Педагогические науки/4.Стратегические направления реформирования системы образования


Smagulova G.T., Zhetpisbayeva B.A.

Academician Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University, Republic of Kazakhstan



Making complex definition of the ethnolingual didactic approach as an investigated concept one should characterize the component "approach". According to S.I. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary there is given the following definition: “approach is a set of methods, means (in influencing on someone, in studying something, in proceedings)” [1]. The definition presents a general idea of this concept therefore it is necessary to consider "approach" from the various points of view.

The set of methodological approaches is considered as theory-methodical basis since the investigated pedagogical phenomenon in its complexity, as a rule, shouldn't be studied from one point of view. Some authors [2, 3, 4] engaged in the research notice that the term "approach" is polysemous and can be considered as:

- a complex of paradigmatic (an ontologic picture, the scheme and the description of objects), syntagmatic (ways and methods of argument, languages of description, an explanation and understanding) and pragmatical (the purposes and values, the instructions, resolved and forbidden forms of using syntagma and paradigm) structures and mechanisms in knowledge and practice. The structures characterize competing (or historically replacing each other) strategies and programs in science, politics or in organizing live-sustaining activity of a person;

- a world outlook category reflecting social orientations of subjects of education as carriers of public consciousness;

-both a global system organization and self-organizing the educational process and as basic methodological orientation of research;

-a set of principles defining an overall aim and strategy of corresponding activity;

-a base valuable orientation of an educator defining the position in interaction with the trainee and collective [5, 6].

Concerning to the research context the approach is considered as a complex of paradigmatic, syntagmatic and pragmatic structures and mechanisms in experience that characterizes strategies and programs in organizing live-sustaining activity of a person [7]. Analysis of a category "approach" is usually referred to during the special periods of developing the certain activity when there basic changes are fixed or problems being unsolubleby available means are emerged.

Realizing any approach means the complex statement of general methodological and theoretical questions. A priori the question concerning methodology of education as a whole: whether education is based on the certain approach or simultaneously on several. Recognizing the variety of approaches logically means stating the problem of approaches’ hierarchy and levels’ parity.

According to the classification of approaches by scientific disciplines: philosophical, psychological, pedagogical, anthropological, interdisciplinary etc.; by object of applying: pragmatic, culturological, personal etc.; by the analysis: system, complex, structural etc. there is obvious represented the differentiation of approaches without their mutual exclusion, taking into account their ability to develop, improve the previous ones. Moreover, the distinction provides realizing the different plans of consideration (analysis).

According to the concept of four-leveled methodological analysis by I.V. Blauberg, E.G. Yudinthe treating any phenomenon (in our case, polylingual education) presumes multiplicity of approaches as a counter to unicity [8; 129]. There are assumed the system, evolutionary approaches at the first basic level – the philosophical and the interdisciplinary, complex, synergetic ones are at the subsequent, general scientific level. Therefore the culturological, personal, pragmatic approaches should be concerned to a specific science (or a field, for example, psychology-pedagogic). Similarly, at last level there are also placed the approaches concerning education: the axiological, hermeneutic, personal-pragmatic. Hence, here there is the ethnolingual didactic approach as a methodological strategy in realizing the polylingual education. Regarding to the principle of hierarchy the specific scientific level is characterized by defining the levels set above.

Having considered the approach formation from the positions of three leveled methodological analysis one can be certain that the first level characterizes a philosophical, world outlook basis. System and evolutionary approaches reflect an existential vision of the world [9; 31-32]. Then, ethnolingual didactic approach appropriately is a system, interdisciplinary one. Having a practical, pragmatic and humanistic orientation, it is also characterized by both personal and pragmatic aspects. Acting within the limits of the approach language is both an object and a knowledge means, thus there is accented the practice orientation of education with fixing the subordination of knowledge to abilities.

Considering the levels in respect to the concept the analysis of educational process and place (respectively, the format) of the ethnolingual didactic approach at each level – philosophical, general and specific scientific is represented as the following: philosophical level (system approach), general scientific level (interdisciplinary approach), specific (especial) scientific level (ethnolingual didactic approach).

The statements given above testify that the ethnolingual didactic approach represents one of the plans considering such complex phenomenon as education according to level structure of its methodological analysis.

The ethnolingual didactic approach being the set of basic principles, specialized methods and specific means is offered as methodological maintenance of polylingual education and represents the methodology-technological tooling for developing scientifically well-proved instructions for the practice of organizing the polylingual education [10].

Working out the methods systematized according to certain principles within the limits of leading methodological approach has been designated and proved. The ethnolingual didactic approach defining the initial positions of scientific experience represents the set of: 1) basic principles, 2) specialized methods and 3) specific means of its realization.

The methodological essence of the ethnolingual didactic approach in creating the polylingual personality consists in its system, interdisciplinary and pragmatic character. Being at the level of a specific science (lingual didactic) the ethnolingual didactic approach as a matter of fact integrates the social cultural, valuable, civilized, innovative and system approaches. The ethnolingual didactic approach takes for a strategy point the interdisciplinary, integrated requirements to result of educational process and changes the goal-setting type in educational system of polylingual education that directed to training the polylingual personality.

Thus, the ethnolingual didactic approach for organizing and developing the system of polylingual education is defined as set of specific principles, methods and means based on consideration of education system in a complicated inconsistent parity of society and ethnoculture, their dynamics and historical development. The methodological tooling of polylingual education is the set of technologies, forms and the methods promoting efficiency of process of preparation for activity in polylingual environment: the system selection of content including special, general pedagogical, linguistic and ethnopedagogical training.

The ethnolingual didactic approach has not been stated as an exhaustive methodological strategy and means of realizing the polylingual education. Representing the central strategic line of organizing the polylingual education it could strengthen positions of polylingual education only in a complex with other methodologically significant practiced approaches.


1. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Russian language explanatory dictionary: 80 000 words and phraseological phrases. М.: Azbukovnik, 2006, 944p.

2. Psychology of individual and group subject / edited by A.V. Brushlinsky, M.I. Volovikova. М., 2002, 368p.

3. Rubinshtein S.L. General psychology problems. М.: Pedagogika, 1973, 416p.

4. Stepanov Ye.N. Contemporary approaches and education conceptions for a teacher. М.: Creative centre «Sfera», 2002, 160p.

5. Trukhachev V.I. High school in leading world countries. Stavropol: AGRUS, 2006, 120p.

6. Yakovlev Ye.V. Pedagogical conception: methodological aspects of construction. М.: VLADOS, 2006, 239p.

7. Sociology: Encyclopedia / Comp. А.А.Gritsanov, V.L. Abushenko, G.M. Yevelkin, G.N. Sokolova, O.V. Tereschenko. Minsk: Knizhnyi dom, 2003, 1312p.

8. Blauberg I.V., Yudin E.G. Formation and essence of the system approach. М., 1973, 270p.

9. Zimnyaya I.A. Key competences as the effective principal basis of the competence approach in education // Russia in Bologna: problems, objectives and perspectives. М., 2004, 42p.

10. Zhetpisbayeva B.A. Theoretical and methodological fundamentals of multilanguage education. Resume of Doctor of Education. Karaganda, 2009, 46p.