International and European law

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The Middle East has become one of the most troubled regions in the world, the source of the threat of war and remains a major cause of chronic instability not only in the region, but throughout the world. This conflict is the longest of all the unresolved conflicts in the world. Its beginning is the 40-th years. The twentieth century. and is associated with the problem of the establishment in Palestine of two states - Jewish and Arab. This decision was taken by the General Assembly November 29, 1947.

The United Nations, the General Assembly and Security Council are the international bodies, where the issue of Middle East peace process posed and discussed repeatedly.[1] By United Nations measures to maintain peace and security, expressed in three forms: - decision of the Security Council and UN General Assembly resolutions on the underlying Middle East settlement, direction in the conflict zone UN Emergency Force to maintain international peace and security, and the conclusion of UN-sponsored truce agreements or the disengagement of belligerents to cease-fire line.

UN Secretary General B. Boutros-Ghali, in the report "An Agenda for Peace" (January 1992) stressed that the problems of preventing and resolving conflicts and maintaining peace requires coordinating the efforts of individual states and non-governmental organizations, as well as the entire UN system.[2]

According to its Charter, the UN is to "bring about by peaceful means in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which may lead to a breach of the peace "(parag. 1, article 1). The UN Charter can serve as a good basis for the peaceful settlement of disputes, the prevention of international conflicts. The UN's role in this region is determined, above all, that the main purpose for which the Organization itself was created - namely, to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, the maintenance of international peace and security.[3]

The main objective of the Organization - the maintenance of international peace and security - can be achieved primarily through peaceful means.[4]

Modern international law recognizes the legitimate means of settling disputes between States only peaceful means of settling international disputes.[5] Peaceful settlement of the Middle East conflict should be resolved through the use of peaceful means under the UN Charter (articles. 33-38) and in accordance with the rules and principles of international law.

The essence of the Middle East peace settlement - to find ways of ending the Israeli occupation of Arab territories occupied in the June 1967 war. Intractability and further continuation of the confrontation in the region is fraught with danger situations that might lead to a new large-scale war in the Middle East and finally to undermine the hopes of resolving the conflict peacefully.

The process of peaceful settlement of the Middle East conflict must be resolved only by peaceful and legal means on the basis of such principles of international law as the principle of non-use or threat of force, which is a cornerstone of modern international law, and the principle of peaceful settlement of disputes and conflicts (àrticle 33 of the UN Charter), as well as peaceful resolution of this conflict must be based in accordance with the principles of sovereign equality of all states in the region and their mutual security.

It must be stressed that the UN there is significant potential in solving complex international problems and in resolving conflicts by peaceful means, indicates promotion of its main bodies,in particular the Security Council and UN General Assembly's commitment to international legal settlement of the Middle East conflict by peaceful and legal means.

With respect to demands the strict implementation of UN member states with their international obligations under the UN Charter, there can be no exceptions. This is explained by the fact that when some states strictly adhere to its commitments under the UN Charter, while others can afford to ignore these obligations. The world community has a common interest of all UN Member States in good faith compliance with these obligations.

The only solution to the Middle East impasse is a comprehensive solution to the Middle East conflict, which can be achieved only through collective efforts from all stakeholders on the basis of principles enshrined in the UN Charter. In this regard, should be to maximize the opportunities of the United Nations.

The international legal formula of the solution is possible with implementation of the core UN Security Council resolutions, which provide a number of steps by Israel and the Arab countries, in order to put an end to an extremely dangerous development of events in the Middle East and lead it to peace in this troubled region. These resolutions contain the principle of "land for peace." This means establishing and ensuring peace and security in the region after the withdrawal of Israeli troops from occupied territories.

Peace and security in the Middle East are largely dependent on the outcome of the UN and the consolidation of efforts of the international community and the entire UN system in dealing with new threats to international peace and stability.

Need to recognize the power failure a method of settling the conflict, and must be strictly observed the principle of the inadmissibility of acquisition of foreign territory by war, as a just and lasting peace in the Middle East could and should be based on the principles relevant as general rules of international law and specific decisions of the Security Council and UN General Assembly on this issue.

UN Security Council's founding resolution ¹ 242 and ¹ 338 in order to maintain peace and security in the Middle East and in the future settlement of the conflict through the use of peaceful means as provided for in the UN Charter (Articles 33-38) and on the basis of the above resolutions.

The adoption of UN Security Council Resolution number 242 was an important international legal basis for a just settlement of the Middle East conflict by peaceful means, and represents an important step of the Organization, because it meant some progress in UN efforts to resolve Middle East conflict based on compromise international solutions.

