Tishchenko M. V., Usachev V. A.

Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mikhailo



Foreign economic activity


The concept of foreign economic activity came in 1987 with the transition to new management system and the launch of external reforms. Their essence is the decentralization of foreign trade and the transition from inter-governmental foreign economic ties to foreign economic activity at the enterprise level. As a result of reforms in foreign developed two concepts: foreign economic relations and foreign economic activity, the latter of which has changed the pre-existing meaning and nature of international relations.

Foreign economic activity as opposed to external economic relations is carried out at the level of production structures (firms, organizations, businesses, etc.) with full autonomy in choosing a foreign partner, the nomenclature of goods for import and export transactions, the pricing and contract value, volume and timing Delivery is part of their industrial and commercial activity with both internal and with foreign partners. Thus, the foreign economic activity is a combination of industrial and economic, organizational, economic and commercial functions. Mandatory terms and conditions associated external activities are certain operations to ensure the promotion of goods from seller to buyer, on the timely provision of various kinds of foreign trade services - transport, insurance, shipping, banking, the implementation of payment and settlement operations, as well as the availability of commercial and monetary information conjuncture of foreign goods and money markets.

Foreign trade and foreign economic relations should not be considered as two separate spheres of operation and public regulation. The main objectives of foreign economic activities of the state, such as:

* Customs control of goods across the border;

* Non-tariff regulation of export and import of certain goods of national importance (licensing and quotas);

* Measure the operational control of foreign economic relations, including tariff regulation (taxes, fees and charges).

 Significantly affect the definition of a strategy of foreign trade activities of ministries, agencies, individual companies and associations.

     Foreign-economic activity of enterprises is a sphere of economic activity associated with international production and scientific-technical cooperation, export and import goods, the equipment is in a foreign market.

 The subjects of foreign economic activities in Ukraine are:

 - Individuals - citizens of Ukraine, foreign citizens and stateless persons who have civil legal capacity and competence in accordance with the laws of Ukraine and permanently resident in the territory of Ukraine;

 - Legal persons registered in Ukraine, which are located on the territory of Ukraine (companies, organizations and associations of all kinds)

 - Integrating the physical, legal, physical and legal persons who are not legal entities in accordance with the laws of Ukraine, but in the territory of Ukraine and that civil law is not prohibited by the laws of Ukraine to carry out economic activities;

 - Structural units of foreign business entities that are not legal entities in accordance with the laws of Ukraine (branch offices, etc.), but in the territory of Ukraine;

 - Joint ventures with the participation of economic entities of Ukraine and foreign business entities registered in Ukraine and who have permanent residence in the territory of Ukraine;

 - Other business entities, provided laws of Ukraine.

 - Ukraine, through its agencies, local government and administration in the face of them created by foreign organizations that are involved in foreign trade activities, as well as other states that participate in economic activities on the territory of Ukraine, acts as a legal entity in accordance with International and Ukrainian legislation.

   Economic entities of Ukraine and foreign business entities in foreign trade activities are guided by the following principles:

 The principle of freedom of foreign economic enterprise, which consists of:

 - The right to economic agents voluntarily engage in foreign economic relations;

 - The right of economic agents to exercise it in any form not expressly prohibited by applicable laws of Ukraine;

 - The obligation to comply with the implementation of foreign economic activity of the order established by the laws of Ukraine;

 - The exclusive right of ownership of foreign economic activity in all the results obtained by this foreign economic activity;

 The principles of legal equality are:

 - Equality before the law for all economic agents, regardless of ownership, including the State in carrying out foreign economic activity;

 - Prohibition of any, except as provided by this Act, state action, which resulted in a restriction of rights and discrimination of foreign economic activity, as well as foreign business entities for the forms of ownership, location and other characteristics;

 - Non-restrictive activity on the part of any of its entities, except as provided in this Act.

The rule of law, which consist of:

 - Regulation of foreign economic activity only by the laws of Ukraine;

 - Ban the use of regulations and acts of management of local authorities, which in any way to create conditions for economic agents are less favorable than those established by the laws of Ukraine;

 The principles of protecting the interests of foreign economic activity, which consist in the fact that Ukraine as a state:

 - Ensure equal protection of the interests of all economic agents and foreign business entities on its territory in accordance with the laws of Ukraine;

 - Provide equal protection for all subjects of foreign economic activity of Ukraine outside of Ukraine in accordance with international law;

 - Protect the public interests of Ukraine, as in its territory and beyond its borders only in accordance with laws of Ukraine, signed the conditions of its international treaties and international law;

 The principles of equivalent exchange, consisting of non-dumped at import and export goods.

   All economic agents have an equal right to exercise any of its forms, is not directly prohibited by the laws of Ukraine, irrespective of ownership and other features. Individuals who have a permanent place of residence in the territory of Ukraine, have this right if they are registered as businesses in accordance with the Act. Individuals who do not have permanent residence in the territory of Ukraine, have this right if they are business entities under the law of the State in which they are domiciled or in which they are. Legal persons have the right to carry out foreign trade activities in accordance with their statutory instruments since gaining their legal status.