Economics\ 14. Theory of Economics
T., Ph.D, associate prof., Browko T., assistant prof.
The Poltava Korolenko National Teacher’s Training
University, Ukraine
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs as the Basis for the Family Upbringing Logic
presents the main force of producing living means and their distributing in any
society. It acquires a special importance in the procreation of the humankind
and upbringing of children, the transfer of experience, economical culture,
consideration for work, respect and care for the elders, etc. That is why
social, spiritual and material values are fulfilled during the further
development of a human in the society and determine his or her social maturity,
economical and professional competence as successfully as they penetrate and
consolidate in the child’s mind.
the modern stage of development scientists stress the necessity of active human
investment [1]. From the point of view of the traditional economics human
investments are expenses made for the purpose of increasing work productivity
and income both personal and social. We propose to broaden the understanding of
human investment with at least individual biophysical, mental, creative and
moral potential, which subsequently allow to get knowledge, to become an
integral personality and fulfill oneself in the social production with all the
attributes following this process: professional belonging and qualification,
experience and skills, status and life level, etc. The above-mentioned is
possible only if the family exercises reproductive, educative, economical,
communicative, psychotherapeutic and recreative functions [2]. Different
families realize these functions in a way depending on their educative
potential, possibilities of children’s upbringing according to the set of
available material and spiritual family resources. Available needs (a shortage
or a deficiency, which exists in the physical, psychological, social human
organism) and motives (a conscious or an unconscious force that makes the human
to act or sometimes not to act) take an important place among elements of such
a possibility. Motives are reasons or factors which influence the result or
study of human motivation includes the ascertaining of behavior motives that
include reflection, intents, presentiments of behavior results, in other words,
justification [3, p. 207]. The role of the family is important in the process
of shaping of needs, their urgency, priority of satisfaction and motivational
direction. The priority of certain needs and motives, their shaping can change
in different family patterns. For the purpose of the analysis of the family
upbringing logic we should dwell on the noted Abraham Maslow’s motivation
theory (1908-1970). A. Maslow became the founder of a humanistic life
philosophy that can help to “understand the true meaning of such social
institutes as family, religion, education” [4].
provides two subsystems of needs: fundamental needs and metaneeds. In the basis
of human motivation there lie fundamental needs which are characteristic of the
human as a biological species: physiological needs, safety needs, needs of love
and belongingness, esteem needs (self-esteem and esteem of other people). These
needs can be considered deficient because they cause a certain behavior if not
satisfied properly. Thus, the behavior of parents, the stressing of their
attention of physiological needs and safety needs influence the subsequent
philosophy of the future of the given person: he or she might acquire simplified
notions of purpose of life and meaning of values, such as “to live in order to
eat”. The satisfaction of needs of the first levels becomes the basis for
appearance of needs for love, affection and dependence. According to A. Maslow,
lack of love (not in the field of sexual relationship) represses the personal
growth and development of the human’s potential. Love in its social and
spiritual sense presumes relations between two people based on trust. Trust is
expectation, “that appears in the members of a community about expected, fair
and careful attitude to the needs of others according to some common standards”
[5, p. 52]. Lack of trust in interpersonal relations can lead to hostility and
on the next level, A. Maslow has distinguished two categories of esteem needs:
the first one, need for self-esteem, covers the need to be confident,
competent, adequate, independent and free; the second one, being the need for
respect from others, includes such notions as prestige, recognition, acceptance,
display of attention, status, reputation and appraise of actions itself. The
research proved that a human with adequate self-esteem is confident and works
productively. Low self-esteem leads to the feeling of helplessness and
humility, inhibits human fulfillment, forms inferiority complex. Overstated
self-esteem leads to the erroneous self-image, creates an idealized image of a
person. It leads to ignoring of professional troubles, negativism towards
everything that destroys the self-image. Failure to complete a task is
considered to be not the result of actions of the person himself, but the
result of exterior factors, procrastination of others, perfidy.
highest level of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is metaproblems, being needs for
development, which include, firsty, needs for universal cognition, curiosity,
obtaining of information, the search for truth with the help of analytical
thinking, understanding of the surrounding world and creation of the value
system, aesthetic needs, beauty needs; secondly, needs for self-actualization
(self-transcendence), the personal endeavor to be what one can be, to fulfill
and develop the personal potential, care for others, responsibility,
psychological growth, self-sufficiency, freedom, etc. Human characteristics of
the person, who reached the highest level of needs, the self-actualization,
indicate the holistic, integral mentality (A. Maslow [4]) or “full-fledged
mentality” (V. Tsaplin [6, p. 27]).
both Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and knowledge of the entire spectrum of needs
and behavior motives can serve as the basis for the family upbringing logic.
The understanding of values, installed by family upbringing, molded needs
condition the personal life philosophy and behavior motives, which influence the
economical choice of the individual.
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