Êîvchyn N. À.,  cand. of ped. sciences,

Institute of pedagogy 

of NAPS of Ukraine


Modern study proves that knowledge acquires systematic character due to its organization into a system.  The issue of knowledge consistency formation of senior pupils has become one of the most critical nowadays.

The problems of system-based approach have been studied by L. Bertalanffy,  I. Blauberg, W. Eshby,  E. Yudin, V. Sadovsky, A. Averyanov, V. Aphanasyev,  V. Kuzmin, P. Anohin, U. Urmantsev, N. Maslova, I. Tsehmistro. In foreign psychology the idea of system-based approach has been developed by F. Emeri, P. Ackoff, G. Zhuravlyov, B. Lomov, U. Samarin, M. Holodna. In pedagogy the latter issue has been studied in works by L. Zorina, I. Malaphiyk, V. Onischuk, I. Zverev,A. Stepanyuk, A. Shepetov, V.Bondar, S. Goncharenko etc.    

Globalization processes in the world cause changes in all spheres of our life.  Globalization is turning of some phenomena  into the world and universal one, something that concerns all the Earth, the Globe. Globalization is a process of   ecological, political and cultural integration and unification. The main consequences of this process are the following: international specialization of labour, division of capital, human and production resources, standardization of law system, economical an technical resources as well as of cultures coming closer together  and  migration  on an international scale.  It has become clear that it is objective as well as systematic process i.e it covers all spheres of world society life. Thus, as a result of globalization the world has become more interconnected and dependable on all its elements.

At the same time the number of systematic problems common for many  groups of states as well as the number and types of integrated subjects is increasing.

It is worth adding that global  world  changes take place in the geographical envelope of the Earth, i.e. in the planetary and natural complex.  All these processes define the content of a new geography textbook as well as set new tasks involving  searching  and realizing ways of  systematic quality knowledge improvement of senior pupils and then forming systematic ways of thinking and integral scientific geographical picture of the world.

It is important for authors of these textbooks to take into account the idea popular among scientists, i.e changes process in deep structure of the world – view in general and  thinking in particular.  One of the special tendencies in  society today has become understanding of the fact that all the achievements people have had depends on how systematically they approach solving of problems, otherwise society fails; consistency is typical not only of nature but of human practice as well[1; 2].

Scientific data today and modern systematic ideas make us state that the world   is an infinite hierarchical system of systems which is under constant development and consistency of our thinking is determined by the system-based world.[2].

Main part. Modern study reveals that senior pupils learning different objects use the notion “a system” but, actually, they are not quite aware of what it is, they don't know its  essence as well as qualities which form a system, systematic quality of knowledge. By the way, although textbooks are based on the principle of consistency which is defined as a separate didactic principle, there are no its proper explanations and clarifications. 

George Bruner believes that the problem of  lack of correspondence of  lots of information, which is a key characteristics of modern education, to the limited education process time is the first to be solved.  In the times of fast moving information flow there is one possible way out. In his opinion, it is knowledge structure understanding and digestion. To achieve it all pedagogical and psychological conditions should be created to encourage understanding of the essence of system since system influences structure itself.

All the mentioned above have resulted in a range of serious tasks to be solved by modern geography textbooks. The latter have to have such content and structure that they encourage consistency of knowledge and pupils' process of thinking. These requirements are specially critical for 7-th form pupils who go to the 8-th   form.

According to modern research pupils are psychologically prepared for consistency knowledge formation on the appropriate level. At this very period system organization of cognitive experience of pupils  is characterized by some new qualities. Thus,  textbook authors, geography textbooks in particular, have to bear in mind that since this age, as a result of internal and external factors interaction, cognitive structure has been reflecting systematic organization of cognitive experience of pupils and has been a starting point for studying  knowledge system structure as a form of organizing it into integrity.  [2; 5; 6].  Thus, a textbook  has to be aimed both at digestion of  material and its organization, systematization and integration into a system.

