Медицина/12.Инфекционные болезни.

V.D. Moskaliuk, V.D. Sorokhan, S.R. Melenko, K.I. Vozna

Bukovinian State Medical University, Ukraine

Clinical and epidemiological situation of HIV/AIDS in Bukovina

According to WHO at the beginning of the present century in the world there were more than 40 million HIV people (of which almost 3 million children), died more than 16 million patients. Every day in the world get infected nearly 16 000 people and half of them are young (14-25 years old) [1, 2]. It is expected that in the twenty first century on the planet every hundredth or even fiftieth resident will be infected with HIV. It is hard to imagine the devastating effects of HIV pandemic in the present life and in the distant future [3].

The epidemiological situation concerning the incidence of HIV/AIDS continued to deteriorate. Most of incidence occurs in developing countries [5]. And in most former Soviet republics from the 90th last century, there is a steady increase in incidence [4].The growth rates of morbidity Ukraine occupies a leading position in Europe [6].

HIV infection is caused by social factors are economic instability, economic crisis, poverty and unemployment. Difficult economic situation prevents the conduct of effective response to the increasingly growing threat of HIV infection in Ukraine in general and in the Chernivtsi region in particular.

We analyzed 102 patient charts of HIV/AIDS persons who are out-patient monitoring in Chernivtsi Regional Prevention Center of HIV/AIDS. We compared the incidence rates of HIV infection for 12 months of 2010 to 2009 for the same period marked by the growth of this index by 3% (in 2009 - 99 HIV patients against the 102 in 2010).

The highest rates of HIV infection observed among inhabitants of Chernivtsi, Storozhynets, Khotyn, Sokyryany, Glyboka areas. Among them males - 48% female - 52%.

Very important for the region tend to increase the number of HIV-positive women. The share of females among the total number of HIV-infected people is growing. Moreover, about 80% - are women of reproductive age and as a result - increase in the number (except 2010) children born to HIV-infected women.

The epidemic affects HIV/AIDS most successful and reproductive portion of the population that may soon lead to further aggravation and negative demographic and socio-economic trends.

We analyzed the age structure of HIV-infected persons in Bukovina under age 18 - 27% aged 18-24 years - 20% 50 and older - 6%. The largest number of HIV cases registered in the age group 25-49 years - 47%.

Analyzed the possible routes of transmission of HIV. Sexual transmission was 63% of HIV-infected women with children - 21%. Observed a significant reduction in parenteral path of infection, which in our opinion, due to the introduction of disposable medical instruments, effective preventive measures in hospitals.

However, it should be noted that despite the increase in sexual transmission of HIV, we can still underestimate the participation of intravenous drug abusers in the development of HIV. They still remain a group at risk of HIV infection among them is also very common sexual transmission from intravenous drug abusers to their sexual partners who are not intravenous drug abusers.


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4.                 Белозеров К.С. ВИЧ-инфекция. 2-е изд. / К.С. Белозеров, Е.И. Змушко // СПб: Питер, 2002.

5.                 ВІЛ-інфекція в Україні // Інформаційний бюлетень МОЗ України. – К., 2008. – 45 с.

6.                 Меленко С.Р., Сорохан В.Д. Способи визначення ендотеліальної дисфункції у хворих на ВІЛ-інфекцію/СНІД. // Сучасні аспекти військової медицини. / Збірник наукових праць головного військово-медичного клінічного центру “ГВКГ” МО України. Київ. – 2010. – С. 271-275.