Damian Delekta[1]




,, Quality is not all, but all

is becoming nothing without quality.

T.J. Peters, R.H. Waterman


The dynamic developing sector of financial services requires the applying through bank enterprises the larger degree of the rules and tools of marketing more and more, and also the whole achievement of quality methodology to manage the growing competition. The satisfaction needs and the expectations of  customers can be only done by guaranteeing, that the quality of working as well as the achieved financial results are almost the same or better than in competitive enterprises. The bank which desires to play the important part on market of services bank, marking the main aims of its activity, cannot miss the problem of qualitative customer's service.  Particularly, the measuring of satisfaction level of delivered bank services is becoming a requirement.

W. H. Davidow and B. Uttala claim, that "customer's service at bank is anything, what enlarges his/her satisfaction” [1]. S. Walukiewicz, defining the quality in sphere of bank services, defines it as a contact between client and contractor imported to service quality, which is the quality of service contact. The presenting measure, if the perception, after obtainment the service is covering itself with the customer's expectation before receipt of given service  [12]. It can be defined as follows:

q = f (e – p)

q –  quality of service

e –  client expectation of  suitable service

p – impression (perception) of delivered service

f – this is the sure made function,

assumption: where q = 1 (1 – 100%)

The quality of bank services (q) is the sure function of difference between expectations (e) and the perception (p) of this service by client. The drawing 1 represents the graphic interpretation of above mentioned formula.



Served customer and his/her impression (p) of service













Drawing 1           Graphic interpretation of formula  q = f (e p)           

 Source:                Na podstawie: S. Walukiewicz, Zarządzanie przez jakość w bankach, materiały seminaryjne, Serock 1999


The quality in bank sector consists of four main areas of its occurrence i.e.: [2]

-         internal perfection of bank,

-         the effectiveness and the efficiency of bank,

-         the highest level of the customer's service at bank,

-         organizational structure of bank oriented on quality.

       Every bank enterprise introducing in its organization qualitative orientation (i.e. the received strategy of quality, the plans of quality, circle of quality etc.),can in no case belittle human factor, remembering about it as fundamental element in process building the full success of orientation on quality. R. D. Buzell and B. T. Gale on basis of conducted investigations affirmed, that the quality of bank service has direct influence on profits of bank, and also it is an important element in the remunerativeness strategy of bank [3].  Therefore, the quality of service is the key element of strategy of profit bank enterprise [7]. The main criteria of  bank customers, which are used in the aim of qualification of level quality bank services,  are first of all i.e.: [5].

        tangibles, that is the assurance of features of reality for the given service ( eg. as
a computer
equipment), the personnel and the material centres of communication

responsiveness, it is understood as a will of help to the customers and the readiness to serving them in a fast and effective way

reliability, it is an ability to unfailing and exact realization of promised service („Never promise it, what you cannot keep”. „Do not sell empty slogans” – E .W. Deming)

assurance, it is comprehended as an expertness and a politeness of personnel as well as its ability to awakening of the customer's confidence

empathy, the need of  showing a concern for customer , the skill of individual approach to every customer.

Bank enterprises, taking into account in their strategy working pro-client policy,  should consider in it  the conception of TQM, use the qualitative engineering of value and initiate the  standards of services quality [11]. It is worthy of note the fact of functioning of the ISO 9004:2000 norm, which is closely connected with financial services. It defines the management of the quality and the elements of quality system - the guidelines for services. As a part of the norm, once can show, that the bank is in full control of service offered for customers. The ISO 9004:2000 also gives the possibility of controlling and improving procedures, which in reality are distracted. Once can notice here  the sure  similarity of  norm ISO 9004:2000 to TQM in a behavioural area, with regard to perception of the man's part in building process   and the initiation of process of quality as well as to satisfying the customer's needs and his expectations [6].

The quality service, which worker serves his customers, is the one of the most important instruments beside advantages of products , capable of attracting new customer and encourage him to co-operation. Because just not someone else, as only the ,, good'' personnel of bank  determine the success of the whole organization, without it will not survive even the best organizational structure  in conditions of free competition,  therefore, it is a key to success [9]. The workers are the platform joining the plans and the firm assumption with their implementation and realization. An image of bank is depended on them, which is builded for years. They with their attitude, professionalism and determination have been making the plans of sale and making, from among many banks, the customers are choosing only this bank at which they work.  

