G.D. Takenova, E.B. Mukazhanov

Taldykorgan Polytechnic College, Taldykorgan, Kazakhstan


In world practice, e-learning has become an integral part of modern education. The level of the spread of e-learning Kazakhstan lags behind world leaders in this area (USA, Finland, Singapore, South Korea, Canada, Australia, New Zealand) for several years. This creates educational models in these countries, and economic leaders are successfully working to achieve the strategic goal - improving the competitiveness of the country.

The indicator "Access schools to the Internet" Global Competitiveness Index Kazakhstan has worsened their position and moved to 50 seats in 2007 to 54 seat in 2008.

The current state of the material and technical base of secondary education in the field of information can be characterized as insufficient to move to the widespread introduction of e-learning systems.

In the past few years after the adoption of the State Programme for the Development of Education in the republic in 2005-2010 educational organizations are actively developing its technology infrastructure. So far in the Republic the ratio of computers to the number of students is 20 students to a computer in rural schools - 18. From 14% to 24% of computers within schools combined local networks. 3,079 schools and 346 organizations for technical and vocational education (colleges, high schools) are equipped with interactive whiteboards. Equipped language laboratories in 2532 and multimedia classrooms. 31% of schools connected to broadband Internet, 77% of the books translated into digital format.

However, the republic does not keep statistics on equipping teachers computers. In this working rule for the number of computer workstations for the teachers (one job in four teachers) is outdated because the modern school computer requires every teacher.

Head of the State Address to the Nation set the task of modernizing education and the implementation of the principle of "education for life". This is extremely important tasks and direct guide to action.

Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev on Dec. 7, 2010 approved the State Programme for the Development of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020. This program is unique in its content and perspectives, reflecting the leading world trends and meet the objectives of the country.

Highlights of the program is substantially supported in the January President's Message to the people of Kazakhstan.

Government Decree dated February 11, approved an Action Plan for 2011-2015 to implement the state program. All events provide the necessary funding. It should be noted that a fundamentally new is the widespread development of e-learning. Its development - one of the leading global trends. It is an order of magnitude raises the availability and quality of education regardless of where they live, study or work. A draft inter-sectoral programs to implement e-learning.

This year started a pilot project of e-learning in 44 educational organizations. By 2015, 50 percent of educational institutions will use e-learning, and by 2020 their number will increase to 90 percent.

E-learning (short for English. Electronic Learning) - e-learning systems, a synonym for terms such as e-learning, distance learning, computer-aided training, online learning, virtual learning, learning through computer and electronic technologies.

There is a definition that was given by UNESCO experts: «e-Learning - learning with the Internet and multimedia."

The main value of EE:

• individual work with electronic material, using a personal computer, PDA, cell phone, DVD-player, TV;

• receiving advice, tips, ratings for the remote (geographically) expert (teacher), the possibility of remote collaboration;

• Creation of a distributed user community (social networks), the leading common virtual learning activities;

• Timely clock delivery of electronic learning materials;

• Standards and specifications for e-learning materials and technologies, distance learning tools;

• building and improving the information culture for all managers and departments of the Group and the acquisition of modern information technology, improving their regular activities;

• The development and promotion of innovative teaching technologies, transfer of their teachers;

• to develop educational Web resources;

• the opportunity at any time and place to get modern knowledge, are in any available anywhere in the world;

• Make higher education accessible to persons with special needs.

Go to E-learning includes online tutorials, educational services and technology. A wide range of distance learning allows you to choose the method of taking into account individual needs and preferences, and listener more E-learning does not exclude dialogue with the teacher face to face:

• Convenient time and place for learning

• Strong assimilation of knowledge

• Regular contact with the teacher

• Individual training schedule

• Save time and money

Current students and students - mostly network generation for which electronic method of obtaining the information (in this case, it is educational) is a normal part of life. In general, high technology in education are welcomed by students - the knowledge, skills useful in self-improvement and career growth. Information and communication technologies have their working tools.

Swiftness of the modern world requires the use of the fastest and cheapest ways of generation and transmission of knowledge. E-learning is one of the possible tools to solve the acute problem of modernity.

To create such a system will create an entirely new legal framework, methodology, personnel and technical support, the massive digital content.

The aim is to ensure equal access for all participants in the educational process to the best educational resources and technologies.

Target indicator will ensure the use of 50% of the organizations of education e-learning systems.

Performance indicators that will be achieved in the near future:

1. Proportion of teachers that have passed training on ICT use in education, to their total number - 90%, the number of pupils per 1 computer - 10

2. Develop and implement legal and regulatory framework of e-learning, including the collection of primary statistical data, based on international standards and technical regulations for operation of e-learning

3.Vnesenie changes in SES technical and vocational education in terms of training teachers to work in a system of e-learning in the SES secondary education - in the compulsory use of e-learning systems

4. The introduction of e-learning in the organization of technical and vocational education.

5. Ensuring access of education to the Internet with a bandwidth from 4 to 10 Mbps.

6.Podgotovka and professional development of teachers for the system administrators and e-learning e-learning systems.

 7. Providing digital educational content with complete coverage of educational programs in the public domain, including using the services of service providers in the industry. Develop requirements to Internet resources. Creating online resources on the model of leading educational institutions.


When implementing e-learning systems every educational organization, will have digital educational resources, broadband Internet, as well as full automation of the learning process. When implementing e-learning systems will be used tablet Kazakh assembly. Development of electronic educational editions in Kazakhstan is engaged in 21 companies.

Prospects for the development of electronic, distance education in Kazakhstan.

1. Development services organization and management of educational process up;

2. Further development of service information and technical support to;

build a common infrastructure of the educational computer network;

development of educational environment (introduction of e-learning for all shapes and education programs, creating a zone of e-learning with the use of Wi-Fi technology);

3. Establishment of a laboratory "developing teaching tools for distance learning" based on the production line for the development of multimedia electronic learning tools;

4. Creation and development of specialized resource centers of knowledge;

5. Development of the technological base of distance learning (improving and maintaining up to date training Web-Portal and the AIS's);

6. The introduction of IP-telephony for distance learning;

7. Development and implementation of integrated information and telecommunications systems.



1. Message from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan NA Nazarbaev of Kazakhstan from 28.01.2011, the

2. Action Plan for 2011 - 2015 years to implement the State Programme for the Development of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011 - 2020 years (I stage).

3. State Programme of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011 - 2020 years

4. ST RK 34.016-2004 "hardware and software of distance learning. General technical requirements "