Strusovskaya O. G.,
Baykin P. I.
Northen State
Medical University, Arkhangelsk
toxity determination of Cochlearia officinalis infusion
task of modern pharmacy is creation of drugs on vegetable base, having a low
threshold of undesirable effects beginning. Cochlearia officinalis is a
plant, which potentially has a hypoglycemic activity. Plant extract’s
hypoglycemic activity connected with availability in its chemical composition
of calystegines – polyhydroxylated unesterified nortropan alkaloids, which are
able to competitively inhibit activity of
glucosidases [1]. C. officinalis chronic toxity studying is
necessary because of long drug use necessity, influencing on postprandial
«Wistar» line adult rats weighing 180-200 grams were held in
quarantine for 14 days before experiment and used for toxicological research.
Experimental animals maintenance was corresponded to «Health rules on the
device, equipment and maintenance of experimental biological vivariums» and to
order of The Russian Federation Ministry of Health ¹267 of 19.06.2003
«Laboratory practicies rules adoption» [2,3]. Animals were kept with continuous
access to water on a standard diet. Feeding was carried out in fixed time.
Experiment was conducted according to guidance for preclinical research of new
drugs [4]. C. officinalis infusion was prepared in accordance with
requirement of State Pharmacopoeia XI [5].
The toxic doses of C. officinalis
infusion six animals in each of four experimental and control groups were used
in this study. Determination of chronic toxity was conducted by giving infusion
to animals of experimental groups during 60 days. Parallely groups of intact
animals were given 0,9 % solution of sodium chloridi in the same quantity. Observation of the animals
was carried out daily. Basic fixed parameters were: animal weight, general
state of health, frequency of eating, defecation and urination.
Dynamics of animals’ body mass change
presents in table 1.
these studies are the base of conclusion, that using of C. officinalis
Table 1
Dynamics of animal’s body mass change
Days of
experiment |
Average mass of
animals in control groups, grams |
Average mass of
animals in experimental groups, grams |
Female |
Male |
Female |
Male |
1 |
197,1±3,5 |
200,2±1,4 |
197,6±3,5 |
200,2±5,4 |
7 |
197,9±2,3 |
200,4±4,6 |
197,5±2,3 |
200,4±4,5 |
14 |
197,6±3,6 |
200,6±3,4 |
196,6±3,6 |
200,6±3,4 |
21 |
197,0±2,9 |
200,4±5,6 |
197,4±2,9 |
200,4±5,6 |
28 |
197,2±8,7 |
202,1±1,8 |
197,2±3,7 |
200,1±2,8 |
35 |
197,4±2,9 |
200,0±2,7 |
197,4±2,9 |
200,0±4,7 |
42 |
197,2±3,7 |
200,9±1,9 |
197,2±3,7 |
200,9±1,9 |
49 |
197,3±2,4 |
200,8±1,3 |
197,4±1,7 |
200,8±2,3 |
56 |
197,2±3,5 |
200,9±1,9 |
197,3±3,5 |
200,9±2,9 |
61 |
199,5±4,8 |
200,7±1,9 |
197,6±4,2 |
201,9±2,4 |
doesn’t influence on behavioral responses, general state of health and
frequency of eating, defecation and urination of experimental animals.
60 days animals were removed from the experiment by decollation under espneic
anesthesia by ether vapor in accordance with rules for experimental animals
[6]. Visual inspection of dead animals doesn’t identify any significant
distinction from animals of control groups.
All animals had normal build and
average state of nourishment. Oral mucosa and tongue were pale and clean. Teeth
were preserved. Excretions from natural foramen didn’t present. Fur was shining
and clean. There are no centers of alopecia, skin irritation and erosion were
Thus toxity measurement and animal
observation data during 60 days let to relate C. officinalis infusion to the
fourth class of low hazard substances [7].
Histological research of experimental
animals internal organs in comparison with control animals internal organs were
also held. Animals’ hearts, livers,
kidneys and stomachs were fixed in Carnoy’s fluid, neutral formalin and flooded
by paraffin for these purposes. Sections were coloured by hematoxylin and eosin
by Van Gieson. In the course of researches was established:
endothelial cells of aortha inner membrane have clear nuclea; there are
no destruction of tunica media elastic fibers; myofibrills’ transverse
striation is clear in all heart sections, cardiomyocites’ nuclea contain
sufficient quantity of chromatin, nuclear membrane is thin. There are no
centers of cytoplasm tinctorial properties violation and cardiofibrosis; slight
swelling of heart’s stroma was fixed, which was associated with anesthesia
(picture 1);
trabecular liver structure on cuts from different liver lobes doesn’t
detect violations. Hepatocytes’ borders are clear, cytoplasm is granular. There
are no local tinctorial properties disorders of cytoplasm. Nuclea contain clear
nucleola and sufficient quantity of chromatin. Nuclear membrane is thin.
Liver’s sinusoids are plethoric (picture 2);
Picture 1
research results
(heart’s stroma slight swelling)
Picture 2
Histological research
(liver’s sinusoids
capillaries of nephrons and intersticial tissue in kidneys are
plethoric, cytoplasm of kidney proximal tubule epithelium is oxyphilic, cell’s
borders are distinguishable, nuclea are bright and clear (picture 3);
Picture 3
research results
(plethora of kidney
-integumentary epithelium of stomach mucosa is formed
by mucous cylindrical cells. Epithelial lining defects were not noticed
(picture 4). Principal and parietal cells of stomach glands are not changed.
Picture 4
research results
epithelium of stomach mucosa)
were no clear differences between microscopic sections of experimental and
control groups of animals were detected as result of histological research.
Daily intragastric giving of C. officinalis to experimental animals of both
sexes during 60 days didn’t cause irritation, inflammation and destruction of
tissues. Dystrophic, destructive, local sclerotic changes in parenchymal cells
and stroma of internal organs didn’t occur.
Brock A. Brassicaceae contain nortropane alkaloids/ A. Brock, Ò. Herzfeld, R. Paschke, M. Koch et all//
Phytochemistry.- 2006. -Vol. 67. -Iss. 18.- Pp. 2050-2057.
2. M. G. Irapetyanz, I. P. Levshyna, L. V. Nozdracheva,
N. N. Shuikyn, Correction of behavioral and physiological indexes of white rats
neurosis-like state by giving the succinic acid, J. Higher nervous activity, V.
51, ¹3 (2001), p. 360–367.
3. RF
Ministry of Health order ¹ 267 from 19.06.2003 «Adoption of the rules of
laboratory practices».
4. R. U. Habriev, O. L. Verstakova, E. V. Arzamastzev,
E. A. Babayan
Guidance for experimental (preclinical) research of
new pharmacological agents, (2005), p. 832.
State Pharmacopoeia XI, V. 2, (1990), p. 400.
6. RF
Ministry of Health order ¹ 755 from 12.08.1977 «Improvement steps of work’s
organizational forms with use of experimental animals».
7. State industry standard 12.1.007-76 from
01.01.1977, System of safety standards. Harmful substances. Classification and
safety requirements.