the employer responsibility

in a contemporary banks




Abstract: Contemporary banks put emphasis not only to the development and offered banks services improvement, but above all they concentrate on one of their most valuable assets, which workers are. Holding appropriate relations between the employer and the worker is not only stimulating their mutual development, but above all it is keeping up the atmosphere of the responsibility, which is unusually important during providing bank services. In the article, a matter of the employer responsibility with regard to workers in one of commercial banks acting on the area of Poland, was discussed. One should emphasize that it is bank, in which the majority
of shares belongs to the west capital.


Key words: the personnel policy, the responsibility, the motivation system


1.      Introduction

We are standing out by our people - it is one of principal passwords in one
of commercial banks activity in Poland, for its workers are one of the most valuable assets. Thanks to the activity and the commitment, the knowledge and the professionalism
of workers banks develop in all activity areas, and customers receive the more and more wide scope of services, still their service is improved and streamlined, and what equally important - value of the company grows for shareholders. At the same time value of human resources is area, where the very strong competition exists among enterprises, peculiarly on the area
of Poland, at the moment. Having it the awareness, banks carry on the personnel policy, for which recruiting is a purpose, the maintenance and the development of talented workers with competence connected with current and future needs. A bonus system, which is stimulating the professional and personal development of employed persons, placing the carrier footpaths adapted for the ability, talents, the predisposition of workers, distinguishing and additionally awarding competitions serve it best. The care of workers manifests itself with considerable investments in human capital. They are it both expenses connected with qualifications raising in the form of trainings of different kind, postgraduate studies, but also expenses for social character - the health care, extra pension insurance or the active leisure of workers. This way a personnel policy is developing in the BRE Bank S.A., where German capital is dominating
[1, 2].

Human resources decide about the success of every organization and human capital management is big with challenge. The bank, owing to comprehensive program of the support for workers, finished the difficult process of the restructuring successfully. The bank,
at the moment, is concentrating on effective motivating and developing its qualifications
of workers in order to exploit their potential. The bank developed the number of professional tools, which are aiding staff management. The personnel policy of an analysed bank was designed in order to improve the tendency to bearing responsibility (also social), to correct
the communication between workers and managers and to create favourable conditions to pass onthe constructive criticism, influencing the development of both workers and
the organization. A change of workers habits is a challenge, often divergent with implemented solutions of modern staff management e.g. with oversimplifying the hierarchy, the conception of customer manager and attitudes of the coach (coaching conception) instead of the director. It is crucial element for handing the knowledge, experience, the ability over and for planning the development and raising the level of the work of the entire team [5].


            2. Analysis of the BRE Bank S.A. personnel policy

In order to present the specificity of the BRE Bank personnel policy it one should make characteristics of the bank employment. A development of the BRE Bank employment, having begun from 2001, of the first full year of retail activity, was presented in the fig. 1 [6].

Fig. 1. The employment level in the BRE Bank S.A. in years: 2001 – 2006.

Source: own study.


As it can be seen at fig. 1, the employment increase takes a place mainly in the area
of the retail banking, in which a 49.9% of the crew worked in the end 2006 year
(42% expressed in jobs). The level of employment in BRE Bank S.A. took out
4 001 of persons in the end of 2006 year, what 3 320 full-time jobs constitute. The difference results from the fact of employing the large group of persons, peculiarly in retail banking area, in the partial dimension of the time. It concerns especially partners and workers at partner institutions of the MultiBank, who are employed in the BRE Bank S.A. for 1/10 time job. Rotation (difference between the number of accepted and laid off to the average state
of the employment in the sequence of year) at the analysed bank amounted 11.23% in 2006.

How it results from fig. 2, majority of employed workers are women (62.6 %). However women percentage in the management staff (from the administration, deputy heads of departments, offices and units through managers of departments) amounted to the 38.7%. Workers of the analysed bank, are young, in the majority and theses young people constitute the 55% between 25 and 35 with year of the life (fig. 3).

Workers of the bank are also well educated, because 74% of the whole employed people constitute workers with the higher education and this participation systematically grows.






Fig. 2. The employment structure in BRE Bank S.A. with regard to gender of workers in 2006 year.

Source: own study.

Fig. 3. The employment structure in BRE Bank S.A. with regard to age of workers
in 2006 year.

Source: own study.


One of the most important element of the BRE Bank personnel strategy is the salary policy. It plays the key role in the corporate culture shaping. The salary policy is an essential tool for realization of mission in the BRE Bank staff management, according to which
the bank is concentrating on workers with. The BRE Bank S.A. is aspiring for achieving
the transparency of salary principles and shaping of recruiting conditions, which are favourable of employment and  the retention of the best workers. The BRE Bank motivation system constitue: the fundamental salary (base salary), the changeable salary (bonus for scores), sale competitions, training funds, the package of workers' benefits.

