Ukubassova G.   

                                                                                  Ph.D student of KazEU named after T.Ryskulov





Nowadays the textile industry of Kazakhstan faces the task of more full satisfaction of society requirements.   Enterprise must know for whom it is producing goods and state the term. The purpose connected with the problem of estimation the level of reaction of enterprises on demand dynamics and necessity of trading textile goods in the market. One of the indications forming competitiveness of products time of reaction of textile enterprise on demand dynamics,  in other words, time, in which  renewal of production with  certain order of buyer passes . It became necessary to elaborate methods of calculation of normative time of reaction for revealing    existing reserves   at the enterprise on speeding up the process of renewal.

In modern conditions, when customer requires full satisfaction of his needs, there is an issue of creating modern industrial production, producing   consumption goods, reacting on demand change.. Considering demand in curtain time span or in certain moment of time, me can say about change of demand for this time span (month, quarter, year), so the concept demand dynamics is entered. This qualitative category has big meaning for improvement and stabilization the process of production of textile goods with an aim of modern reaction to it.

However classification doesn’t cover at full extent   possible directions of demand dynamics taking into account peculiarities of enterprises of the textile industry. In production of textile goods change of demand on range of goods, as far as the buyer often   claims replace or substitute one type of  product to another. Besides, the customer can acquire old fashioned products, but at lower price, consequently, it is necessary to take into account change of demand on price. Here, from the point of demand dissatisfaction, it is expedient to include in classification depending on response on it at the enterprise mainly the demand dynamics  taken into account  at production and  the demand dynamics which is not taken into account at production.

Obviously, that demand dynamics directly affects on production, material and technical provision and sale. At present time enterprises of textile industry conclude contracts on delivery of goods to sewing and sale organization. Interaction between the supplier and consumer is constant and it has repetition cycle character:

§         pre trade period;

§         fair;

§         post trade period.

Pre trade period includes defining necessity in product, making application, orders on production of goods, revealing opportunity and expediency of production preliminary agreement of production program of an enterprise, works on preparation of market.

At the fair on wholesaling textile goods trade of produced goods is formed, contract on delivery of goods between manufacturer and consumer is concluded; specification on delivery is arranged in the contract.

Post trade period is important for enterprises in terms of correction of production programs taking into account sale of goods at the fair, provision of production program with material – technical resources, organization and carrying out production and delivery of goods.

It is obvious, that probability of demand change on textile goods may be in post fair period, as far as nowadays enterprises don’t pay enough attention to matters increasing stability of plans, consequently to preliminary account of demand dynamics. For solving this task one should be attentive to matters of researching and forecasting demand with an aim of flexible adaptation opportunities of enterprises on arising changes of demand.

During demand dynamics a number of negative phenomena assigned mainly:

-         lack  of necessary  consumer goods in required quantity;

-         lack  of stable plans production of textile goods, received from sale of these goods at the fair;

-         loss of profit of enterprise – manufacturer because of frequent change of delivery plans,  it can be seen from letters, claims about replacement of assortment, refusal of bought volumes.

We can say about demand dynamics as indignant influence on economy connected with renewal of producing assortment. Under indignant influence there is an issue about necessity of cancellation this influence, mainly to react at it in order to eliminate negative effect of demand dynamics or to reduce it.

Reaction of the enterprise on demand dynamics is a feature of the enterprise to meet requirements of buyers and reactionary ability of the enterprise relating to demand dynamics is an opportunity of this enterprise to react on arising fluctuation in demand.

Any enterprise can react on demand and its change or work without changing the assortment, modernization of producing  product, in other words without  coordinating its work with customer. This means that reaction can differ from zero or equal to zero. There is a feedback – each enterprise can on the base of development of new goods influence on demand dynamics.

Required reaction is an expression of possible requirements of customers   (buyers) on terms and volume of deliveries of certain assortment, quality and price and it depends on detalization and terms of demand forecast on usage of PC (personal computers) on possibility to estimate contract on delivery in advance. It is necessary to differentiate required reaction on types of product on marked, mainly on concrete buyers.

Actual reaction is individual characteristic of certain enterprise and depends on conditions of its activity, efficient organization of production and management. It other words, this is an expression of existing conditions and opportunities, taking into account carrying out works and measures on reaction.

It is obvious, that it is necessary to reach agreement of two types of reaction, mainly:

 (actual reaction)   (required reaction)            ,


That is, essential to introduce at enterprises such measures which allow to increase or at least to equate actual reaction to required one.

At present such agreement can be infringed by several reasons:

-         lack of necessary equipment, raw materials, highly qualified engineering – technical staff;

-         poor organization of researching demand on producing products, lack of information about needs of market;

-         economic mechanism is not aimed at satisfying needs;

-         poor organization of processes of  production and management;

-         Insolvency of agreement.