The implementation of quality system in bank enterprises is always associated with economic results, the structural changes as well as with changes of the workers' attitudes [13].  Benefits resulting from structural changes during the implementation, once can submitted the several examples of bank enterprises. And e.g.: the implementation the improvement programme of quality in the Lloyds Bank in Great Britain was concerning with the delegating the headquarters authorizations to branches, which in effect was caused the quicker workers decisiveness [10]. Similar changes were implemented in the First Bank in northern Karolina, which caused, that the managers can reward the workers of direct service (font the office) with the immediate financial bonuses for "good quality” of the customer's service.[4] Economic-financial advantages from implementation of qualitative policy caused e.g. in the American  Express  Bank the fall of coefficient of mistakes appearing in international money transfers in first six months till 35%, the reduction of number of mistakes in the interbank transactions about 50% and overtime of  work in the department of Treasury Operations fells about 53%. The costs of economy in scale of year were in $ 4 million, however in the First Chicago NBD Corporation in the result of implementation programme of quality improvement, savings are from 7 to $ 10 million. It is worth to notice, that the next helping element in the implementation process of improvement of quality after TQM and the norms of ISO, it can be the also qualitative engineering of value. It is then the  "open" method, which deals with the constructing or  building of the bank value , applying the strategy of quality. To the most important elements of this method we can rate: [5]

- the costs of quality which identify the  factors having influence  on costs of quality , and not their reduction

- organizational changes which are understood  as one of  components enabling  the efficient implementation of improvement quality  system

- customer's service is treated as one  continuous process depends on the continuous  improvements as a result of pro-qualitative actions, but not  only as an aim itself.
The qualitative engineering of value is directed on long-term operations similarly as the TQM, which are aimed at the improvement of financial results of bank enterprise. This method is combining with enlightening on customer, which extorts the services of high quality in relation to him, and also applying flattened and turned organizational structure, which improvement or change will results quicker and more efficient implication of the works aiming in direction of quality [2]. Noraki Akao, compared the process of formation of quality  and its methodology to the building –
House of Quality (this method is well-known as the " Quality Function Deployment” QFD) [14], which can come to nothing, when it will be a lack of one element. The most important element of every conception of level quality improvement, it is and  will be the human factor, which is the main if not the most important factor in processes of quality formation initiated  through bank enterprises. It worth to point out that manageress does not treat personnel as a fundamental factor conditioning the success of orientation implementation to quality, but exclusively as performers settled and confirmed process operations. The manageress in bank enterprises personnel should be aware, that this on their rests task, and every worker could think and do as if the whole bank would belong to him, in accordance with the statement of Peter  Drucker  that "every organization is  the shadow of its leader” [8].  In the aim of achievement of certain „perfection" degree , which determine the TQM philosophy, in the management is possible to use the different ways of implementation process of quality improvement, which in their operations have to consider the human factor, to reach appointed aim which is the improvement of quality.  Once can introduce in graphic form (drawing 2).























Drawing 2            The human factor in the process of quality improvement  in bank enterprise

Source:                 Own study.



The whole process of the complex  implementation of quality system in bank enterprise   will not be effective, if participating people in this process will not begin to feel on themselves effects of the quality improvement (e.g.: the better rewards, better conditions of work etc.) and the personnel location in activity of enterprise in the first place in notable way would can contribute to the effective improvement of bank services quality .



The sector of financial services requires the applying through bank enterprises the rules and tools of marketing more and more, and also the whole property of quality methodology to manage a growing competition. The satisfaction needs and  the expectations of customers can be made only by  guaranteeing  that the quality of operation and the achieved financial results are almost the same or better, than in competitive enterprises. The bank enterprise, which desires to play the important part on the market of bank services, cannot skip the problem of qualitative customer's service. Particularly, when the measuring the degree of satisfaction from the level of delivered services becomes the requirement, being the main factor in the fight against the competition.




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[3]     Buzzell R.D.,  Gale B.T., The PIMS Principles, The Free Press, pp. 106-115, New York 1987

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[5]     Gray J.L., Harley T.W., Znaczenie jakości w działalności bankowej, Warszawa 1996

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[7]     Kudła J., Opolski k., Jakość a wzrost efektywności oddziałów bankowych, CeDeWu, Warszawa 2006

[8]     Luk S.T.K. , Layton R., Perception Gaps in Customer Expectations: Managers Versus Service Providers and Customers, ,,The Service Industries Journal’’, t.22, nr 2, 2002

[9]     Newman K., Interrogating SERVQUAL: A Critical Assessment of Sernice Quality Measurement in a High Street Retail Bank, ,, International Journal of Bank Markrting’’, t 19, nr 3, 2001

[10]   Opolski K., Polkowski K., Stosowanie koncepcji zarządzania przez jakość (TQM) w bankach, „Bank i Kredyt’’,  nr 9, 1997

[11]   Opolski K., Jakość jako czynnik przewagi konkurencyjnej, materiały konferencyjne: Jakość a konkurencyjność banków, Warszawa 2004

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[1] Damian Delekta, dr, The West Pomeranian Business School in Szczecin,  The Banking and Finance Department, Źołnierska str. Nr 54,71-210 Szczecin, Poland,