TECHNICAL SCIENCES/12. The automated systems

managements on production.

Ilyushin Y. V.

National mineral resources university

St. Petersburg, Russia

Kravcova A.L.

North Caucasian Federal university,

Pyatigorsk, Russia

Creation of model of trayektorny sensitivity of continuous object of management.


Modern technological processes on the organization and processing of material, power and information streams demand much of reliability and indicators of quality of the control systems which are built in technical Wednesday of these technological processes. Lack of guarantees of stability of indicators of quality of functioning of control systems as a part of served technological processes can lead to deterioration of consumer properties of target production of process, and also its productivity that is unjustified technical, economic, ecological, and, probably, and humanitarian luxury. The problem of ensuring stability of indicators of quality of operated processes in the conditions of uncertainty of the various nature of the technical environment of their course, like a problem of ensuring their stability, becomes one of "eternal" in the theory and practice of management. This problem has some all-system production versions formulated as a problem of ensuring of small parametrical sensitivity to parametrical uncertainty, as a problem of achievement of roughness or a robastnost on set of uncertain factors, and also ensuring the guaranteed quality of operated processes at uncertainty of parameters of functional components of the control system which is set in the interval or indistinct image [1].

Let's solve a problem of creation of model of troyektorny sensitivity of continuous object of management. Transfer function (PF) «an entrance exit (VV)» for continuous object of management (NOU) is given [2,3]:


where – nominal rates of parameters,

value of parameters (PF):


Transfer function NOU entrance exit:

Let's pass to an initial observable form:

 - NOU representation:

, , .

Matrixes of nominal OU:

, , .

Creation of family of models of trayektorny sensitivity [1,2]:

,                 , 

,            .

and formation of family of the aggregated systems:

Where , , , .

Let's receive:

,, , ;



, , , ;

Let's calculate controllability matrixes on function of trayektorny sensitivity and their norm:





Owing to an inequality:  

proranzhiruy parameters on potential sensitivity:


The parameter makes the smallest impact.


During rated work construction of model of trayektorny sensitivity (MTCh) of continuous plant of control (OU) in demand base were fulfil. Ranking of parametres on potential sensitivity to them an exit of OU with use of a matrix of controllability of the aggregat system are ma.


The list of used literature

1. Nkiforov V. O., It is merged by the Lake of Century, Ushakov A.V. Intellectual management in the conditions of uncertainty: manual. SPb: ITMO St.Petersburg State University, 2011. – 231 c.

2. Rapoport E.Ya. Structural modeling of objects and control systems with the distributed parameters. M: The higher school, 2003.

3. Pershin I.M. The analysis and synthesis of systems with the distributed parameters. Pyatigorsk: RIA-KMV, 2007.