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Naboka S.O.
2-d year student faculty of international economic
Savytska L.V.
Associated Professor, Doctor of Philosophy
Kharkiv national university of
Modern realities say to survive
in this progressive world it is necessary to make alliances with different
formation on favorable conditions as much as possible. It may help to remain
further afloat to developing countries, for example, such as Ukraine.
Since ancient
times Ukraine was the bridge from Asia to Europe thanks for its favorable
geographical and geopolitical location and Soviet Union only strengthened this
tendency. The powerful building of metallurgical, defense and agricultural enterprises,
creation of gas transmission system, its volumes of transportation remains one
of the most powerful in Europe, determined today’s situation.
self-sufficient organizations (The European Union and the Customs Union)
continue fighting for our country offering different benefits and privileges,
but avoiding their true motives and disadvantages.
Nowadays Ukraine
is in its crucial point, which can change its future development. However, it’s
important to represent and analyze accurately what the accession to these
organizations will give not only for the state, but for its ordinary
The aim of this publication is to analyze from economic point of view what benefits and privileges we
will get accessing to the Customs Union and signing Association between Ukraine
and the EU.
Agreement on association with the European Union
is the agreement between EU and the state which isn't the member of the
European Union creates a framework for cooperation. Cooperation areas usually
affect for development of political, commercial, social, cultural ties and
safety strengthening. The legal base for such an agreement was created by the
article N 217 in the contract about The European Union functioning [1].
The main aims of the association are:
1) to assist gradual rapprochement of Partners, based
on general values and close privileged copulas, and participate in politicians,
programs and agencies of the EU.
2) to provide conditions to increase economic
and trade relations, which will conduce to gradual integration of Ukraine to
the internal market of the EU due to creation of deep and all-embracing free
trade zone [1].
The EU is one of strategic
partners of Ukraine. In 2012 commodity turnover was near 43 billion dollars and
the level of exchanging services estimated in 75 billion dollars. However, the
trade balance was -9 bil. USD (goods), + 142 mil. USD (services) [2].
Diagram 1. Structure of
import-export Ukrainian goods with the UE countries [2]
Diagram 2.Structure of
import-export Ukrainian services with the EU countries [2]
Same time this association gives an opportunity
to trade with the EU members on more favorable conditions. According to the
fourth part of the agreement “Trade and questions related”, after its signing
and ratifications Ukraine gets rights for cancellation of duties, tariffs and
other payments. Major experts think that it will improve trade balance and even
turn it to positive side.
In case of zero import duty rates between
Ukraine and EU general welfare of Ukraine will increase by 1.3 % in medium-term
prospect at other stable and equal conditions (ceteris paribus). In case of
deep and comprehensive ZST with EU which is modeled as mutual refusal of import
duties plus decrease in non-tariff barriers in connection with legislation
harmonization, the gain of welfare makes 4,3% in medium-term prospect [3].
Let’s analyze negative
aspects of signing this agreement. One of them is Ukrainian market will be
rushed by the mass of goods made in the countries of the European Union
creating the competition to the domestic. First of all, it effects to
agricultural industry as European countries are much more developed and
agricultural products will have smaller expensive part, respectively and
smaller net cost.
No need to
exclude, political and economic parts of the issue as powerful Ukrainian
neighbor also has economic benefits and, in a case of signing of the agreement
about the Association it can lose them. As, Ukraine is a strong base for soling
Russian goods Russian Federation applies all leverage on the country which
sometimes may turn into open opposition and threats, both economic, and
political character. Main of them: denouncement of the agreement about
Strategic partnership signed in 1997, and continued in 2012; increase the cost
of gas, etc.
All these steps
are taken to push Ukraine to east vector of development. This vector is called
the Customs Union with Russian Federation at the top.
The Customs Union formation envisages creation of a common customs
territory without customs duties or economic restrictions and with special
protective, anti-dumping and compensatory measures. The Customs Union provides
standard customs tariff and other measures regulating the commodity trade with
third nations. This Union consists of three ex-Soviet republics – Russian Federation,
Belarus and Kazakhstan [2].
Diagram 3.Structure of
import-export by countries
(the Customs Union) [2]
regulation in the Customs Union within the Eurasian Economic Community - the
legal regulation of relations connected with the movement of goods across the
customs border of the customs union, their carriage of a single customs territory
of the customs union under customs control, temporary storage, customs
declaration, release and use in accordance with the customs procedures,
carrying out customs control, customs duties, as well as power relations
between customs authorities and the persons implementing the right of
possession, use and disposal of these goods [4].
Adherents of the Customs
Union claim that in case if Ukraine enters the Customs Union it will get
discount for energy carriers. Anyways getting stable long-term discounts in
energy costs is very doubtful. Russia plans deregulation of domestic market,
thus, the internal prices will go up. Moreover, increasing of power efficiency
and diversification of deliveries is more reasonable economic strategy, than
search of short-term discounts. Besides, the gas price isn't a subject of
arrangements within the customs legislation of the Customs Union and the
Contract on the Free trade zone of CIS countries. Therefore there is no hope to
change the Russian approaches in gas price. Except for the scenario if Ukraine
agrees on merger, NAK “Naftogaz Ukrainy” will be taken over by "Gazprom".
It means that Ukrainian sovereignty in the energy sector will be lost.
One more negative
aspect is also that the Customs Union is very young formation and there are no
steady laws of development, management and control. The predominating role
belongs to one state, and the others carry out functions of certain satellites.
Adherents of east
development note that Russia and Belarus are our fraternal countries. We have common
history and economic development. However they miss very powerful fact that the
union constructed on the ultimatum without respect won't exist for a long time.
Ukraine chose European
integration. It’s even fixed in law on bases to interior and foreign policy of
Ukraine: “Basic principles of foreign policy providing integration of Ukraine to
European political economic, legal space to get membership in the European Union”.
So, Ukraine waits
for the summit of east partnership in hope to sign agreement with the European
Union. Ukrainian citizens also wait for it, in hope to get better living
References translated and transliterated
Government of Ukraine will discuss
the draft agreement on the association with the European Union. Daily news. Ros
Business Consulting 18.09.2013 [Electronic
resource]. – Access mode:
Ukrainian Foreign trade [Electronic
resource]. – Access mode:
(2006) The Prospect of Deep Free Trade Between the European Union
and Ukraine. Report prepared by Centre for European Policy Studies
(CEPS), Brussels; Institut fur Weltwirtschaft (IFW), Kiel: International Centre
for Policy Studies (ICPS), Kyiv.
Ukraine and the Customs Union [Electronic
resource]. – Access mode: