Педагогические науки/2. Проблемы подготовки специалистов.


Doctor of Phys. and Math. Sci. Gorobets Yu.I.1, Cand. of Tech. Sci. Porev S.M. 1, Poreva G.S. 2, Doctor of Phys. and Math. Sci.  Reshetnyak S.O. 2

1Institute of Magnetism of NAS of Ukraine

2National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Interdisciplinary education of undergraduates-physicists of investigating universities

The report "Logic interdisciplinary research" by S. Mathison and M. Freeman [1] noted that the idea of ​​combining two or more disciplines, pedagogical approaches, groups of people or skills is not new. Interdisciplinary, integrated and integrative approaches are not simply trying to combine two or more systems of knowledge. The general method of these models is a combination of disciplines through the main ideas or themes.

Models of integrated applications can be seen as a bridge between interdisciplinary and integrative models. They are often created by teachers who have interest in more global approach, their comprehensive studies beyond disciplinary boundaries. According to the model of integrated education, education is the problem-oriented, integration model is formed around abstract topics and global problems.

Integrative approach provides a different framework for learning and makes teachers and students partners to develop an educational program. As well as integrated approach, integrative one is organized by themes and problems, but it emphasizes personal interests, culture and character of a student more than the other presented models. Personal considerations, the selection and design are accepted as valuable components of the learning environment. The approach is characterized by personalization, developing students' personal views on education, society and the world.

Всі три моделі мають позитивні результати. При цьому для студентів забезпечується:

All three models have positive results. They provide for students such things as:
- Improve understanding, awareness and application of general concepts;

- Improve understanding of global interdependence with the development of different perspectives, viewpoints and values;

- Improve the ability to make decisions, think critically and creatively, synthesize knowledge beyond disciplines;

- Improve the ability to identify, assess and transfer important information needed to solve new problems;

- Promoting collective learning, improve self-esteem of students as members of society, increasing the motivation to learn.

Also the proposed benefits for teachers include:

- Improved and more meaningful relationships with students;

- Greater flexibility training, improving integration of information;

- Increase collegiality and support among teachers, greater understanding of the links between disciplines.

An interdisciplinary approach allows heavily use material disciplinary curricula. At the same time, integrated and integrative curriculum needs rethinking learning and teaching. Teachers and students may feel uncomfortable in new roles, the transition from disciplinary to integrative approach requires an appropriate commitment of participants of the educational process. Difficulties also arise when combining material disciplinary team of teachers, because each of them is a specialist in some particular area, and often prefers familiar fragments course, has his own preferences.

In 2006 the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” was formed the course on the base of research as an interdisciplinary, which was designed to ensure the deepening of general scientific and methodological training undergraduates of physical and mathematical specialties of technical university. In subsequent years, the course acquired integrated features. Firstly, the methodological aspects of scientific training students were recognized quite trivial and such that do not require teaching in lessons and can be learned during independent work of students with control of workshops. The central idea of ​​the course became more and more the disclosure of toughest problems of scientific knowledge, which, despite its constructivism in nature, has not been solved in the world of philosophy of science and epistemology in terms of identification and demarcation of scientific and non-scientific knowledge, not been developed criteria and universally accepted norms of scholarship. Today's implementation of the course involves a combination of models of integrated and integrative approach, since among undergraduates typically been singled out a subgroup of individuals cooperating with the teacher, while others are satisfied with relatively passive learning material.

In addition, more and more claimed and successful becomes the practice of attracting graduate students to the work performed on the intersection of science. First of all, in our case, it refers to joints "education-physics", "education-physics-chemistry" and "pedagogy, physics and computers science." Note that involve students in such interdisciplinary research not only expands their own capabilities in terms of skills, but also allows to develop new curricula adapted to teaching future scientists.

Note that much greater results of learning process could be achieved in advanced scientific and methodological training of students, if the curriculum of university provided a comprehensive implementation of interdisciplinary and problem-oriented training. But without a strong state-level programs addressed to solving problems of the country, the target problem-oriented training lacks the essential component - specific stable order, and, as result,  students lack the interesting in acquiring the relevant skills.



1. Mathison S., Freeman M. The logic of interdisciplinary studies. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, 1997.