Economic science/1. Banks and bank system
Zhunisova B.T.
The Kyzylorda state university it. Korkyt-Ata, Kazakhstan
Role of an innovative infrastructure of Kazakhstan in
To national innovative system
From the beginning of 1990th years the concept of national innovative
system (further - NIS) is in the center of attention as the scientists who were deal with
problems of technological development, and the state and international
organizations responsible for development of innovative and industrial policy.
National innovative system, in general, consider as set of the institutes
concerning private and state sectors which individually and in interaction with
each other cause development and distribution of new technologies within the
limits of the concrete state.
System character of concept NIS means, that technological development is
considered not in the form of a chain unilateral the directed relationships of
cause and effect leading from research and development to innovations, but as
process of interaction and feedback between all complex of the economic,
social, political, organizational and other factors defining creation of
Formation of the state innovative systems is an
initial stage of construction of a postindustrial society which basis of
economy is made with reception and use of new knowledge. During too time NIS
of the various countries essentially differ
from each other. Till now there is no uniform definition of concept NIS. The uniform methodology of formation NIS also is not developed. There were three basic
treatments of category NIS.
The first consists in consideration NIS
as sets of institutes which activity is
directed on generating and diffusion of innovations. This definition reflects,
that innovative processes are shown directly in an economic practice. The basic
emphasis of the given concept lays in a plane commercial activity, practical
feedback from a science as occurrence of a new product is connected with
teamwork of set of managing subjects.
The second concept interprets NIS
as a complex of the interfaced economic
mechanisms and the kinds of activity providing innovative processes. Defined
more functionally as it emphasizes dynamism of interaction of subjects NIS, transition to nonlinear model of an innovative cycle, leaving in a
shadow of motive power of innovative processes.
The third point of view is connected with deeper
essence of economic attitudes. NIS it is treated as the part of national economic system providing organic
embedding of innovative processes in forward development of economy and a
society. This concept believes, that creation of formal innovative structures
in itself does not guarantee success of innovations. Formation of the adequate
economic atmosphere, a social climate favorable for innovations is necessary.
The basic purpose of national innovative systems consists in maintenance
of steady economic development and improvement of quality of a life of the
population by creation of additional workplaces, both in sphere of a science,
and in spheres of manufacture and services, and also increase in receipts in
budgets of different levels due to increase in volumes of manufacture of high
technology production and increase in incomes of the population.
Modern NIS it
is formed, proceeding from the general state macroeconomic policy and the
normative legal base providing realization of given policy. Basic elements of
innovative system are following subsystems: generation of knowledge, formation
and vocational training, production and services, an innovative infrastructure,
including financial maintenance. Considering, that functioning NIS is
under construction proceeding from conditions of market economy, the in itself
market of high technology production and services can be considered as one of
subsystems NIS.
Historically in the various countries there were various structures both
state, and public, carrying out scientific researches and development. So, in
Germany it, first of all Maksa Planck's Society and Society Fraungfore, in the
Netherlands - the Organization of applied scientific researches (TNO), the
Organization of scientific researches (NWO), Royal academy of arts and sciences
(KNAW), etc. Besides the significant volume of researches and development is
carried out at universities.
In global economy for today Kazakhstan is considered as the country which
economic advantage is characterized by presence of large stocks of such
minerals as oil, gas, black, color, scarcity
landed both precious metals and uranium production. From agricultural
production of prospect has export of grain.
The Kazakhstan processing industries, and also the branches rendering
services of industrial character have not received due development, despite of
progress in the field of structurally-institutional reforms, increases of reliability of financial sector and the accelerated
rates of growth of an export potential of the country.
Kazakhstan, being the small country with the open economy, cannot
influence the world prices and should perceive them as is. Therefore in the
country sharply there is a problem of creation of hi-tech manufactures for
reduction of vulnerability of economy from external factors.
Thus, priorities of industrially-innovative
policy are development and creation potentially competitive, including exported,
the manufactures working in branches of economy of not raw orientation. With a
view of the decision of long-term strategic problems the special attention is
necessary for giving creation of conditions for development of the high
technology and hi-tech manufactures as one of the basic characteristics of
modern economic development is its non-uniform character caused by process of
periodic replacement of technologies, created on the basis of advanced at the
certain stage of time of scientific and technical development. The scheme of
technological ways leads to depreciation of the capital and loss of
qualification of the workers borrowed in former manufactures. It is necessary
to note, that the countries, had time to create conditions for formation of new
industrial-technological system, become the centres of gravity of the capital
leaving traditional spheres of the appendix.
The list of the used sources:
1. Bunchuk M. National innovative systems: the basic concepts
and appendices (on materials of foreign authors) //<http: //>
2. Morgunov E.V., Snegiryov G.V.national (state)
innovative system: essence and the maintenance // the Property and the market.
- 2004. - ¹7. - with. 10-21.
3. The message to people of Kazakhstan of the
President of Republic Kazakhstan N.Nazarbaeva « About position in the country
and about the basic directions internal and foreign policy for 2002 » //<http:
4. Strategy of industrially-innovative development
of Republic Kazakhstan for 2003-2015.