Психология и социология / 9. Психология развития


Alexander Y. Avdeyev

Belgorod State University, Russia

Adolescents’ Creativity


Adolescence is the most energetic period of development, ruled by the inquiring mind, roving curiosity, intellectual robustness and creative energy. It is in this period where the instinctual creativity of childhood is replaced by the rational creativity with the help of operational and formal thinking. The convergent style of childhood will be challenged and divergent options will start to rule and guide them. This immense productive force in them is of vital importance to both the individual and society. If these abundant human resources are properly managed and channelled, the integral development of the individual and society can be accelerated to a great extent. But unfortunately in the present educational systems and stressful social setup, this potential natural grace is not properly developed or constrictively utilised and so is either wasted or converted into a destructive force.

The spirit of the present, the emergence of new responsibilities, new social and cultural needs, and tumultuous social change, has made creativity a rapidly expanding area of scientific interest. In fact, creative insights are an essential part of the survival process and may hold the key to the prosperity and sustainable development of the future society. It its often said that the potential capacity to be creative is not a characteristic of a selected few, rather a process that is within everyone. It is a dynamic process in man that helps him to achieve dignity and meaning during life span. Creativity, at its highest level, has probably been as important as any human quality in changing history and in reshaping the world. It might be added that a creative individual could often accomplish much more at much less expense than other people.

The potential creativity becomes functional and productive on the basis of the self-concept, which enables or disables the functioning of the achievement motivation, which in turn determines the success or failure of human existence. In the world of rapid change and growth, existence is to be established in accordance with the pace of life determined by the informational, technological and scientific advancements. Currently there is competition for the very minds of men. Among those factors, which will determine the outcome of this competition, optimal utilisation of the potential creative capacity is the most important.

In the case of adolescents, the significance of development and utilisation of divergent thinking is very high because it is during this time they bloom out with their cognitive field through the development of their operational thinking. If we compare the creative expeditions of children and adolescents, we understand that the creativity of children is instinctual but the creative endeavours of adolescents are rational and productive. Once they start to think rationally and logically, the importance of divergent thinking also increases. This period also shows a deliberate shift from the instinctual creative expressions of the childhood to the rational creative functions of the adolescents, which serve as the basis of their future life and achievements.

This potential creativity of adolescents is understood as another cognitive capacity like intellect and is to be functionalised through creative activities like original, flexible and novel contributions. According to A.C. Pachaury (1986), creativity like intelligence is also normally distributed among population. The researches have also ascertained that the creative potential can be made optimally functional through a planned intervention. The culture, motivation and personality factors have a dispositional effect in the fictionalisation, as well as the nurture of the creative capacity of the adolescents. According to Getzels (1985), creative thinking is the highest of mental functions and creative production, the highest peak of human achievement. These creative capacities are the result of the cognitive developments of the particular period. If appropriate measures are not taken to nurture this potentiality, the achievements and success in life will badly affected and if so, they becomes problems to themselves and others in society.

The self-debasing drive causes an adolescent to regress to primordial states of behaviour. The self-transcending drive, by contrast, propels an individual to lofty levels of achievement and self-actualization. It is this supremacy of the self-transcending drive over the self-debasing drive, which results in the functional creativity. This is described as “the sublimation of the self-transcending emotions as transformed into creativity”. The potentially creative adolescents have the capacity to see new relationships, to produce unusual ideas and to deviate from traditional patterns of thinking. They have a generalized constellation of intellectual ability, personality variables and problem-solving traits. Functionally creative adolescents have a more general trait that includes not only originality but also flexibility, fluency and motivational and temperamental traits as well (Guilford, 1959).

For, Violato Claudio and Travis Leroy (1995) adolescence is a multiplicity of events, experiences, behaviour, people, and cultural meanings. He emphasized the importance of creativity, intelligence and achievement of adolescents. According to him, the creativity of adolescents is very significant to their future life and appropriate training and caring should be provided to utilise their creative potentials through fostering their self-concept and autonomy. They should be properly understood and accepted so that they may work with their creative talents and attain optimum achievement.

According to Singer Dorothy and Singer Jerome (1990), self-concept and achievement motivation are the comprehensive affective correlates of the fictionalisation of the potential creativity. If the adolescents’ self-concept is good and there is optimum achievement motivation, the adolescents, who are gifted with the potential creativity, will utilise them and attain appropriate achievement in life. On the contrary, if their self-concept and achievement motivation is below the required, their creative talents will not be utilised and will further become problems for themselves.

An adolescent with creative potentials would also be expected to have creative personality characteristics. They are high intelligent, open to experience, tolerance to ambiguity and uncertainty (Taylor and Holand, 1964). They promote imaginative use of disorder, the wise discipline of order, the capacity for the intuitive mode (Ornstain, 1974) and the holistic capacity for peak experiences (Maslow, 1964). They will be more willing to take risks but will not be impulsive (McClelland, 1963); with traits of divergence (Torrance, 1966); unconventionality, sensitivity to problems and fluency in thinking (Guilford, 1966). They have a tendency to see the not seen, to synthesize more and richer ideas, to fantasia more richly possible, to be psycho-dynamically more complex (Barron, 1963); risk takers, meaning makers, question askers, anti-authoritarian and enduring.


1. Barron, F. (1963), Creativity and Psychological Health, Princeton: Van Nostrand

2. Guilford, G.F. (1966), The Nature of Human Intelligence: New York, McGraw Hill

3. Torrance, E.P. (1966), Education and The Creative Potential. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press

4. Runco, Mark, A. and Pritzker, Steven, R. (1999) Encyclopedia of Creativity. Vol. I & II. USA: Academic Press

5. Sternberg, R.J. (1999) Handbook of Creativity: Cambridge University Press.

Добрый день , Авдеев А.Ю. Ваша работа принята! Название секции: ПСИХОЛОГИЯ. Психология развития Авторы: Авдеев А.Ю. Название работы: Adolescents Количество страниц: 4 Количество сборников: 1 Страна: Россия Мобильный телефон: +79056755372 Почтовый адрес: Россия, Белгородская область, Белгородский район, Головино, ул. Молодежная 25/1 индекс 308584 E-mail: avdeev@bsu.edu.ru Название конференции: Образование и наука без границ

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