Биологические науки 8 физиология человека и животных



O.V. Perervenko1, H.M. Medgydova1, N.A. Fedorenko1, A.V. Aleкhnovich2,

M.V. Antoniuk3

О.В. Перервенко1, Х.М. Меджидова1, Н.А.Федоренко1, А.В. Алехнович,2    

М.В. Антонюк3

       1Gosudarstvennoe Health Center, Kamchatka preventive measures and struggle with AIDS


and infectious diseases (683003, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Leningradskaya str. 112 Corp. 2


 Tel.: 8 (4152) 41-25-97, 8-909-839-07-44. e-mail: olga_perervenko@mail.ru)


        2Federal State educational institution of the Federal Institute of qualification improvement


of medico-biological Agency (109545, Moscow, Volokolamskoe shosse, 91, 8 (903) 610-64-71)  


           3 Vladivostoksky branch of the Institution of Medical Sciences of the Far Eastern Scientific


 Center of Physiology and Pathology of Respiration, Siberian Academy of Medical Sciences  -


Institute of Medical Climatology and Rehabilitation, Vladivostok


1Государственное учреждение здравоохранения Камчатский центр по профилактике и борьбе со СПИД и инфекционными заболеваниями (683003,

г. Петропавловск-Камчатский, ул. Ленинградская 112 корп. 2 тел.: 8(4152) 41-25-97,         8-909-839-07-44. e-mail: olga_perervenko@mail.ru)

2-Федеральное государственное образовательное учреждение  Институт повышения квалификации Федерального медико-биологического агентства (109545, г. Москва, Волоколамское шоссе, д.91, 8(903)610-64-71)

                  3Владивостокский филиал Учреждения РАМН Дальневосточного научного центра


физиологии и патологии дыхания СО РАМН – НИИ медицинской климатологии и


восстановительного лечения




State of the immune status of adults in their first year in Kamchatka

Состояние иммунного статуса взрослых в первый год

пребывания на Камчатке







Key words: immune system,   adaptation,  neutrophils,  lymphocytes,  Kamchatka

Ключевые слова: иммунная система, адаптация, нейтрофилы, лимфоциты, Камчатка




We have been examining short-term adaptive immune response to adverse climatic conditions of 162 healthy volunteers living in the region of Kamchatka no more than one year. The observed changes indicate the voltage of  humoral immune mechanisms of protection that men and women is to change the predominantly subpopulation composition of lymphocytes and immunoglobulin concentrations of blood. This category of the population is at risk for the development of viral infectious diseases.



С целью изучения краткосрочных адаптационных реакций иммунной системы на неблагоприятные климатические условия Камчатки изучали иммунный статус у 162 здоровых добровольцев, проживающих в регионе менее года. Обнаруженные изменения указывают на напряжение гуморальных механизмов иммунной защиты, которые у мужчин и женщин заключаются в изменении преимущественно субпопуляционного состава лимфоцитов и концентрации иммуноглобулинов крови. Данная категория населения представляет группу риска в отношении развития вирусных инфекционных заболеваний.


        Introduction.  The organism adaptation to influence of various adverse factors of environment  is till now a subject of numerous fundamental and applied medical and biologic researches.  Modern representations on adaptation of the person to sharp and chronic influences are based on  K.Bernard, U.Kennona, G.Sele, P.K.Anokhin,  F.Z.Meersona's fundamental works, etc. [1, 2, 3, 4]. In regions of the Far North and Siberia the numerous works executed at scientific research institutes of the Siberian branch of the Russian academy of medical sciences are devoted questions of kompensatorno-adaptive reaction.  It is established that changes immune and эндокринных indicators at persons, newcomers in territory with extreme environmental conditions, are essential [5]. Studying of arising deviations and possibility of their correction has important medical, social and economic value. It is necessary to notice that till now works by definition of features of the immune status at the population of Kamchatka are presented by not numerous publications in materials of regional scientifically-practical conferences [6,7]. The combination of heavy climatic and geophysical conditions of region essentially distinguishes it from other territories of the Far East, Siberia and the North. The climate is characterized by instability of weather conditions, strong winds, a considerable quantity of precipitations - to 2000 mm/year. The quantity of warm days with temperature of air higher than  200 С  at the coastal zone of peninsula  are from 1 to 6 at all and about 20-30 in the continental. The are 29 active and 120 extinct volcanoes in Kamchatka.  This factors has influence on the population. As a consequence, a special mediko-economic value has the analysis of a functional condition of immune system in short-term, within the first year, adaptation of the person. The obtained results can become an information basis for planning and carrying out of improving and preventive actions.


