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Docent, Candidate in
Engineering Sciences, E.V. Shevchuk
Docent, Candidate in
Engineering Sciences, A.V. Shpak
North Kazakhstan State
University named after Manash Kozybayev,
Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan
The processes of rethinking the information and
computer technologies’ role in life of the whole society, as well as
individual’s life particularly, became the condition for the situation when the
notions ‘information culture’ and ‘information competence’ have become rather
popular in the modern informatizated society.
Correspondently, repeated attempts to define these
notions, to specify their intention and structure with regard to the realities
of our times, to find the ways and means for forming or developing information
culture or competence have grown to be of current interest.
The term ‘information culture’ appeared in the early
seventies of the previous century. Initially this term was identified with the
notion ‘computer competence’. Having made retrospective analysis one may state
that intention ‘computer competence’ has evolved with evolution of computer
aids and appearance of information technologies. Primarily, computer competence
was defined as the knowledge of computer science, then as the skill to operate
a computer and later on the notion of computer competence was accompanied with
the skills to search, accumulate and process different types of information by
means of computer, to convey information through computer networks, to
systematize it and use for solving real-world problems.
Toward the end of the 1980s the intention of computer
competence had presupposed the ability to know about the role and place of
information technologies in society, about the prospects of their development,
about the structure and capabilities of computing systems, about the ways to
formalize objective tasks and methods of mathematical modeling.
There are two approaches to define the notion
‘information culture’ in modern researches. They are culturological and
information. Information culture is considered as the way of human activity in
the information society under the culturological approach. Under the information
approach this notion is considered as the complex including knowledge, skills
and experiences of searching, extracting and analyzing the information that is
everything what enters into information activity pointed at informative
consumer satisfaction.
Person’s cultural level makes itself felt in his
activity that is why forming of information culture as a personality trait
should be regarded from the position of competent approach.
In the early 20th century active approach
in education gave place to the new approach which was competent approach. There
are a lot of definitions for information competence. The definition given by
P.V. Bespalov should be singled out. He defined it as a person’s ability to
solve the tasks of certain kind and having a number of personality traits
combined with needed storage of knowledge and skills, as person’s integral
ability to master, manage, apply, invert and invent new information
According to most of scientists’ opinions, information
competence involves easy orientation in information flows (it means that one
can easily get, process, convey and apply information using computers,
telecommunications and other communications facilities and use information
technologies while solving different job and ordinary tasks). The notion of
information competence presupposes the scientific view of the world which is
based on comprehension how to formalize the main information laws in nature and
society and how to use different means of modern information technologies; scientific
view of the world is based on knowledge of ethical and legal norms of behavior
in information environment also.
In statements of Bologna Declaration ensuring
integration of post-Soviet higher school into space of European higher
education there is a point about necessity to use competent approach in
educational programs of new model for training specialist. In its turn, it
demands to form base competence of future specialist capable of positive
creative professional activity. Increasing role of information in the life of
society and use of information technologies in different spheres of
professional activity give leave to single out information competence as a base
one. The problem of forming future specialist’s information competence is becoming
of high priority in modern information society that is filled with the means of
storage, processing and transfer of data on the basis of new information
In scientists’ judgment, information training of future specialists is
certainly to be continuous so that forming of future specialists’ information
culture and competence could be realized at every stage of education and
throughout all the subjects studied.
The main contents of information competence may be
represented in a few words. Present-day specialist (if to understand the notion
in a modern way) has to have enough skills to use engineering devices (like
mobile phone and computers or electronic communications), to be able to use
up-to-date computer and information technologies in his activity, to be able to
extract information from different sources including paper-based sources, to
present it in the simplest terms and use effectively, to know how to process
information analytically and know peculiarities of information flows in the subject
field of his activity, to know ethical and legal basis of informative society.
Development of information competence has to be
realized in accord with its inner structure. Analysis of the literature has
shown that this structure is presented by cognitive, active and motivational
training aspects which are associated with the certain types of students’
information activity. These types of information activity are related.
Development conditions of information competence can
be united into the following groups:
- organizational-pedagogical conditions (curriculum, material support and
technique of the lessons);
- informative (extraction of lesson contents, integration of different
courses, emphasizing of key-notes);
- technological (check-out and evaluative forms of teaching, setup of
active teaching forms, use of innovative technologies);
- acmeological (definition of objectives, realization of students’
development diagnostics, incentive scheme, motivation and incentive scheme,
reflexion at the end of the lesson, inclusion of students into the system of
The authors think that
realization of the offers that have been made in this article in the system of
post-Soviet higher education can become the basis for providing system forming
of future specialists’ information culture and competence.
In accordance with
specialist’s information competence requirements, the system of multilevel
continuous information training has to be implemented. Much attention in this system is paid to the
questions of continuity, succession and informative sufficiency of the
educational process, integration of special and information subjects, forming
professional-oriented information environment and integrated information space.
