early (fig. 1).

Then we define the leasing characteristic from the position of content and display form for each participant. It follows to mark such trend that according to its content leasing acts for each leasing entity individually and according to form it shows up in cooperating of entities with each other. In its form leasing shows up during the cooperation of salesman with lessor and lessor with lessee.

Let’s consider leasing on its content. To our mind for a salesman leasing is certain instruments of sales; for lessor leasing is the type of business activity and for lessee leasing is the method of financing.

In the relations of salesman with lessor the leasing shows up in the form of purchase and sale of equipment and in the relations of lessor with lessee which connect with temporary using of equipment, the leasing can define as hire, renting (lease), sale on credit and credit.











Figure 1 – Matrix of leasing determinations as regards to

entities of leasing relations


The leasing is complex of property relations, which arise in connection with execution of leasing agreement, and it consists of two elements: of relations which connect with purchase and sale and of relations which appear in connection with temporary use of equipment. It is the general trend for all three entities of leasing.

In that way the approach that is offered allows to connect different points of view in definition of such category as leasing and comprehensively approach understanding of its display. It should be noted that such approach satisfies the demand which is spoken out by the great amount of scientists. According to this demand it is necessary to study leasing nature in complex with all its multifaceted displays. Theoretical and practical value of our researches is in possibility to conduct future researches of different aspects of leasing to the separate entities on the base of leasing selection for each entity of leasing relations. It allows elaborating individualized approaches both to use leasing in the activity of salesman and lessee and to conduct leasing activity of lessor.