Rakitskij M. D., Usachev V. A.
Donetsk National University of economics and trade named after Mikhail Tugan-
development of goods management
The purpose of given article is consideration of such theme, as history
and the occurrence reasons of goods management.
Necessity for knowledge and estimation of properties of the goods has
appeared, as soon as the exchange of one goods for others has begun. That this
exchange was equivalent, useful properties of the exchanged goods, expenses for
their reception were compared. Moreover, goods some most valuable and
possessing a long keeping (furs, gold, silver, beans of cocoa, etc.) carried
out functions of an equivalent of the exchanged goods even before occurrence of
metal and paper money.
Occurrence of money hasn't weakened interest to knowledge of properties
of the goods. Goods exchange value was in money terms defined by its utility
for the buyer or consumer in cost.
As at the first stage of development of a science weren't divided yet on
areas, goods management also didn't exist as a separate science, and the
information on the goods appeared in the works devoted to agriculture.
Antiquity. Descriptions of goods management
character in agronomical works of ancient Roman scientists are known: Katton
the Senior (234—149 BC), Varrona (116—27 BC), Kolumelly (1 century AD) and
Plinija of the Senior (23 or 24—79). Katton described ways of storage and
processing of agricultural products (grapes, meat and fish); Varron’s — methods
of an estimation of quality of cattle, milk, cheeses, etc.; Kolumelly’s — ways
of storage of grain, endurance and aging of wines, has given goods management characteristic
of grapes and ways of its storage.
The most capital work of this period is «the Natural history» Plinija
published in 37 books where descriptions of many kinds of agricultural
production, ways of cultivation of agricultural plants, their processing and
storage are given. Grapes, ways of preparation of qualitative wines, and also
their falsifications are especially in detail described. Plyniy the first has
considered various ways of storage depending on environmental conditions.
In the Middle Ages development of natural sciences
(physics, chemistry, biology) has made essential impact on expansion and
deepening of goods management knowledge. Along with works of descriptive
character there are the works based on tests. It is necessary to carry
M.Sebitsiusa's (1630) work which has described many spices, and also ways of
preparation of bread, cheese, wines and other foodstuff, ways of lengthening of
periods of storage of fruit juice by heating to the first. F.Redi's works which
by means of a microscope has established the reasons of damage of meat concern
works of research character.For development of a scientific direction of goods
management G.Burgave's (1668—1738) works which has developed bases of the
chemical analysis of foodstuff, and also K.Linneja (1707-1778), Z.Bjuffona
(1707-1788), B.Zhjuse (1699—1777) which regular researches in the field of
biology have formed a basis for working out of scientific classification of the
goods had great value.During this period there are first independent works on
trade and goods management. So, in 1575 for the first time there was «a Trading
book. The book descriptive as young men auction to conduct and the nobility to
all the price, and partly in it the goods various are described any earths,
they are brought to Russia by Germans and other earths people trading». In the
book which authors characteristic of some the goods, including export-import
(honey, wax, grain, hemp, fats, furs, etc. is unknown, given detailed the
then). Features of goods management the information informed in «Trading book»
and other sources, are its descriptive character and absence of ordering.
The publication in 1756 of the book of I.G.Ljudovitsy of "a basis
of full trading system» where bases goods management as for the first time have
been stated area of scientific knowledge became an important stage in
development of goods management. The book has received wide recognition of
contemporaries. That fact testifies to it that the second edition of this book
has been translated into Russian and the Tracing of full merchant system with
the initial bases of a trading science with acquisition of short history about
trade »(p.1 and 2) was published in 1789 under the name “trade”. The fact of
translation into Russian and the edition of the book of Ljudovitsy says that by
the end of XVIII century there was an estate of the merchants needing in ògoods
management knowledge.
In the preface of the book the author notices that it the first has
resulted «a merchant science» in certain system, understanding as it set of the
knowledge concerning trade, including knowledge of the goods, «accounting» and
the maintenance of accounting books is perfectly in order.
Ljudovitsy for the first time has defined a subject and the maintenance of
goods management, and also has made definition of terms «goods management» and
"goods". In its opinion, all movable things which are trade subjects,
except for money and securities »concern the goods«.
«The subject of goods managemnt in particular is knowledge of the goods,
depending on the trade in them to need. This knowledge reaches division and
childbirth of the goods, making, property, test or discussion, the price and
kindness, damage, preservation and the maintenance, correction, manufacture and
falsification, and also on knowledge which an essence the best ñkinds both birth
of the goods and which more likely from hands it is possible to sell and, at
last, where any goods it is possible to get» better and more cheaply. Ljudovitsy
one of the first has specified in necessity of creation of commercial (trading)
educational institutions (academies, schools).Despite allocation of goods
management as the special field of knowledge, the accumulated information on
the goods had basically goods management-technological character. The big place
in descriptions of the goods was given to their technology industrial or
agricultural production.
Modern goods
Unfortunately, in the early nineties the edition of goods management
literatures in the Russian publishing houses has completely stopped. Already ready
manuscript of 4th edition «Directory of the commodity researcher of articles of
food» wasn't published because of financial difficulties, planned to release in
1991 — 1992 Only in 1995 at the initiative of publishing house
"Economy" and the author there is begun the edition of a series of
scientifically-practical books on goods management «the Commodity directory».
First four books of this series on goods management foodstuff are already
published.It is necessary to note the considerable contribution to development goods
management and foreign scientific, first of all German and Polish, whose works
have been translated into Russian and have made appreciable impact on
development domestic goods management. So, in 1967 G.Grundke's book «Bases of
the general goods management» has been translated into Russian and published.
Since 1962 the international congresses of commodity researchers on
which the general questions of the further development goods management were
discussed were spent. Last congress has taken place in 1989 in Germany.It is
necessary to note two basic directions of development òîâàðîâåäåíèÿ — practical and scientific. And at
different stages of development or this or that direction prevailed, or both
directions existed in common.Easing of control over quality of the goods at the
state and intrafirm level in the early nineties has led to saturation of the
market poor-quality, forged, and at times the dangerous goods of domestic and
import manufacture.In this connection interest of practical trading workers to òîâàðîâåäíûì to knowledge has amplified, and in
average and higher professional educational institutions competition on òof goods management specialities has
increased. It obliges all at the present stage of development goods management
to harmonise both directions — practical and scientific as they supplement and
enrich each other, and also to reveal new problems and ways of development of
goods management. One of the major is use in goods management marketing
principles, in particular consideration of a subject of goods management not
only as object of commercial activity, but also as means of satisfaction of
real and prospective requirements. Such approach causes of search of modern
ways of forecasting of the new goods, workings out of their characteristics
taking into account prospective requirements. However it does not mean refusal
of those traditions Russian goods management which have been offered by its
founders and many of which have not lost an urgency and today. Moreover, in
goods management always existed and there will be "eternal" problems
— studying of the new goods and new consumer properties of already known goods
taking into account last achievements goods management and interdisciplinary
sciences. One of approaches to integration of two sections — goods management
foodstuff and goods management the nonfood goods — is creation of the general
for both sections of the theoretical bases considering basic characteristics of
all goods irrespective of their appointment.
Thus, I have considered the basic original causes of occurrence of goods
management in the world and historical developments during the period from
antiquity on the Middle Ages.