It is important to know for enterprises  what kind is actual reaction, the cost of its provision in accordance  with reached results.

In economic literature full classification of reaction of enterprises on demand dynamics which is necessary instrument for qualitative defining of reaction is not given.

Proceeding from definition of reaction of enterprises on demand dynamics we offer the following classification. The principles of classification are as follows:

-         volume of reaction;

-         management degree;

-         product types;

-         extent of assortment detalization;

-         level of expenditures on reaction;

-         efficiency level;

-         types of demand dynamics;

-         market type;

From the point of practical importance classification on objects of reaction is of great interest. Enterprise can react on demand dynamics, i.e. take into account those changes which arise in accordance with change of needs and is registered in long term forecast of demand with account main directions of development of assortment, fashion in other words – reaction on  demand is active reaction. In this case enterprise – manufacturer independently creates new production delivers it on market.

Second type – reaction on demand is when enterprises has an opportunity to respond to those  changes of needs and demand which  is expressed in notifications orders, letters of  buyers with request to change delivered  assortment on contract.  Frequently passive reaction takes place in period  fallowing after concluding the contract – post trade period.

Speaking about demand dynamics as ability of enterprises to adapt to changes of demand we should understand necessity to react or changing conditions of cycle “development-production-market”.

Reasons of changes are as follows:

-         growing demand or production as result of scientific technical progress:

-         increasing of moral amortization of goods (fashion development)

-         customers claim, on improving the quality of production

-         carrying out special orders for certain buyer

-         claim on reducing terms of produce of product delivery

-         work  on preliminary formation of market;

-         growing competition on market;

-         creation the same product in other sectors, especially in conditions of  conversion.

As follows from defining reaction, it is necessary to direct the work of enterprises on adaptation to above numerated changes for achieving high reaction.

Necessity of elaboration measures directed to speeding reaction of the enterprise on demand dynamics by attracting additional costs, without  which it is impossible to achieve high results is shown in works of economic sections of technical university Karl-Marco-Schtadt (Germany). Dependence should be strictly executed:


Costs (reaction)    Results (reaction),


that is, costs  connected with reaction of enterprises mustn’t exceed received  results, mainly: results  of measures directed on speeding  up reaction must respond   to the question – what new product to produce, to which consumer what new or renewed goods it is beneficial to deliver. This problem is  reflected in researches of Ehrlich H. and Sabish H. [1]. It is necessary to know qualitative estimation of reaction for solving this problem.

There are several definitions for defining time of reaction. However these definitions don’t take into account specifics of enterprises of textile industry. We consider, that the time of reaction of enterprise on demand dynamics is the period from having tasks on creation of new goods (moment of concluding contract about creative cooperation)or the moment of development (elaboration) of new product till delivery of ready made goods to buyer. Two characteristics of time reaction:

-         time of passive reaction on customer on customer order;

-         time of active reaction on demand dynamics..

Proceeding from definition of time reaction, it can differ depending on:

-         types of demand dynamics ;

-         types of reaction of enterprise on demand.

For calculation of time reaction the following formula [2] is offered:

where  – time of reaction of the stage on demand dynamics

where - time of execution of single job ij.

                   i – code of stage, i = 1…..4

                   j – code of work, j = 1….n

Actual and normative time of reaction on enterprise on demand dynamics, here:

                    (actual time)    (normative time)


i.e. actual time of reaction should be close to normative, constantly orienting to its reduction.

Calculation of normative time of reaction on changing demand allows: to reveal reserves of management of processes of renewal of producing  products, to increase the efficiency of enterprises and to orient the activity of assortment laboratory and other services connected with introduction of new samples to production, on reducing actual spending of time.

Unjustified prolongation of terms of reaction on customer requirements is the main reason of fast moral amortization of samples on internal and external markets, as bar as the model gets obsolete before introduction it into mass production.




1.Ehrlich H., Sabish H. Zu den Problemen und Aufgaben der Bedarf-sorienfierke Leitung der Reproduktions/vozesses der Kombinaten//Wirfshaftswissenschaft. – 1998.N1. – S.70-78.

2.Ohme K., Maffhes F. Reaktionsfahigkeif der Kombinate und Betriebe der Sosialistischen Industrie gegenuber Bedarfsdynamik-Erforderniss der Infensireierung. – IG “Lagerhaltungs-modelle”, 2003. – 127s.





Äîáðûé äåíü , Ukubassova G. Âàøà ðàáîòà ïîëó÷åíà , åñëè îíà áóäåò ïðèíÿòà ê ïå÷àòè ìû âûøëåì Âàì ñ÷åò äëÿ îïëàòû.

Àâòîðû: Ukubassova G.


Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 8

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñáîðíèêîâ: 1

Ñòðàíà: Êàçàõñòàí

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