Modern textbooks make sure geography education process is realized in such a way that  material is properly digested and gradually organized  into integral  system. It can be put into practice by gradual digestion of functional and morphological structure of knowledge system and according to the results of the knowledge acquired gradually extend it with geographical content. Due to this very scheme of organized education process inner psychological “cognitive map” of pupils is formed, i.e functional and morphological and systematic structure.  [2; 6].

Further study of geography education material is based on the cognitive map (as movement), and education process provides and makes sure every element of functional and morphological structure is gradually filled with content. All the elements of system are functionally interconnected and make up a strong systematic integrity, thus, this structure due to specific subject geography knowledge forms integral knowledge system.  [2; 6].

According to current research such functional and morphological structure, which has become inner representative and cognitive one, turns into intellect development carrier.  The research proves that while changing degree of the formed structure digestion intellectual development degree of pupils is changed too. There are the following definitions: cognitive scheme is a form of active organization of  acquired experience which allows changes in the process of saving and adopting to new activity requirements. According to modern pedagogical definitions mental structure is psychological formations which in the process of cognitive contact of a person with the environment provide the opportunity of information income about the surrounding world and all events, control of information processing and intellectual reflection selection. Cognitive experience as it is is formed by the following  mental structures: cognitive schemes, ways of coding information, semantic structures and notion structures.  This knowledge will help authors of new geography textbooks ensure consistency knowledge formation of pupils during education process.

       It is evident that  a new geography textbook forming consistency of geography knowledge  in the education process has to rely on some strategies of new knowledge formation such as interioriation, exteriorization, problematisation and reflexion.

    What is more, it is worth mentioning that reflection is directed to search of  difficulties causes and mistakes in order to find out if the ways of intellectual activities which are used correspond to the level and character of the task as well as critical attitude to one's own means is formed.

Subject – content knowledge system  “Economic and geographical region” can be a good example. In this system specialization of territory as a result of geographical division of labour (the latter is reflected in specialization of some territories producing some goods, services and further exchange between them ) is that very factor which combines all the elements of system into the whole.

         It should be taken into account that territory specialization in producing some goods( or services ) should have the following background to exist:  appropriate resources and perspective conditions; cheaper products than in other economical and geographical regions;  production opportunities considerably  exceeding demand; this production is required by a region or  a country. [2].

It is possible to identify the sides they can interact with within every system. In subject – content system such sides are functional and morphological structure of system, its content, knowledge acquirement activity and activity on their implementation. 

Conclusions. The process of consistency geography knowledge formation of pupils is complicated with a new generation geography textbook playing an important role. The book has to be  made in such a way that  during geography lessons a pupil as a subject of education process (interaction) masters systematic methodology, some basic knowledge, a system of practical skills, certain level of  intellectual skills development and  consistency of knowledge.


1. Einstein about the world  [Òåxt]; [ redactor and editor Î. Natan, H. Norden ; intr. B. Rassel; trans. from Engl. L.V. Ivanovskaya; edited by[with introduction] M. À. Ìàrkov. – Ì. : Nauka, 1994. – 638 p.

2. Ìàlafayik ². Â. Theory and methodology of consistency knowledge formation  of senior pupils: diss…D.Ed. [Òåxt] / ². V. Ìàlafayik. – R³vne, 2007. – 440 p.

3. Palamarchuk V. F. School teaches to think. [Òåxt] / V.F. Palamarchuk. – Ì. : Prosveschenie, 1987. – 208p.

4. Dictionary of foreign words [Òåxt]. – Ì., 1979. – 624 p.

5. Òopuzov Î. Ì. Theoretical and methodological basis of a individual  oriented textbook : collection of scient. works [Òåxt] /  Î. Ì. Òopuzov ; [edited scient. Â. Ì. Ìàdzigon]. – Ê. : ²nst. of pedagogics of NAPS of  Ukraine ; Kh. : FOP Stetsenko ². ².,  2010. –¹1(10).  – P. 4.

6. Holodnaya Ì. À. Psychology of intellect: paradoxes of research [Òåxt] /        Ì. À. Holodnaya. – Ì. : Íàuka, 1997. – 265 p.