The salary policy of the BRE Bank S.A. is used for building the competitive majority on the market by recruiting and supporting competent workers, gifted for the realization
of ambitious bank purposes. The salary policy of the BRE Bank S.A. is standing out relatively with the high participation of the bonus in the total salary. Dense connecting of the total salary with financial results of the bank and quality standards is improving motivation and
the activity of workers and the competitiveness of the bank by providing with the high
of salaries at the simultaneous inspection of permanent personal costs.

The main principles of salary policy in the BRE Bank S.A.:

-        salary of the worker consists of the fundamental and changeable part (bonus),

-        the changeable salary depends on results of the individual unit, the team and the bank,
this is the salary for achieving its goal objectives fixed in the annual process of planning,

-        „Top Performers” means workers, who achieve the best results and the best assessment according to the BRE Bank’s standards, would have the highest salary on the market.

Moreover, an element of motivation is a program of option for shares - for the crucial staff
of the bank. Making and overstepping quantitative objectives is being awarded by the current bonus system of the BRE Bank S.A., in the connection with the assessment of style results achievement and the corporate canon of the essential value ROAD, as condition of the bonus payment. A possibility of the influence of the worker on the own bonus amount, through the realization of agreed problems and the high quality of the own work, is the most important feature of this system [3]. The bank is awarding to the both individual and team input of
the worker, the diversified system of scales of individual and team tasks. The assessment of the step of the accomplishment of individual tasks and the agreement of attitudes with
the corporate canon of value is being carried out in the route of the assessment process.

Owing to announcing of transparent salary principles, worker expectations and involving level are better managed. Costs of salaries in the division into the base salary (resulting from the contract of employment) and bonuses in years 2005 and 2006 were presented on fig. 4. In both years the share of an motivation bonus amounted about
1/3 of salary costs.

Fig. 4. The structure of salary costs  in BRE Bank in years: 2005 – 2006.

Source: own study.


The motivation system is additionally strengthened by competitions for workers. These competitions have sale activating in determined groups of products, as well as awarding of workers for proposing innovative ideas and the above average commitment, as the purpose.


            3. Training activity of “responsible” employer

As regards the sphere of the worker classification raising, the BRE Bank S.A. is paying considerable attention on training activity, which is treated as a one of crucial factors of the organization development [5, 6]. So that the development and trainings of workers take place in the thought over and scheduled way, the BRE Bank S.A. makes the Corporate Program of the Development. This program is arising in the following way: workers deliver the information about their aspiration and developmental needs at the self-assessments stage, however managers contribute to their individual plans of the development in the process
of the assessment, taking into consideration the peculiar competence development to
the given position and needs in the scope of corporate canon of value (ROAD).

Different trainings, both internal and organized by outside companies, are available for every worker. Many persons, in the process of the work in BRE Bank S.A., supplement the university education (the part is finishing postgraduate studies). The bank is concurring in financing costs of these studies. In 2006, costs of studies were refunded for 40 persons. Starting from 2006, a program of MBA studies was started (BREmba), whose candidates are being appointed by open competition to. Workers, chosen by this road of competition, about the high potential in the scope of their knowledge and leadership abilities, undertook studies at the best colleges and training centres in Poland and abroad.

Total expenses of trainings at the Bank (internal, outside trainings, the reimbursement of costs for studies and the reimbursement of costs for courses in foreign languages) are  introduced in figures 5 and 6.

Fig. 5. Expenses for trainings in BRE Bank in years: 2005 – 2006.

Source: own study.

Fig. 6. Tranings costs per one Job in BRE Bank S.A. in years: 2005 – 2006.

Source: own study.


Data on the graph shows that 2006 brought the rise of funds allocated for trainings, both in the total amount and in converting into the job. Training activity in the BRE Bank S.A. is being conducted separately for a non - retail part of the bank by the Department of Organization Development and separately a retail part of the bank by the Human Resources Office of Retail Banking. Therefore the undermentioned information was presented in such
an arrangement.

At the non – retail bank part, the most time of trainings was constituted an internal trainings (85% of trainings per person). The largest number of people took part in trainings about the following subject matter [6]:

-        Bank account (workers of corporate units, 354 persons),

-        New rating system for corporate Customers (workers of the organizational units connected with the service of corporate Customers, 173 persons),

-        Techniques of the sale with elements of the negotiation (for advisers, 137 persons),

-        Using financial reports in economic-financial analysis for the borrower (analysts and advisers to corporate Customers, 134 persons).

Moreover, different trainings took place, among others for the management staff, concerning the Process of the Individual Effectiveness in the scope of the task and the process assessment management. As a part of internal trainings the Bank organized an intense annual course of the English on the split level of the advancement, in the school year 2006/2007. About 343 persons were provided with this training. The preceded course was determining
the level of linguistic competence of the course participants through carrying the linguistic TOEIC examination out. Outside trainings concerned MS mainly Microsoft, of International Standards of the Bookkeeping, the New Basel Agreement, the audit in the enterprise,
of the risk management in the organization.

