/ 5. Mathematical modeling
Kulyk A.J., Krivogubtchenko D.S., Kulyk A.A.
Vinnitsa national technical university, Ukraine
In tasks, which are related|tied| to the analysis, authentication, estimate of
qualities, simulation of different
devices of automation, control, informatively-measuring technique and electronics, there is the necessity of
calculation of the noted integrals. More frequent in all functions which must
be integrated is set in a tabular kind
with the even step of dyskretization. It at once substantially limits the
variety of the used methods. Practically can be used only method of Nuton-Kotes| with application of different
: coefficients of Kotes for
plenty of dyskrets are
: opened
formulas for the calculation of the noted integrals by the method of Nuton-Kotes| by the indefinite amount of points for the polynomials
of order more high three, in literature is absent . Its destroying and use in
principle is possible [1],
but difficult
and have badly algorithmization for calculations
: amount|tied| to the necessity of calculation of integral by
the formulas of rectangles, trapezoids or parabolas, and|but| its exactness is considerably below;
on the interval of integration to the total error most payment is given a report by
constituents at the beginning and at the end of interval . Except for it, determination of integrals on
contiguous intervals
causes the increase of error on limit of
contiguity. It is related
to the loss of control by the dynamics of process.
Especially these failings
during numeral integration of quickly changeable functions [2]. Coming it from, it is expedient
to build a simple algorithm which
would not be limited by the amount
of integration points. Doing
it by one formula is impossible, that is why it is needed to conduct integration by two
formulas in contiguous intervals ,
as it is given on figure.
It will allow to define elementary integrals between two located alongside
Principle of numeral
integration by the combined method |
For realization of the principles set forth above, it
is necessary to define for all array [0, n] of initial values partial
integrals after m points in intervals which are blocked:
where m – amount
Kotes coefficients for m points;
value of
partial to the integral on an interval
[i, j].
Consideration of the system of equation (1) shows
that she
. (2)
It is
similarly possible to make the systems of equations for the formes of Nuton-Kotes by
(m – 1) points in intervals|spaces| which are blocked:
. (4)
Compatible decision of the systems of equations
(2) and (4) allows to define the value
of elementary integrals of ²0,1, ²1,2, ²2,3 ..., ²n-1,n for the single intervals of dysketretization:
. (5)
integral on an interval
The analysis shows that initial
As watching dynamics of the controlled
process on all interval
test|definition| of effective and practical width of
spectrum of elementary signals at its transmission to the communication line by 50 and 100 points. The
results of calculations confirmed the considerable increase of accuracy (approximately on
30%) exactly due to absence of critical points of joint of integration
intervals .
1. Õåììèíã Ð.Â.
×èñëåííûå ìåòîäû. – Ì.: Íàóêà, 1972, 400 ñ.
2. Áàõâàëîâ Í.Ñ.,
Æèäêîâ Í.Ï., Êîáåëüêîâ Ã.Ì. ×èñëåííûå ìåòîäû. – Ì.: Íàóêà, 1987.