Психология и социология/8. Педагогическая психология


Pyvovarchyk I.

South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University

named after K.D. Ushynsky, Odessa, Ukraine

Scientific school as a program of studdying of high school teachers’ training


Contemporary social and cultural development in Ukraine puts a lot of problems which are connected with revalueation of historical heritage especially regional scientific achievements. In this aspect, particular attention has been paid to investigations of development of scientific psychological schools, which appeared in Odessa in the period from the middle of the 70th of the XX century till the beginning of the XXI century.

Whereas a lot of special investigations had been conducted in the different aspects of this problem [1], [2], [3], [6], [14], [16], [19], [20] and other, the special investigations of development of scientific psychological schools exactly in Odessa as the scientific and cultural center of Ukraine were absent.

The goal of our investigation was to define the scientific psychological schools which were formed historically in Odessa and to find out the features and characteristics of the scientific schools.

So, we have formulated such tasks:

1.   to define more precisely theoretic and methodological maintenance of psychological scientific schools phenomenon

2.   to construct the method of historic-critical analysis of stage of forming and development of psychological scientific school

3.   to describe the main tendencies and features of psychological scientific schools’ appearance in Odessa (from the middle of the 70th of the XX century till the beginning of the XXI century)

Analysis of modern historic-psychological literature [2], [3], [6], [11], [14], [16], [17], [18], which is connected with problems of organization of science and scientific activity, gives possibility to form some point of view and to define the essence of scientific school. So we consider that scientific psychological school is a historical association of specialists, disciples, collaborators, which are united around its founder and leader. This association elaborates important scientific problems, which have progressive and innovate value.

The results of different investigations give the possibility to note that scientific school must be characterized in such features:

·     its leader has to have the feature of charismatic person

·     to elaborate important socially acknowledged scientific ideas

·     to unite scholars, who have strong motivation and are connected with contence of scientific research, heredity of principles, approaches, traditions

·     to equalize in actuality decision of tasks of holding of scientific researches and training of scholars.

During the process of studying historic-processual character of development of scientific school [2], [6], [14], [16], [19], [20] we have separated three forms of scientific school – “classic”, “disciplinic”, “problematic”, which are based on the corresponding principles of organization of science.

In our investigation we consider that if we construct algorithm of investigation of scientific school we shall optimize the process of its systematic historical studying. So as the result of researching work method of historic-critical analysis of stage of forming and development of scientific psychological schools has been elaborated. This method is based on so called “three aspects system” of scientific activity [20], on the conception of historical development of scientific school [17], staged of existence of scientific association [11: 40-56], formal-content analysis of its features as well.

Using this method we are able to define and describe the features of development of some psychological scientific schools on each stage of their existence (foundation, formation, the period of high activity).

Analysis of different researches [1], [2], [3], [4], [14], [16], [20] drives us to the conclusion that such famous scholars as I.Sechenov, M.Lange, S.Rubinshtein played a very important role in the process of development of psychology in Odessa and found scientific traditions of contemporary psychological scientific school.

G.Bedniy’s scientific school of psychological basis of analysis and projection of labour processes appeared at the end of the XX century. It was historically first. Scientific interests of G.Bedniy were connected with the problem of psychological standardization of labour in professional training of workers, ergonomical aspects of guarding and safety of labour, psychological principles of quantity estimation of difficulty of labour processes, organization and productivity of labour, creation of trainer for professional important skills of labour activity. The scholar created the laboratory of ergonomics at the Odessa Engineering Building Institute, where he elaborated the different aspects of labour psychology. G.Bedniy’s investigations were concentrated on three main directions: labour psychology and ergonomics, standardization of labour operations and systematic-structural theory of activity, which became the base of his scientific school.

O.Chebykin’s scientific school of emotional regulation of activity was the next one, that was founded in Odessa (the end of the 70th of the XX century). His scientific school achieved such results:

1.     the conception about determinant factors of personal emotional endurance and conditions of its formation.

2.     the conceptual model of emotional regulation of cognitive activity, that consists of three stages in its maintenance: orientational-motivational, performal and reflective-estimational.

3.     the systematic-active model of modern teachers’ training.

O.Chebykin created the Southern Ukrainian Scientific Center of the Pedagogical Science Academy, organization “The Innovates and Informatics Technologies of Education”, Odessa Association of Psychologists, The Institute of Psychoanalyzes. These scientific researches establishments have advanced the level of scientific and methodical support of practice psychologists, teachers, parents and pupils.

For the short period of time O.Chebykin’s scientific school of emotional regulation of activity successfully achieved the stage of maturity and was adopted by the world scientific community.

I.Belyavsky’s scientific school of historical-cultural determination of mental activity was founded in the middle of the 80th of the XX century. The main direction of his investigations was historical psychology. The subject of his investigations was the development of Ukrainian mentality. He elaborated the methodological basis of history of psychology, investigated the definite period of history. The inheritors, followers, disciples of Belyavsky’s scientific school studied the problems of the influence of personality cognitive style at the process of communication, the influence of ethnogenetic depressions at the social-psychological adaptation, the problems of vital activity in the cultural historical space, psyhosemantics of efficiency of ways of communicational influence, the mythological components of mentalness and psychological determinants of personal activity and others.

This scientific school continued its development and now it has attained the stage of maturity in this process.

At the present time this scientific school continues its development and has achieved the stage of maturity.