Occupied Arab territories in June 1967, Israel has violated UN set for a boundary established by the UN General Assembly Resolution ¹ 181/II on November 29, 1947.

Thus, the occupied territories in terms of contemporary international law can not remain under the jurisdiction of a foreign state or foreign occupation, as these territories belong to sovereign nations and must be returned in accordance with the UN Charter and international law.

Thus, the experience gained in the international arena repeatedly testified that the attempts by some states to ignore the requirements of the UN Charter, to bypass or in violation of the purposes and principles often led only to an aggravation of the situation in the world, undermining the foundations of the UN and the fall its influence.

Achieving peace and security in the Middle East requires first and foremost address the main issues: 1) The release by Israel of Arab territories occupied in June 1967, 2) the question of establishing an independent Palestinian state within the internationally recognized border, with its capital in East Jerusalem; 3) A security of all states in the Middle East. Therefore, a lasting and just settlement of the Middle East conflict must be based on three of these problems.

Generally in the practice of the UN in maintaining international peace and security have repeatedly carried out such actions as the demand for a ceasefire between the parties to armed conflict and cooperation among them. In place of conflict and sent observers to UN forces. On the proposal of the UN produced a divorce forces the conflicting sides of the contact line.[6]

Under the Charter, the UN is the center, which aims to coordinate concerted action by States towards the achievement of the objectives laid down in it, and above all to strengthen international peace and security, to prevent wars and conflicts and the peaceful settlement of disputes and disagreements.

Under the settlement of the conflict (conflict resolution) in a broad sense to understand any action aimed at preventing or ending the armed struggle and conflict resolution through peaceful means. The term "settlement of the conflict» (conflict resolution) and has a narrower meaning, which in the Russian language by the term "conflict resolution", despite the fact that the English expression of this term does not change. Under the resolution of the conflict to understand the root causes of removal that created the conflict, the formation of a new level of relations between the participants, a complete rejection of the claims, the creation of a qualitatively new situation between conflicting parties. In fact the resolution of the conflict - the ideal situation of conflict resolution, as well from the main contradiction that lay at its base. Conflict resolution refers to the broad interpretation the state of the world, the concept of «positive peace».[7]

Peaceful means to represent a system of institutions of peaceful settlement of international disputes, based on the general prohibition of the use of force or threat of it, and the responsibilities of states and other subjects of international law on the peaceful settlement of disputes arising in accordance with the basic principles of international law and justice. [8]

The basis for compromise between Israel and Palestine, Lebanon and Syria is the willingness of all parties to agree to ending the state of war between them and achieving a peaceful settlement of the conflict after the Israeli withdrawal from Arab territories to the border line of June 4, 1967 as the basic principles of normalization of relations between Israel by all Arab states, members of the League of Arab States.

Two basic Security Council Resolution number 242 (1967), and the number 338 (1973), as well as the UN General Assembly Resolution ¹ 181/II (1947) - indicate the need to return the occupied Arab territories in 1967 and the establishment of an independent and sovereign State of Palestine in the internationally recognized borders alongside Israel.

Thus, by peaceful means and mechanisms of the UN should be considered as a basic principle in the Middle East conflict because this conflict poses a serious threat to international security and stability not only in the region, but throughout the world. The use of peaceful means - it's the only way to resolve conflicts and disputes. Consequently, the Middle East conflict should be resolved by peaceful means on the basis of the UN Charter (Art. 33-38) and in accordance with the basic principles of international law.

[1] Dmitriev E., Ladeykin V. The road to peace in the Middle East. - Moscow: International Relations, 1974. P. 150.

[2] B. Boutros-Ghali. An Agenda for Peace. Preventive diplomacy, peacemaking and peacekeeping. New York, 1992.

[3] Efimov G. K. UN Charter - an instrument of peace. Publishing "Nauka", 1986. P. 46.

[4] Ibid. P. 56.

[5] Movchan A. P. Ðpeaceful means of settling international disputes. M: 1957. Ñ. 3.

[6] Klimenko B. M. Ðeaceful resolution of territorial disputes. Moscow: International Relations, 1982. Ð. 115.

[7] Deriglazova L. V. Conflicts in International Relations: textbook / edited by A. G. Timoshenko. - Tomsk: 2005. Ð. 158.

[8] Pushmin E. A. Ðeaceful means of settling international disputes. Yaroslavl, 1981. Ð. 18.