Beken Makhmutov - PhD student, Kazakh State Pedagogical University named after Abay,

 Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan




       Efficiency of political control in Kazakhstan depends on specific character of political reformation. Evolvement of public frameworks which can modify the social development of the country simultaneously, with the authority still it is just forming. Notable that civil society in modern Kazakhstan aimed at only political variation of collaboration with the state. Operating authority as per range of reasons is not able to taper the area of its impact to stimulate procedures of self-organization in the civil society. Consequently, in the first place appears the necessity of activation of procedures of impact on authority, ability to respond adequately on demands and requirements of social groups.

       On the whole post soviet area including Kazakhstan, the agenda is a debatable question about balance or dominance of that political phenomenon of life, as civil society or corporate society. It is clear that the first category is more demandable and desirable from the viewpoint of developing the democratic government. The word is about a great social value of democracy of civil society in comparison with corporate priority for Kazakhstan.

      The general idea of democratic reform is reduced to forward development of civil society. However, this process barely started and thoroughly ambiguous the perspective of its completion, Kazakhstan civil society is still remain on initial stage of establishment and still is not able to form self-contained and active political actors. It is obvious, that occur the forming of its institutes, define individual interests, but they do not have well-defined political and organizational definiteness.

In Kazakhstan this platform forms conditions for dominating regulations in the system of authority of the state bureaucracy. Joining into this sphere the financial industrious groups stimulates the development of syncretic routine of authority in which combined various corporate interests by preserving high status and the role of governmental bureaucracy.

       The main negative consequence like scenario is enclosed in, that in Kazakhstan is occurred not the development of sharp civil society but stimulate the formation of corporate society which is negative, alternative, democratic principle of civil society. So, has been observed the reduction of factors which assist to develop the democracy in this society.

       Hereof, outflows the demand in outputting new mechanisms of political control in Kazakhstan aimed at development of sharp democratic authority. Political realities dictate the necessity of research and implement a new meaning of democracy based on principles of reflexivity when in the first place occurs the warranty of autonomy of personality in making political decisions and defining positions. Given postulate must be put into the base of political and state control [1].

        Self-organization and self-regulation of political system is possible only under the conditions and availability of natural manifold relations inside the society which builds favorable conditions for adequate reflection of interests of society in whole. Democratic system which is in the state of stagnation and stagnation cannot fit these parameters. Vital activity of society derives development of political system as consequence arise new political actors inactive on initial stage, but gradually gain well-defined organizational forms and changes the field of party, balance and alignment of political forces. At the same time must not be counted that the west model of development of relations between subjects of political process appears more optimal and as only effective one. As it is known intersystem of antagonism in society generates and then dictates the necessity of development of self-regulation.

       Experts think that the political management in Kazakhstan must be developed by the whole series of directions.

               As it is known modern theory of democracy is under fundamental changes as far as political process has been realized under the circumstances of competition for the effect and authority, occurs the impact of interests of individuals of groups stratas which attracts corrections and deformation of traditional democratic standards and forms. It is necessary to delimit the concrete forms of democracy and democracy as direction of public development. In this meaning, democracy is dynamic developing and changing by forms of allocation of authority in the network of society of democracy. There is a system which allows detecting the ability of society and defines the line of further development of evolutionary process.

       Inner adjusting gear operating in the policy and economics performs variant functions. So, it is aimed at selection of competitive producers in the policy through it ensures the support of rights of all citizens by actions of structures of civil society. Consequently, arises antagonism when economic competition produces economic differentiation of society, involving into social disputes in a sharp phase and as consequence of interests of market is opposed to liberal interests of society totally. Modern economic and social theories are already not accepting the market as a model of self-aligning mechanism of society, all its spheres including political.

        Market system is involved into operating political sphere, according to, that it establishes defined regulations and boundaries of competition. But political structures in the process of its operation faces with the rules of market which can fundamentally limit realization of political ideas and programs, political elite likewise has to update its actions and plans according to principles of economic benefits.

       From our point of view in the new context is necessary to reconsider entity of category of control: controlling is not a progress of force decisions from the surface but directing actions to the side of organic processes of self-organization and self-regulation of society. The idea of modern meaning of control is conditioned by fact that on present-day control cannot and is not able to be realized only by force of administrative command system of methods. Previous totalitarian algorithm of control which showed high index of efficiency in those historic conditions cannot be so productive in modern conditions of development of political culture yet and so the installation of democratic principles into the life of society. They are not able to stimulate adequately the natural processes of public regulations, suppressed by volitional commands. It is important to point that being operated administrative command method of controlling unacceptable, as far as totalitarian principle of controlling operates according to the hard dictation in relation to behavior of individuals and social groups. Back reaction of controlling layers on a dictate from above by natural way, generates on policy and tactics, frequently distorting inverse connection [2].

        Historic experience indicated that totalitarian mechanism of controlling creates the soil for self-destruction of society by building conditions for disintegration of society by damaging communicative connections, independence of civil structures and institutes from the government. As a total result totalitarian control transforms society in primitively determined system, not able to self-organize.

       The important condition of efficiency of implementation of democratic reform in Kazakhstan is the high level of confidence of society to institutes of political control, to political authority in whole. Democratic start must be present at a very reformatory action. Any administrative act of force dictated with positive aims, most likely, will get negative reaction. Separate segments of society can demonstrate its reaction either in the form of open confrontation or will be build the soil for development of latent social dispute which can attract absenteeism. System alteration, conducting on all levels of power holding structures of Kazakhstan, dictates the necessity of analysis of compound mechanisms, direct and inverse connection between them and society. As it is known as the main mechanism stands out political control of its own innovatory interpretation.