         The work purpose – studying of the immune status of the population of  Kamchatka in short-term adaptation to region environmental conditions.

         Materials and methods. In research have taken part 162 healthy volunteers living on Kamchatka no more than one year. Among participants there were 85 middle-aged males (34, 6 + 5,3 years) and 77 females  of 28,9 + 6,9 years. The complex of immunological researches have been carried out – during the period from one to six and from seven about twelve months.


Quantity of leukocytes in peripheral blood and   the formula of  leukocytes was made by standard methods. Subpopulation structure of lymphocytes studied by immunophenotyping  subpopulations of cages CD3 (mature lymphocytes); CD4 (T-helpery), CD8 (T-supressory), CD19 (В -limfotsity) with application Dynabeads – paramagnetic polystyrol the particles covered with monoclonal antibodies (Dynal, Norway). The maintenance of antibodies of classes A, M, G defined    immunoturbidimetric   method (Diasis Diagnostic System, Germany); complement  activity – on 50 %  hemolysis. Statistical processing was made with usage  of the computer program BIOSTAT.EXE McGraw. Hill. Version On the basis of methods of variation statistics. Reliability of distinctions was estimated by t-criterion of Stjudenta.


          Results and their discussions. As we can see from the data presented in table 1, all period of supervision the majority of indicators of the immune status of males and females  corresponded to physiological parameters.







               Table 1 - Indicators of the immune status, n=162 (M + m)






 1-6 мonths,  n=43

7-12 мonths, n=42

 1-6 мonths, n=44

 7-12 мonths, n=33




7,1 + 0,3

6,8 + 0,3

6,3 + 0,4

6,3 + 0,2

Lymphocytes, %


38,1 + 2,1

39,5 + 1,2

36,1 + 1,9

35,4 +  1,5

Lymphocytes, abs.


2557 + 153

2645 + 156

2201 + 168

2220 + 112

Monocytes, %


7,3 + 0,41

6,2 + 0,5

7,1 + 0,5

5,3 + 0,4

Monocytes, abs.


517 + 35

410 + 281

435 + 31

332 + 241

Neutrophils, %






- r/n, %


2,9 +0,4

3,5 + 0,4

3,1 + 0,6

3,7 + 0,5

- s/n, %


48,2 + 1,9

46,9  + 1,4

50,1 + 1,9

51,8 + 1,4

Neutrophils аbs.


3748 + 283

3406  + 203

3439 +  329

3506 + 181

Aezinophiles, %


3,1 + 0,3

3,9 + 0,4

3,4 + 0,5

2,9 + 0,4

Basophiles, %


0,9  + 0,1

0,6 + 0,1

0,8 + 0,1

0,6 + 0,1

СД 3, %


69,3 + 2,6

65,2 + 3,7

62,0 + 3,8

65,2  + 2,01

СД 3, аbs.


1762 + 85

1733 + 142

1215 + 94

1478 + 74

СД 4, %


48,5 + 2,6

42,5 + 3,0

44,6 + 2,9

48,3 + 1,9

СД 4, аbs.


1242 + 77

1127 + 102

865,8 + 81

1052 + 51

СД  8, %


23,4 + 1,6

26,6 + 2,3

18,9 + 2,5

18,6 + 1,2

СД 8, аbs.


584 + 40

695 + 67

436 + 42

419 + 39

СД 19, %


15,8 + 1,51

11,4  + 0,91

15,6 + 2,5

13,1 + 1,0

СД 19, абс.


409 + 341

294 +  191

368 + 34

324  + 24

СД 4/8, unit.


