
Martynova Y., student

Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Ukraine





Abstract. A method of determining the optimal investment costs for insulation walling energy efficient buildings at a given payback period.

Key words. Definition of investment costs, insulation of buildings, building envelope, energy efficient buildings, economic and metematychne modeling, payback period.


Ukraine has one of the ways to reduce costs for the purchase and production of energy - a reconstruction of existing buildings into energy efficient and energy-efficient buildings that spend the minimum amount of energy for heating the house and have small heating costs.

There is a problem with the use of economic-mathematical modeling to develop a method that allows the design stage to determine the amount of investment in reconstruction, economically reasonable cost insulation, heating costs at home during certain payback period.

When modeling takes into account factors such as the cost of insulation and its installation, normalized resistance heat loss, insulation payback period, the existing operating costs for heating, energy costs, and more.

In [1, 3, 4] determined the minimum heating costs through optimal distribution of insulation over protective structures. In [2] determined economically sensible heat resistance walling. But it does not take into account the possibility of redistribution of insulation.

The result of the study is to develop economic and mathematical model, which allows determining:

-         indicators of investment costs for insulation of buildings (insulation
installation and cost) for specified payback period (Fig. 1);

-         inimum operating costs for heating;

-         indicators of optimal allocation of insulation in terms of minimum operating costs for heating buildings (Fig. 1);

-         payback period in certain investment costs for insulation and more.

With the use of economic-mathematical model the actual calculations and the indicators of economically sound insulation and optimum distribution of insulation over the surface of the building Adminbuilding ATP 15362 a given payback period of six years. Innovative insulation value, the heating value of
0.52 UAN / kWh will be 531.13 thousand UAN.


Fig.1 Dependence of investment costs for insulation and resistance to heat loss from the payback period



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