       Thereby, considerably actualized the problem of optimization of methods, means, categories, institutes represented as administrative functions of government. Modern developed government tends to be the jural and democratic must be aimed at consolidation of subject of policy and control. This is fundamentally important question; it is known, that according to norms given in the constitution of Kazakhstan, our government function by principle of democratic social system. As well as it is obvious, that the given public apparatus adopted from outer space is initially function by experience of countries with the developed democracy. Actually, it is about the west standards of democracy which crystallized out over many years of evolution of democracy, law and order of political and jural culture and simultaneous development of civil society. Nowadays, there is a place of meaning that democracy can develop and function effectively only in a close relationship with developed civil society in Kazakhstan. M.V. Rac in his article “What kind of government we built” honestly points out that in adverse case the democracy of participation flows into elements of meeting and transforms into ochlocracy in which morality has not saved at all [3].

       Unfortunately, Kazakh political validity still does not fit this postulate. This statement based on, that in the government has not formed adequate value system and the governmental identification, necessary jural culture and the order, democratic freedom, the morality value aspects of policy is absent, the human rights is kept not in full measure, no priority of rights over the interests of separate elite groups, low productivity of the state institutes, low activity and effectiveness of activity of civil society. From our point of view political process in Kazakhstan, on modern step, differentiate institutional stabilization of ruling regimes which is still does not possess necessary, steady and sharp formed economic, social, political and ideological doctrine. Institutionalization of ruling the regime based on in the first place with establishing monopolies on electronic media and with application of new technologies of mass political manipulation including communicative electoral technologies.

    Operated controlling system considers management as a method of inertial interaction with well-known objects, set-up parameters, expecting results. Administrative methods of management are productive in the network of fragmentary improvement in the context of plain system. In addition, is necessary to delimit the administrative and optimal system of control.

        Main difficulty in the conduction of the system of optimization of political control is the fuzzy understanding of an object of conversion. For instance, the enhancement of armed forces is getting impossible out of general military reform, and the military reform is not workable without conversion in the resort industrial policy as well as in other fields connected with army.

       Consequently, reprocessing cannot be reduced to changes in the sphere of management. Modernized variation of political control assumes that on initial stage, occurs the formulation of ideal objectives and priorities, defining the vector of future activity and approval of its principles and rules.

        Thereby, reformatory control carries out step by step:

-         production of ideological base of reform by means of mass discussion to explore the society with an aim of detection of follower and opponents of reform;

-         structuring designated ideas by means of conformation of organizational plan, ontological plan and plan of future reform measures;

-         statement and approval of scheme of reform in which indicates the aims, puts forward issues, defines the resort sources for their realization.

       Demands in programmatic organizational management dictated with disproportion of subject and object of reform as far as the object of reprocessing functions by old standards and follows the previous priorities remaining unruly for subject of reprocessing. Thereupon, software-based approach allows predicting the results of reform to direct the development of an object in the necessary direction. Consequently the system does not have to have accurate fixed date of realization.

      Output of the mission of the state political management. By our opinion the main mission of the state political management of the Republic of Kazakhstan consists of:

-          expanding the access of all citizens of Kazakhstan to the procedure of making political decisions;

-          optimization of public, political management by means of using new political technologies;

-          providing adequacy of activities of the state institutions to interests and requests of citizens.

      Performance of this mission allows upgrading whole political system in compliance with reformatory goals and interests of society, and government gives an opportunity to citizens to take more active part in operating process. The system of political management formed by government is an instrument by means of that, makes decisions of strategic value, functions the mechanism of control of society, generates the methods of regulation of political process, conducts the operating actions and evaluates their efficiency comprehensively.

       New administrative practice means active participation of community on all phases of control. For this purpose has been worked out and implemented variant mechanisms and procedures: parliamentary hearing, public expertise, investigations in mass media, methods of evaluation of efficiency of actions of authority, definition of the level of impact of political decisions on feels of society. Commonly known, that any reform without getting expecting legitimacy and support from society cannot be thoroughly realized. Therefore, clear, that the actions which have planned does not realize in initial planned variant. In the course of updating and realization into life, the start plans can have complete transformation. However, subjects are aware about these changes in a complete degree, consequently, still can be received expected results. Theoretically, socio-technical impact of the state on society gains the form of interaction erasing well-defined division of society on reformers and sub reformers.

There has been observed the inverse procedure in Kazakhstan, because there is no structured system of mediation, executors of making decisions face the fact of necessity of its realization, but does not know the ways of solving arisen problems. Though, many problems for the first time clear up in the executive process by making the objectives unachievable. The opinion about necessity of rationalization of structures of organs of public authority and control became quite usual in the executive elite of Kazakhstan. In the procedure of political management less worked out and more outdated appears the mechanism of making decisions in the network of that, realizes the ideas of state control.



1       Ìàêàðåíêî Â.Ï. Ãðóïïîâûå èíòåðåñû è âëàñòíî-óïðàâëåí÷åñêèé àïïàðàò // Ñîöèîëîãè÷åñêèå èññëåäîâàíèÿ. - 1996. - ¹ 11. – Ñ. 121.

2       Ìàêàðåíêî Â.Ï. Òåîðèÿ áþðîêðàòèè, ïîëèòè÷åñêàÿ îïïîçèöèÿ è ïðîáëåìû ëåãèòèìíîñòè. – ÑÏá.: Äåëî, 1996. – Ñ. 45.

3       Ðàö Ì.Â. Êàêîå ãîñóäàðñòâî ìû ïîñòðîèëè // Âëàñòü. – 1997. - ¹ 12. – Ñ. 23.