2,5 + 0,2

2,1 + 0,2

2,7 + 0,3

2,9 + 0,3

Ig A, g/l

0,34 – 2,5

1,7 + 0,1

1,7 + 0,2

2,1 + 0,3

2,3 + 0,2

Ig M, g/l

0,7 – 4,0

1,2 + 0,1

1,1 + 0,1

1,5 + 0,2

1,6 + 0,1

Ig G,  g/l

6,8 – 14,5

8,1 + 0,4

9,1 + 0,5

11,1 + 0,4

12,2 + 0,6

System complement,

a unit

50 - 90

67,9 + 3,1

64,8 + 2,2

61,7 + 2,7

74,1 + 4,51


The note: 1-р <0,05 – between an indicator in group on initial and the final stage of supervision.


         The part of lymphocytes of  deoxygenated blood of males on the average exceeded physiological level at the initial stage of supervision on 3,2 %, and in 6 months – on 6,8 %. Such increase, in the absence of deviations of other parameters immunogramae and considerable disorder of individual values of an indicator it is impossible to recognize significant.

However, the tendency of  increasing the level of lymphocytes may point on the pressure of  humoral mechanisms of immune protection.   The fact of authentic increase testifies to activation of cellular and humoral mechanisms of immune protection of males during supervision of quantity of monocytes (аbs.) in 1,3 times (р <0,05) and B-lymphocytes in 1,4 times (р <0,05) to what dynamics of change of indicator СD -  19 testifies. During the period of the exploring, the females’ analisys were in physiological norm. However the part of monocytes of blood has decreased in 1,3 times (р <0,05), and their quantity also in 1,3 times (р <0,05). The quantity of mature lymphocytes has increased in 1,2 times (р <0,05) to what the indicator of CD 3 testifies. Complement  blood growth in 1,2 times (р <0,05) in comparison with a reference value also has shown.

        Thus, in the first year of stay on Kamchatka dynamics of changes of separate indicators of immune protection can specify in pressure first of all its humoral mechanisms. Therefore, such group of persons, irrespective of a sex can be subject to risk of infectious diseases.


         Taking into account seasonal fluctuations of infectious disease – its increase among the population during the autumn and spring period, at a considered category of persons had been conducted immunological researches. In inspection with the residing experience volunteers took part in region from 6 months till 1 year. WE may see from table 2 data, at men, irrespective of a season the studied indicators corresponded to norm. Attracts attention that during the autumn period in peripheral blood of men the quantity aezinophiles  exceeds a similar indicator in the spring time in 1,5 times (р <0,05). Absolute quantity T-supressorov (СD 8) decreases in 1,4 times (р <0,05),  B -lymphocytes (СD 19) – in 1,3 times. Concentration of antibodies of a class of M has decreased also in 1,3 times (р <0,05). The received results specify on disadaptation, first of all, a humoral link of immune protection which is more expressed during the autumn period. Hence, the urgency and value of the preventive actions directed on prevention of sharp respiratory infections among the newcomer in region of the population, raises in the autumn. The given group of persons, especially in the organized collectives, represents risk group on infectious disease.


          Among the females we pointed out authentic seasonal fluctuations of indicators immunogramae which can specify on  desadaptation humoral mechanisms of immune protection mainly during the autumn period also are registered. In particular, in the autumn the quantity of mature lymphocytes (СD3) at women decreases in 1,2 times (р <0,05), B-limfotsitov (CD19) – in 1,3 times (р <0,05), and concentration of an antibody And raises in 1,3 times (р <0,05). It is important to underline that all found out changes are in limits of physiological norm of adult population.

         Thus, it is not dependent on the sex, in the first year of stay on Kamchatka seasonal fluctuations of indicators of the immune status which specify in pressure, first of all, humoral   mechanisms of protection are registered.




Table 2 – Seasonal fluctuations of indicators of the immune status

in the first year of stay on Kamchatka, n=162 (M + m)















6,9 + 0,3

7,0  + 0,2

6,4 + 0,3

6,3 + 0,2

Lymphocytes, %


37,7 + 1,2

36,5 + 1,2

38,5 + 1,2

38,3 + 1,1

Lymphocytes, абс.


2608+ 138,2

2499 + 90,5

2444+ 104,3

2405+ 102,4

Monocytes, %


6,9 + 0,3

6,7 + 0,4

6,4 + 0,3

6,6 + 0,3

Monocytes, абс.


