Economics/15.Government management
of economy, Professor Khodos D.V., Ph.D. candidate
Stepanova L.V.
Institute of Economics and Finance of Agribusiness
industry FSBEI HPO «Krasnoyarsk state agrarian university», Russia
essence, the role of innovation practice and innovation activities of
The present-day conditions of economy development presuppose the
presence of necessary and sufficient conditions for innovation
In most cases the prospective viability of this or that region is estimated
by either general economic indicators, or by subjective criteria of a certain
region that characterize potential capabilities of that region. But the most essential condition of innovation
development is the efficient management of this system. In recent years in Russia
the foundation of presently-operating national innovation system has been laid and
certain efforts to form and develop the structure of innovation development
management have been made, which has also been selectively carried out in
Along with this, the management of innovation development still remains
the key problem for the innovations in regions. It is essential to elaborate the
forms of innovation development management that will ensure the most efficient
implementation of the programmes of innovation regional development.
To successfully move in this direction it is important to use new forms of
innovation development management that will make it possible to take into consideration
theoretical maturity of the management system and to use specific natural and
geographical, industrial and technological and scientific resources as launch
environment for innovation transformations. This is where the innovation potential can be fully used as a general
indicator of economic development of the system. The choice of forms of innovative
development management directly depends on structural and volume indicators of innovation
development of a region as well as on the possibility to make a long-term
forecast of these indicators.
The peculiarity of innovation development management is the importance of
considering both the results of current production periods and the regional
wealth that has been accumulated during the previous stage of innovation activities.
The theoretical and practical essence of the forms of innovation development management
for regional economy is in the ability to reveal the efficiency indicators in
the structure of regional and national economy.
The improvement of innovation policy has become the key task for the further
development and intensification of economic processes conditioned by both current
economic laws and their negative practice in regional business behavior [1].
Among those there is the change in balance between living labor and embodied
labor caused by scientific-and-technological advance; the necessity to use wider
potential of production resources that appears at the junction of such systems
as “equipment-technology”, “equipment-information”, “technology-human being” due
to narrowing resource base; the lowering levels of quality and use of real and
human elements of innovation potential.; the disproportion of the development
of equipment, technological and information production base. In such conditions
the decline in the efficiency of the use of investment potential of a region increases
“the price” that the society pays in the form of one-time investments and
current expenditures for every per-cent of regional revenue growth, therefore
weakening the economic base of technical and social progress [2].
According to the progremmes of innovation development, the responsibility
and interest of regions in the formation of a congenial innovation climate
That is why one of the forms of management could be estimation criteria
of innovation opportunities of a region as well as the parameters and
characteristics of innovation potential. In other words, the management actions
should be directed towards the efficient use of innovation potential – its
size, structure, characteristics, load level and efficiency as an object of
management. .
The innovation potential of regional economic systems is characterized
as a complex system of resources that are interconnected and interdependent.
That is why in the process of planning and implementation it is important to use
such system peculiarities of the potential as integrating qualities and interchangeability
of its elements and well-balanced, appropriate correlation between them, which,
first and foremost, opens up opportunities for the establishment of the economic
system that will show maximum performance and efficiency.
In the existing management methods marketing aspects of innovative
activities are not taken into consideration.
With relation to management tool, for the development and implementation
of innovations the following key points should be considered:
Regional specialization in terms of development of
certain directions of innovative activities. For example, when comparing a region
which is ranked as “universal” in terms of amount of innovations with
production systems that specialize in this direction, its development potential
was easily determined;
Peculiarities of the offered innovation products, that,
no doubt, influence the sales volume of the product as well as the market share
in the region;
Nomenclature and range of the offered innovation products
in the analyzed direction of regional activities;
List of unused distribution channels of innovative
products in regions;
Peculiarities of regional innovation product promotion.
If the abovementioned points are not considered, the forms of innovative
activities management will remain just a tool of mathematics, but not a tool of
efficient analysis and evaluation of the perspectives of regional innovation development,
the analysis of opportunities and conditions for the successful development of
innovative activities in the respective market segment.
The specific form of management that can be used is the system of distribution
of responsibilities among the management subjects in accordance with the
management influence on the innovation development of a certain region. The principles
of making alternative managerial decisions determine the choice and the type of
managerial actions. These are the following principles: the principle of coordination of actions of
all subjects, the principle of budget effectiveness, the principle of
commercial effectiveness and the principle of recoverability.
Such an approach will guarantee maximally favorable conditions for the
distribution of responsibilities among the management subjects in the process
of implementation of long-term and mid-term programmes of innovation development.
The responsibilities are distributed on federal, regional and municipal levels.
As evaluation criteria of innovative development the following is offered:
to introduce in all aspects the coefficients that show deviations of certain indicators
of activities from average regional indicators of average volume of innovation products:
where: —
is the total volume of innovation products in regions;
N — is the number of regions.
The innovation activity index for
every region can be calculated from the formula:
Having the calculated indexes of innovation activities it is possible to
calculate potentially feasible market share:
where: — is the
potentially feasible market share with consideration of innovation activity;
— is average
market share per region that is calculated by division of total volume of a
market by the number of regions that act on the market;
is the index of innovation activity.
The potential percent of regions that are on the market but have a zero index
of innovation activity in terms of the given approach can be considered as equaling
zero, which means that the management effect is minimal and the existing system
of innovation development management cannot be evaluated as successful.
List of reference
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Sokolov, K.V. Yudaeva // The Economic journal. - 2004.-No 3.-p. 399-414.
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