Economic science/1. Banks and bank system
Kushenova M.S.
The Kyzylorda state university it. Korkyt-Ata, Kazakhstan
and prospects of development of activity of the Kazakhstan banks in the
financial market
Within many decades
in Kazakhstan, in essence, was not neither the financial market, nor its
infrastructure: private commercial and investment banks, stock exchanges,
insurance societies, etc. Transition of Kazakhstan from rigidly centralized
planned economy to market demands a reconstruction in the country of the
financial market with all institutes serving it. This problem is very complex
and gauge, but it is required to be solved immediately.
The financial
markets are a basis of development of economy of any country where occurs revolution
and redistribution of financial resources.
economy of Kazakhstan requires effectively operating system of calculations,
more active participation of commercial banks in investment projects, expansion
of sphere of bank services and improvement of their quality. In this connection
there is a basis to speak about an active role of commercial banks in system of
the financial market on which they represent itself as the main operating
One of directions
of development of bank system in our country - expansion of assortment and
improvement of quality of bank services. Now large Kazakhstan banks give to the
clients practically all possible bank services, however, it is impossible to
tell, that demand for them is satisfied completely and everywhere.
The situation in
the financial market of the country was stabilized: decrease in deposits in
bank system has amplified only slightly, the high prices for the export goods
provide inflow of currency that guarantees a stable rate of tenge. There is a small
decrease in deposits and legal and physical persons in bank system.
Positive changes in
the economic environment and conditions of bank activity in Republic Kazakhstan
(a rating under obligations in national currency: ÂÂÂ-/Stabilized /À-3; a rating under obligations in a foreign currency: ÂÂÂ/ Stabilized /À-3), for last five years were
favorably reflected in credit status and parameters of a commercial
effectiveness of banks of the country. Despite of still rather high level of
economic and branch risks, bank system of Kazakhstan on some steps advances
weaker bank systems of other countries-members CIS.
During last years
the national economy dynamically grows, and there are bases to believe, that
high rates of growth will be kept the nearest years owing to essential revival
of internal demand and steady parameters of industrial activity in all sectors
of economy.
Despite of
appreciable positive shifts, bank system it is still imperfect, that contains
growth of credit status of participants of the market. It is a question of
insufficiently transparent structure of the property, weak diversification
business, languid reorganization of corporate sector, high concentration of
credit portfolios on branches and on subjects of crediting, and also a
prevailing share of the credits which are given out in a foreign currency. All
these circumstances in a combination to fast growth of volumes of crediting
turn around for banks economic risks and endanger their losses as a result of change
of interest rates or a rate of exchange. The fears connected with the general
tendency to fast growth of volumes of crediting in Kazakhstan, expansion of the
international and inter-regional operations of the Kazakhstan banks, especially
in the countries with higher level of risks - such as Russia and Kirghizia
Though the level of
a transparency of the property of the Kazakhstan banks gradually raises, it is
still insufficient on the international norms. The standard practice of the
international market of loans demands from banks to open names of the eligible
beneficiary proprietors, as compels the largest Kazakhstan banks actively
borrowing abroad, to do it. However the information reveals fragmentary,
selectively, at "good will" of banks, data often incomplete and them
actually it is impossible to check up - to confirm or deny. It is impossible to
approve absolutely precisely what exactly those persons who now name real
proprietors, is valid those are. Communications of the property cannot be
tracked in conditions of existence of complex chains of set of the intermediate
companies. All this means, that today's fragmentary disclosing of the
information about eligible beneficiary proprietors if it in general is done,
has the limited practical value. Disclosing of the information about eligible
beneficiary proprietors of banks, certainly, is the important step forward for
understanding and an estimation of a structure of risks of banks. In Kazakhstan
there is no legal basis which would define the direct responsibility eligible
beneficiary proprietors for problems of the banks in case of unfair management
that would be especially actual in conditions of high concentration of the
property in the Kazakhstan banks. Such practice exists in some other countries.
basic purposes and problems of development of bank sector in intermediate term
prospect are:
Expansion of access of the population to bank products and increase of a level
of protection of consumers of financial services;
Increase of a level of a transparency of activity of domestic banks of the
second level with a view of increase of trust of the population to bank sector;
Development of a competition and liberalization of access of foreign banks on
the domestic financial market;
- Perfection
of bank supervision on the basis of the best international practice and
increase of a management efficiency by external loan of bank sector of the
basic measures for achievement of objects in view and problems should become:
1. Liberalization
of access of foreign banks on the domestic financial market.
Perfection of the consolidated supervision and maintenance of a transparency of
national bank sector for acceleration of its ocurrence on the world markets and
active international cooperation.
Acceptance of measures for decrease in the bank risks connected with growth of
volumes of crediting of the real estate, expansion of banks on foreign markets,
consumer crediting and crediting of small business, and also with development
and expansion of the list of bank services.
Perfection of the bank legislation in view of the international standards.
Interaction with supervising bodies of the foreign states for an exchange of
the supervising information.
Perfection of development of system of obligatory warranting of deposits.
Increase of a management efficiency by external loan of bank sector of the
Perfection of financial statistics.
The literature:
1. Peshanskaya
I.V.organization of activity of commercial bank. Teaching aid, M.,
INFRA-M , 2001
2. Law ÐÊ " About banks and bank
activity in Republic Kazakhstan " from March, 2nd, 2001 N 162
3. The Financial market of area // Kyzylorda news.-23.05.2007.-p.3
4. The Concept of development of financial sector of Republic
Kazakhstan for 2007-2011