The following principles have to be put into the basis
of contents for training holders of a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree:
- Forming of specialist’s information culture and competence equivalent to
the modern level and prospects of information processes’ and systems’ development
may be accomplished only under the conjunctive use of information technologies
in the educational process of the higher institution establishment;
- In order to train competitive specialist who will be able to conceive
and bring into use innovations while solving the objective tasks it is
necessary to extend the computer science sections (this is the discipline that
usually represents the subjects of general instructions in the curriculum)
which include the basis of professional information competence. It should be
done in regard with the character of future professional activity (in
compliance with the main principles of credit teaching technology, recent
achievements in industry, science, engineering and culture have to be taken
into account in the syllabus that includes all the contents of sample
educational program. It means the syllabus is divided into two parts: the basis
part which contains fundamental and methodological knowledge and the
variational part which is presented as a changeable, adequate to the modern
level of technologies, dynamic part, part which is brought up to date after the
level of information technologies’ development in due time);
- In order to advance graduate’s professional competence in the sphere of
information technologies, besides the educational course of computer science,
applied sciences oriented at subject field and specialist’s professional
environment of activity need to be added to curriculum. It can be done for
account of elective disciplines;
- In order to realize individual educational route, elective disciplines
of information course that take into account different levels of students’
computer training and sphere of future professional interests should be
involved in curriculums;
- Computer-oriented educational technologies used in the educational
process have to be combined rationally with traditional teaching technologies
and supported by modern equipment.
On the assumption of everything abovementioned, the
authors offer particular ways of improving conditions for development of future
students’ information culture and competence (the ways of improving have been
offered in the context of modern system of higher education in the countries of
former USSR).
1. The ways of improving
organizational-pedagogical and informative conditions for development of
students’ information culture and competence.
The block of
information culture and competence reflects cognitive aspect of training that
involves integrative thesaurus of informative disciplines and students’
knowledge about the work of computer technologies and software products used in
the process of teaching and professional activity. In order to form this block,
the module on the theme ‘Principles of solving base tasks in the subject field
(it depends on the students’ speciality) by means of computer technologies and
specialized application software’ has to be included in educational program as
a variational one (for example, computing methods of communications-electronics
equipment and the ways of their realization by means of computer technologies
should be demonstrated for students of speciality ‘Radio engineering’;
designers should survey computer graphics).
The block of information culture and competence
reflects active aspect of training which involves student’s skills to use means
of information technologies which he will be able to demonstrate after
graduating or completing certain training course (it means that students will
be able to process information, carry out mathematical calculations, design
text-based documents at the instrumental level; to use means of information
technologies for interaction between people, information sharing and attraction
of other people’s resources to succeed at the communication level; to perform
systems operations, e.g. sort out information and present it in a structured
fashion, choose proper means of information technologies needed for solving
multipurpose tasks at the system-level). In order to form this block of
information culture and competence, the module ‘Modern technologies of
information search and data transfer through the Internet’ should be added to
educational program as a variational one, the modules ‘Information processing
methods’ and ‘Engineering of information systems in the subject field’ – as
elective courses.
One more aspect reflected by the block of
information culture and competence is a motivational factor. This aspect is
hardly realized in functioning standards which expect necessity to develop such
competences as self-development, self-improvement in training and professional
activity, tendency to stock mind with knowledge in the area of using means of
information technologies while doing job tasks. In order to form described
block of information culture and competence, the course project ‘Use of modern information
technologies for solving job tasks’ that will be propaedeutical course for
diploma project planning should be inducted as elective course.
2. The ways of improving
technological conditions for development of students’ information culture and
It is necessary to introduce wide and
continuous use of new educational information technologies (e.g., real-virtual
laboratories, CD-ROM collections, multimedia presentation facility, WWW
technologies, etc.) into everyday practice for the whole period of studying,
which will contribute to students’ synthetic information-telecommunications
training up to the moment of defending the diploma projects.
Engngrafting skills of professional and
scientific work through the participation in the Internet forums and
Using more information technologies in
realizing of problem-oriented and project educational programs (multipurpose
course and diploma projects), in innovative departmental and interdepartmental
Teachers should encourage students during the
educational process to use information space of the university daily, to see
educational portals; it is necessary to expand introduction of various distance
technologies’ elements for full-time students.
The ways of improving
acmeological conditions for development of students’ information culture and
It is recommended to organize virtual Olympiads,
conferences, competitions regularly, Olympiads for full-time students to check
their abilities to apply information technologies in order to solve job tasks,
and research project contests.
Realizing of the conditions offered in this article
will help advance students’ information competence as well as their
professional competence and later on it will help students to get over to the
level of social competence.