Lyashenko I., Fedorenko M.
Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Politechnic
Ukrainian economy in crisis conditions: unemployment overcoming
sphere in Ukraine characterizes by
complication intercommunications between state, employer and worker. Average
yearly tempos of labor increase into precrisis
time from 2000 on 2007 were 7,2%, and the average yearly tempos of salary increase for this period reached
19,2%. Such disparity brings to disbalance
of economic system and starts chronic structural disproportions. From second
half-year 2008 began a swift fall of basic social indexes: if for first two
quarters of this year increase of average monthly salary was on a par 2,9%, already from September the fall was
13,1% (January - December 2009 – on 16,8%). Monthly debts growth for the first
half-year 2008 on a par composed 3%, in
October - 22,9%, in December - 66,4%,
in January 2009 increased on 35,7% [1,2].
First half-year of 2008 characterized by monthly abbreviations on 2,8%,
in September - October unemployment untwists a secretive employment lowering in November
- 20,7%, and in December reaches to peak – 32%. On January falls down unsteady
situation stabilization, on what testifies augmentation of amount of
unemployment only on 6,6%. Saying about absolute values, that amount of
unemployment is 900 000 persons.
Disregard to official unemployment rate 6,9% in 2008, a factual level was considerably greater. Took place considerable abbreviation of real wages and
accordingly real available income of population in 2008 comparatively from 2007 [1,2].
Lineaments of contemporary state of social sphere stood low life rate
(in 2008 for life quality index in comparison from 2006 three positions and
sowing 62-th place subdividing it with Namibia) chronic underfinancing of human development (apathy beginnings danger to
non-fulfillment of legislative requirements) and proper loss of positions for index of human potential (2005 – 70
place, 2007 – 76 place), growth of
tempos and scales of depopulation of population with worsening of qualitative
descriptions of human capital for considerable migratory population losses of
productive age and high professionally-qualifying level, high man death-rate
level of able to work age, swift
nation aging, irrational structure both
higher and professionally-technical education (specialists preparation
disparity to needs of national economy and social
development), combination of high unemployment rate in one economy sectors with lack of workers of necessary
qualification in other (for Federation
of employers data, in Ukrainian industry runs short 1,8 mln. workers with
special technical preparation, or almost 30% from need, and a demand on work specialties exceeds a proposition in
4-6 times).
All that processes is a result of lack
of real strategy of state socio-economic policy and conceptual perception of social constituent in state economy
adjustment [2, 3].
Tasks for unemployment
1. Develop and inculcate scientifically founded program of development of labored potential, a realization of which will
create the preconditions for forming of qualitatively new labored reserve,
adequate to perspective needs of national economy and her competitiveness.
2. Inculcate an incomes forming policy, which
will restrain further social and economic polarization of society.
3. Inculcate the flexible employment forms with
view settlement of unemployment problems and optimization
man-power using.
4. Widen the organs rights of local
self-government in questions of labor payment adjustment.
5. Develop and inculcate arrangements complex as
for institution labor-market reforming
with view demand balancing of and proposition on labor resources.
6. Inculcate the using mechanisms living minimum
for establishment based dimension of social payments.
7. Inculcate an obligatory accumulative pensionary system with
peculiarities include of transitional
period, to provide development of
unstated pensionary guaranteeing.
8. Effectuate cost estimation of being social
privileges, reduce their financial-unfitted
part, to simplify a system of social privileges, to decrease amount of persons,
which it envelops, to inculcate the
privileges assignment of addressness
guaranteeing instruments, to simplify a receipt mechanism of such privileges by
population categories, which they need.
Realization of represented strategic tasks needs perfection of
prevailing legislation, specifically necessary: to perfect the national social
standards and to harmonize them with international norms and standards,
according to ratify by Supreme Rada of Ukraine of «European social charter»,
which bear upon labor payment questions, rise
of pensionary guaranteeing, obligatory state social security, assignment of
social help to families with children and families of scanty means seed; learn
by rote a contemporary dimension
determination methods of living minimum for
guaranteeing of maximum accordance of this standard to real cost of consumer
basket and services; to foresee in law «About subsistence
level» simultaneous feeding products
admissions assertion, goods and
services and determination methods of living minimum; bring changes into law of Ukraine «About social services» with view effectiveness rise of and having a special purpose
disposition of their assignment; set
by proper legislative act one
assignment order of social privileges, their calculation and determination of
persons circle, which have a right on their receipt [2,3].
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Statistics by theme. Economy and finance.
Population and social conditions // Eurostat.
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