Psychology and sociology/9.
Development psychology
D.N., Romaschuk A.N.
Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov, Russia
The subject-activity approach to the
analysis of child-parental relations (on an example of the families which are
bringing up senior preschoolers)*
The problem of studying
of child-parental relations is actual for modern psychology. Basically
child-parental relations are considered in a context of a dyad «mother – child».
Thus authors use various concepts for the characteristic, mainly, a parental
component of these interrelations. Object of research are: parental relation (Kovalev,
1980; Stolin, 1982; Varga, 1986; Bragina, 2000; Belogay, 2006; Smirnova,
Sokolova, 2007), parental positions (Spivakovskaya, 1986; Zhigalin, 2004), parental
attitudes (Petrovskiy, 1981), parental love (Milyukova, 2004). In empirical researches revealing and an
estimation of styles or types of upbringing prevails (Roe, Siegelman 1963;
Baumrind, 1973; Garbuzov, Zakharov, 1977; Spivakovskaya, 1986; Varga, 1986; Filippova,
1999; Eydemiller, Yustitskis, 2000; Smirnova, Sokolova, 2007). At multiplicity
of researches of child-parental relations in Russian psychology deficiency in
methodological judgment of this question, unfortunately, is observed (Smirnova,
Sokolova, 2007). Social psychological
workings out in frameworks of the subject-activity approach allow discussed a
problem of studying of child-parental relations from the new point of view.
Being guided by the
concept of the collective subject (Zhuravlev, 2002), we have offered the
subject-activity approach to the analysis of child-parental relations. The
child-parental generality becomes the collective subject when the parent and
the child have deep requirement for joint activity; the child, depending in the
development from active parent participation in the organization of various
developing forms of activity, to the greatest degree receives in them
possibility for realization of the subject potential. For formation of the
collective subject «parent–child» the reflexion by the parent of child
possibilities in development, comprehension of necessity of creation of
developing sociocultural conditions according to the child individuality is
necessary. Researches earlier carried out by us in frameworks of the
subject-activity approach have allowed to elicit the fact of that for the
Russian dyads «mother – younger preschooler» is characteristic a presubject
level of development of a child-parental generality with the absence of express
style preferences in upbringing.
This formation not only directly positively causes child language development,
but also mediates plural biosociocultural influences on formation of language
in younger preschool children (Chernov, Ignatov, 2012). The purpose of this
paper is to reveal features of functioning of a child-parental generality as
the collective subject in the families which are bringing up the senior preschoolers.
Methods. Mothers filled a questionnaire «The analysis
of family relationships» (QAFR) (Eydemiller, Yustitskis, 2000) and a
questionnaire of parental relations (QPR) (Varga, Stolin, 1989). For an
estimation of the general orientation of parent's activity a questionnaire «The
person orientation» by V. Smekal – M. Kucher (QPO) (in Osnitskiy, 1996) was
used. For diagnostics of propensity of the parent to the reflective relation to
its life the questionnaire of diagnostics of reflexivity (QDR) (Carpov, 2003)
was used. We created a projective method «The parent and the child are together»,
intended for diagnostics of child-parental relations as the collective subject
(PMCS) (Chernov, 2011). Specificity of child experience of interpersonal
relations was investigated by means of a method «Film-test» by R. Zhil (FT) (Gil'yasheva,
Ignat'eva, 1994). Children carried out a projective method «Kinetic drawing of
a family» (KDF) (Berns, Kaufman, 2003). The statistical analysis was spent by
means of Statistics 8.0. The factor analysis is used.
Sample. 106 children at the age of 5 years 6 months –
6 years 7 months (48 girls and 58 boys) and their mothers 25–43 years old
involved in research. All children do not visit
Results and their discussion. For the purpose of a general
concept about structure of child-parental relations the factor analysis of data
by methods QAFR, QPR, QPO, QDR, PMCS, FT and KDF is carried out. There are five
factors, among which the most important for explaining the variance of
estimations a factor «Collective subject “parent – child” with the style of parental
relation “the indulging hyperpatronage”». Factor is expressed when mother
considers education of the child by the central business of a life, aspires to
satisfaction of all child needs, shows to it minimal requirements, alternating
excessiveness/minimality of restrictions in a combination to a minimality of
sanctions; mother is inclined to expansion of sphere of parental feelings,
preference in the child of children's qualities, is inclined to solve problems
of matrimonial relations at the expense of the child (QAFR). Thus mother aspires to an
establishment co-operative, frequently, symbiotic relations with the child (QPR). For
mothers are characteristic: a high level of reflexivity (QDR), collective person
orientation (QPO), interaction/interdependency with the child, high intensity and
expansion of spheres of joint activity with the child and reflexive relation of
parent and child to their life together (PMCS). Let's notice, that it is a formed
collective subject «parent – child»: in the presence of interrelation/
interdependence between subjects and the reflective relation, mainly, the parent
to the child, the tendency to increase in intensity and expansion of spheres of
joint activity of the parent and the child is observed. That is the subject «parent
– senior preschooler» is characterized by a «general» sign of the advanced
collective subject (Zhuravlev, 2002). Thus the child has a positive attitude to
the mother, the father, parents as the couple, significant adults, is inquisitive,
moderately contentious, aspires to domination in relations, is sociable and
socially adequate (FT), perceives a family situation as favorable (KDF).
Results of research can
be used in correction-preventive work with the modern family which is bringing
up the child of the senior preschool age. In case of use of the offered model (see
figure below) the
psychologist receives scientifically proved reference points in psychological
and pedagogical work with system the «parent – child» which purpose is
formation at the parent of an image of the child as the subject of own course
of life and an image of itself as the subject-mediator in mastering by the
world of sociocultural relations. It is necessary to let know to the parent,
that at the senior preschool age it is necessary to listen sensitively to
manifestations of the child individuality and to meet half-way them, creatively
reinterpreting and using them for the child personal development. Thus, style
of interrelations «the indulging hyperpatronage» becomes the most effective background
for formation of a child-parental generality as collective subject. During work
the psychologist should induce the parent to formation of strong interrelation
with the child on the basis of love, respect and trust, to creation during
interaction of a zone of the proximal development for any subject forms of
activity of the child for the purpose of creative development of its person as
the future creator of the sociocultural spaces, to increase in a specific share
of reflective forms dyadic interactions on purpose to learn it to plan,
subsequently, joint activity, to supervise a course of its performance and to
estimate its results. We consider that this «school» of construction of the
collective subject is a necessary condition of development of the child as subject
of the course of life, potentially capable to organize the collective subject
of educational, professional, economic and any other socially significant
activity in the future.
Figure. The model of a child-parental generality
as collective subject in the families which are bringing up senior
* Research is executed at RFH financial support of the project of
carrying out of scientific researches «Model of sociocultural conditionality of
language development in ontogenesis», grant ¹12-06-00237à.