Ph.D. Shylina M.V., Maltanava H.M., Shylin* K.A.

Vitebsk State University, Vitebsk State Medical University*

The application of logistic models of a interspecific competition during training for biologists and ecologists


There is a simulation model of ecological study has been developed for examination of life activity of  two populations which are found to be  in the relations "predator-prey". The ecological system, which is consist of the populations of lynx and rabbits was  the object of investigation.

This choice is motivated by the fact that such models are described in the scientific literature and a product obtained during the design work can be used in the training process. The  equation for balance between the number of born and perishing animals  can be described  by differential equations of second order.

The program allows to estimate a period of vibration in number of predators and preys by chanching of population parameters.

During progress of  work the students were offered to do the following tasks:

1. To analyze the behavior of the system under different parameters ε, r, s.

2. To write down the variation of x (t) for given parameters ε, r, s.

3. To graph  x (t). The curves for each parameter should  be represented in one figure.

4. To Evaluate characteristic values ​​of the process:

a) compare  a stationary value Xconst.  with  calculation data Hconst = ε / D.

To graph Hconst (ε), Hconst (D)

To analyze the behavior of the system durind alteration of the initial number of specimens X0

Draw a conclusion.


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Fig.1. The program interface "Model Volterra"

After creation of the model and work with it the following conclusions can be drown.
1.  It is possible to carry out research in given model  with a certain degree of approximation to the real process.
2. This model can be used in the classroom for Ecology and as demonstrative material during the classes of informatics.