504 + 35,1

463  + 32

403 + 26

412 + 25

Neutrophils, %


52,2 + 1,5

53,2 + 1,3

51,5 + 1,5

51,9 + 1,5

- r/n, %


3,1 + 0,2

3,5 + 0,2

3,0 + 0,2

3,5 + 0,2

- s/n, %


49,0  +1,2

49,7 + 1,1

48,6 + 1,3

48,4 + 1,3

Neutrophils абс


3556 + 153

3774 + 191

3378 + 169

3316 + 146

Aezinophiles, %


2,8  +  0,3

3,1 + 0,31

2,8 + 0,3

2,8 + 0,3

Basophiles, %


0,6 + 0,1

0,4 + 0,1

0,6 + 0,1

0,6 + 0,1

СД 3, %


72,5 + 3,2

65,9 + 2,4

74,6 + 2,2

61,5  + 3,31

СД 3, аbs.


1725 + 119

1542 + 86

1597 + 78

1434 + 101

СД 4, %


45,8 + 2,2

45 + 2,3

46,4 + 1,6

42,6 + 2,4

СД 4, аbs.


1229 + 73

1059 + 80

1067 + 53

928 + 65,7

СД  8, %


27,7 + 1,8

23,2 + 2,2

22,2 + 1,5

23,1 + 1,8

СД 8, аbs.


649 + 45,3

457 + 35,51

496 + 43,2

530  + 42,5

СД 19, %


14,9 + 1,2

11,9 + 0,91

14,3 + 1,0

10,9 + 0,9

СД 19, аbs.


380 + 37

290 + 241

303 + 28

270  + 241

СД 4/8, unit.


1,68 + 0,21

2,04 + 0,25

2,55+ 0,19

2,18 + 0,15

Ig A,  g/l

0,34 – 2,5

1,7 + 0,1

1,6 + 0,1

1,1 + 0,1

1,5 + 0,11

Ig M, g/l

0,7 – 4,0

1,2 + 0,1

1,0 + 0,11

1,0 + 0,1

1,0 + 0,1

Ig G,  g/l

6,8 – 14,5

8,2 + 0,4

7,9 + 0,3

7,8 + 0,4

7,5 + 0,3

System complement, a unit

40 - 90

77 + 4,2

70 + 2,7

75 + 3,4

71,6 + 3,1

The note: 1- р <0,05 – between an indicator in group on initial and the final stage of supervision.


         During the autumn period the considered category of the population is more subject to risk of occurrence of an infectious disease that demands planning and carrying out of the preventive actions directed on increase of resistance to diseases of a virus etiology.



1. At males within the first year of stay on Kamchatka quantity of monocytes of blood  ( аbs..) increases in 1,3 times (р <0,05), and B -limfotsitov in 1,4 times (р <0,05). At Females decrease of a number of monocytes in blood in 1,3 times (р <0,05), and also their quantities in 1,3 times (р <0,05) is observed. The quantity of mature lymphocytes increases in 1,2 times (р <0,05). Besides, in comparison with initial size, concentration complement  in 1,2 times (р <0,05) increases. The given facts can testify to pressure of cellular and humoral mechanisms of immune protection and predisposition of a considered category of persons to development infectious, first of all virus, diseases.

2. In observable groups seasonal fluctuations of separate indicators of the immune status are registered. During the autumn period at males the quantity aezinophiles  increases in 1,5 times (р <0,05). Absolute quantity T-supressorov (СD 8) decreases in 1,4 times (р <0,05), V-lymphocytes (СD 19) – in 1,3 times. Concentration of antibodies of a class of M decreases in 1,3 times (р <0,05). At females the quantity of mature lymphocytes (СD3) decreases in 1,2 times (р <0,05), B -limfotsitov (CD19) – in 1,3 times (р <0,05), and concentration of an antibody And raises in 1,3 times (р <0,05).

3. The registered changes in immune system at the persons living in Kamchatka less of one year, specify in pressure first of all humoral mechanisms of protection and expediency of carrying out of preventive actions concerning heavy respiratory infections among a considered category of the population mainly during the autumn period.


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