O.Sannikova’s scientific school of individual differences according to  emotionality was founded in the 80th of the XX century. The scientific and practical activity of the scholar has been dedicated to actual problems of national science and training of skilled psychologists. Today O.Sannikova is the leading specialist of native psychological science, in Ukrainian differential psychology. She is a founder of elaboration of methodological, theoretical and applied problems of personality and theory of emotionality. The scholar described more precisely the theoretical and methodological bases of investigations of psychological peculiarity of professionals in the branch of socionomic professions. She defined the conceptual positions of investigation of professional development of a teacher and a psychologist in the different specializing directions in the training and professional adaptation stage. Sannikova elaborated a new complex method of psychodiagnostics and psychological intervention of personality of a professional. Due to her scientific-organizational activity the faculty of after/past diploma education “Psychology” was founded.

This scientific school continues its development and now it has attained the stage of maturity as well.

T.Viskovatova’s scientific school of diagnostics and correction of retardation of child’s mental development obtained the features of foundation at the end of the XX century. Her scientific interests were directed to the investigation of the problems of rehabilitation of people, who have some mental deviation/abnormality and negative behavioral reactions with the aid by physical exercises.

This scientific school continues its development and now it has achieved only the first stage of its development.

At the last time S.Simonenko’s scientific school of visual thought has passed its first stage of development. Her creative activity is dedicated to investigations of phenomenon of visual thought on the base of strategecal-simentic approach, that was elaborated by this scholar. S.Simonenko founded a new direction at investigations of processes thought. She depicted its mechanisms, and peculiarities of development of processes thought in ontogenesis and anthropogenesis, its role in different kinds of human creative activity.

This scientific school is developing and at the present time has reached the second stage of formation in this process successfully.

So, all mentioned facts give us the possibility to come to such conclusions:

1.     The problem of scientific school as one of the leading problems in history, theory and practice has been shown. At the same time methodological basis, that can characterize the specific character of scientific psychological school is not defined enough.

2.     The definition of scientific psychological school as a historical association of specialists, disciples, collaborators, who united themselves around its founder and leader became fuller and more exact.

3.     The method of historic-critical analysis of stage of forming and development of scientific psychological schools has been proposed. This method takes into consideration 1) the definite historical period, in which the scientific school was founded and developed; 2) the form of transformation; 3) the level and stage of formation with the help of formal and essential features.

4.     The scientific school of G.Bedniy, O.Chebykin, I.Belyayvskiy, O.Sannikova, T.Viskovatova and S.Simonenko appeared in the period from the 50th and promoted/further active development of psychological science and advanced its image. O.Chebykin’s school of emotional regulation of activity, I.Belyavsky’s scientific school of historical-cultural determinants of mental activity, O.Sannikova’s scientific school of individual differences according to emotionality took the leading place. These schools reached the stage of maturity (but with some differences) and in the further stipulated for intensive development and world acknowledgement. The scientific school of visual thought (S.Simonenko) has the features of the stage of formation. G.Bedniy’s school of psychological basis of analysis and projection of labour processes, T.Viskovatova’s scientific school of diagnostics and correction of retardation of child’s mental development obtained only the first stage of its foundation. All these scientific schools of this period developed in correspondence with “problematic” principle of its formation.

5.     The contemporary Odessa scientific psychological schools are continuing the scientific traditions, that were founded by I.Sechenov, M.Lange, S.Rubinshtein and in such a way the further development of psychological science was defined.



В статье раскрыто содержание феномена научных школ и исторические формы их трансформации. Предложен метод историко-критического анализа уровня сформированности научных школ в психологии. Рассмотрены современные одесские психологические школы Г.З.Бедного, А.Я.Чебыкина, О.П.Санниковой, И.Г.Белявского, С.Н.Симоненко, Т.П.Висковатовой, которые достигли разного уровня сформированности.

Ключевые слова: научная школа, научная деятельность, метод историко-критического анализа уровня сформированности и развития психологических научных школ.


У статті розкрито зміст феномену наукових шкіл та історичні форми їх трансформації. Запропоновано метод історико-критичного аналізу рівня сформованості наукових шкіл у психології. Розглянуто сучасні одеські психологічні школи Г.З.Бєдного, О.Я.Чебикіна, О.П.Саннікової, І.Г.Бєлявського , С.М.Симоненко, Т.П.Вісковатової,  які досягали різного рівня сформованості.

Ключові слова: наукова школа, наукова діяльності, метод історико-критичного аналізу рівня сформованості та розвитку психологічних наукових шкіл.


Understanding of contents of scientific schools phenomenon and historical forms of transformation has been presented. The method for historical and critical analysis of  scientific schools  formation level in psychology was suggested. Making of modern Odessa psychological schools (G.Bednyi, A.Chebykin, O.Sannikova, I.Belyavskiy, S.Simonenko, V.Viskovatova) which reached different level of formation, is considered.

Keywords: a scientific school, scientific activity, method of historic-critical analysis of stage of forming and development of scientific psychological schools.




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Пивоварчик/Пивоварчик/ Pyvovarchyk


Ирина /Ірина/Iryna


Михайловна/Михайлівна/ -

Научная степень

Кандидат психологических наук

Ученое звание

Приват-доцент кафедры теории и методики практической психологии



Учебное заведение

Государственное учреждение Южноукраинский национальный педагогический університет шимени К.Д.Ушинского, Одесса, Украина / Державний заклад Південноукраїнський національній педагогічний університет імені К.Д.Ушинського, Одеса, Україна / South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky, Odessa, Ukraine


Лузановская, 6

Телефон служб./дом./моб.

Служб. - / дом. 716-66-05 / моб. 067-281-36-48






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