In the bank part of the retail banking, in the development and training area, workers were led in the following basic directions [6]:

-        Knowledge Capital - raising workers competence in the area of products knowledge
(at present time about 80% of trainings in this scope moved to the e – learning platform),

-        Managers Competence Development – preparing managers for more and more good
the team management. The program “Good leader” is for the best managers and
the special program “Leader in the Track” is for private – banking workers,

-        trainings for management staff in the scope of  standards connected with customer service quality,

-        strengthening the organization culture learning through the expansion of the Learning Zone website (the increase of webside enter level with regard to the last year - from 70 in December of 2006 to 187 enter webside level per day in December 2007), with activating of webside called “Topic of the month” (8 topics of the month), with employing workers for sharing the knowledge,

-        language trainings financed by the European Funds – 100 workers, e – learning platform training implementing into process (112 of courses was realized by the using of own resources in 2006).

Moreover, 120 persons took part in outside domestic trainings and 17 persons took part in abroad trainings, in 2006 year. Starting the considerable number of trainings on
the e – learning platform caused the growth of the internal trainings number in retail banking (counted as training events) for the 44% and the very strong height of the number trainings per person, what one can see on fig. 7.

Fig. 7. The number of trainings per worker in BRE Bank in years: 2005 – 2006.

Source: own study.

*/ for PBD (retail banking part), in 2006, connected with trainings (made by the e-learning method), what constitute 8 448 days of trainings (per worker) and 112 of trainings days


Taking the number of trainings per person with regard to the average employment in 2006 for the retail banking spelt this 7.4 training to the person, from what 2.6 training with
the traditional method and 4.8 training by the e - learning method. At the retail banking part, 4.6 training with traditional method is per one worker.

A Program of the Inheritance, is conducted in the Sector of the Retail Banking since 2005, and its purpose is an identification, an assessment and suggesting developmental-training programs for managerial posts. Program “Leader in the Track – preparation” was carried out for heirs to positions of the middle management level. The 80% of participants in the process of the mentioned program realization or right after closing it already assumed managerial posts.

 “Good Leadering” it is an annual expansion programme started in September of 2006 for 19 heirs to positions of organizational units’ directors. It is unique program, of which supporting the bosses is a crucial element. After finishing the edition his starting the project is being planned for entire the BRE Bank S.A. Current experience is pointing, that thanks to leading trainings for workers in three business lines (the mBank, MultiBank and Private Banking) managed to correct the internal communication and relations between lines and what's more to gain interesting business solutions.


             4. Summary

A Corporate Canon of Value ROAD - abbreviation for the most desirable characteristics of workers: the Excellence, the Realization, the Responsibility, the Readiness, becoming involved, is applying in the BRE Bank S.A. since 2005. It is set of desired attitudes and behaviours of workers. These standards show workers essential principles for the bank for applying in the own work, relations with partners, with business partners and surroundings. Attitudes and behaviours, presented by workers, resulting from the canon of corporate value lets the bank fuller using its potential and achieving his goal in the long-term perspective [3.5]. According to the personnel policy carried out of the BRE Bank S.A., the canon of corporate means for workers: The Excellence (worker is aspiring to the best results, incessantly he is getting the knowledge and abilities), The Realization (worker is bringing tasks to a conclusion with the success, effectively he is managing tasks, he has the business awareness, The Responsibility (worker is taking tasks to the property, he predicts and he is taking the consequences of his operations, he is able to question the quo status),
The Readiness (worker is ready to respond to a challenge, actively he is cooperating with different members of the organization, effectively he is supervising the level of one's energy, Becoming involved (worker is active and determined, he influences on different, is identifying himself with the bank.



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2)       Stasiak – Betlejewska R., Borkowski S., The Role of a Foreign Capital in a Process of the Computerization of the Polish Bank Sektor, [w:] Ekonomika: problemi teorii ta praktiki. Zbirnik naukovich prac'. Vip.231. T.IX, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, ISBN 978 – 966 – 8736 – 09 - 4.

3)       Stasiak – Betlejewska R., Borkowski S., The quality management system in the contemporary commercial bank in Poland, [w:] Ekonomika: problemi teorii ta praktiki. Zbirnik naukovich prac'. Vip.231. T.IX, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, ISBN 978 – 966 – 8736 – 09 - 4.

4)       Stasiak – Betlejewska R., Borkowski S., Banks' Activity in the Scope of Cost Management and Profitability, [w:] Ekonomika: problemi teorii ta praktiki. Zbirnik naukovich prac'. Vip.231 T.IV, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, ISBN 978 – 966 – 8736 – 09 – 4.

5)       Stasiak – Betlejewska R., Borkowski S., Improvement of Bank Service Quality, [w:] Ekonomika: problemi teorii ta praktiki. Zbirnik naukovich prac'. Vip.231 T.IV, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, ISBN 978 – 966 – 8736 – 09 - 4.

6)      Materials of BRE Bank S.A.


* dr inż., Częstochowa University of Technology, Department of Management, Division of Production      

  Engineering,  42-200Częstochowa ul. Armii Krajowej 19”B”, POLAND, e – mail:

** Prof. dr hab. inż., Częstochowa University of Technology, Department of Management, Division

   of Production Engineering,  42 - 200Częstochowa, ul. Armii Krajowej 19”B”, POLAND,