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The international Kazakh-Turkish university named by H.A.Jasavi, Shymkent

Medical-demographic specificity of major factors of risk of the early prevention of strokes in the South Kazakhstan area


To one of the main problems of public health services represents a cerebral stroke which is the cause of death second for the importance in the developed countries of the world and the leading reason incapacity of adult population of the most able-bodied age. The social expenses connected with expenses on treatment sick stroke in stationary and out-patient conditions, are the main item of expenses of public health services of many countries [1]. In Kazakhstan disease of a stroke makes 2,5 – 3,7 cases on 1000 population in year, death rate from 1 to 1,8 cases on one thousand population a year. The analysis in different age groups has shown that with increase in age disease sharply raises. Middle age of patients has made 67 years. Among 29 % who have ill with a stroke – people of able-bodied age (till 60 years). The general lethality in the sharp period of a stroke has made 35,2 % (at women of 60,1 %, at men – 39,9 %). In republic, unfortunately, there is a steady progressing of these diseases while, in economically developed countries there is a decrease [1].  

It is known that development of strokes is preceded often by passing infringements of brain blood circulation (IBBC) which make about 20-30 % among patients with IBBC in hospitals and 46 % polyclinics. Among men of 20-54 years relative density  of IBBC makes 25 %. Thus more than in a quarter of cases IBBC are a debut various latent proceeding  cerebrovascular diseases [2,3,5].

Crucial importance in decrease in death rate and incapacity owing to a stroke belongs to primary preventive maintenance which is directed on the prevention of development of the first stroke. Primary preventive maintenance of cerebrovascular diseases is based on struggle against known risk factors and possibilities of their correction [4,6].  Various clinical, biochemical both behavioural and other characteristics concern risk factors of a stroke peculiar to the separate person and separate populations, and also the external influences which presence specifies in the raised probability of development of a stroke. Therefore, the purpose of our research was studying of medical-demographic specificity and features of major factors of risk for the early prevention of strokes at the population of the South Kazakhstan area.

Materials and research methods: in a context of complex sociological research questioning of the population of the South Kazakhstan area made on the basis of chair of nervous illnesses of IKTU was spent. Sociological research included poll. The general investigated sample of poll has made 2000 respondents (as healthy and patients of neurologic, cardiological branches of city and regional medical institutions of Kentau, Ordabasy, Aryss and Sajram regions of area).

Results and discussion: Socially-demographic characteristics of respondents of poll have shown that at the gender characteristic interrogated, men were made by 45,5 %, and women – 46,7 %. Educational level in most cases at 43,2 % of patients  has made secondary education. Laws of presence the risk factors of stroke developments – hypertensive illness, cardial pathologies, a diabetes, obesity from the social status of the patient are revealed.

The analysis of the given age characteristics has shown that the quantity of respondents – patients with diseases previous a stroke on the average from 16 till 42 years inclusive has made more than 67 % that proves an existing tendency of a stroke to "rejuvenation". An ethnic accessory of respondents of poll  75,5 % of Kazakhs have made, Uzbeks – 19,0 % and 12,5 % - Russian. Constant place of habitation of respondents in a city were made by 52,2 %, in areas SKA – 34,7 %. From 100 % of respondents of 74,5 % - aboriginals of region, and 15,5 % (310) immigrants have the status «oralman».

The emotional nervous tension or stresses are one of the factors influencing display of a stroke. If 43,7 % of respondents of poll notice that the sort of their labor activity isn't connected in any way with stresses 18,8 % consider that stressful situations take place off and on, 37,5 % the person mark high frequency of stresses on a workplace. Among investigated, also mentioned death or illness of the loved one – 37,2 % the person, dismissal from work – 27 %, divorce – 16,1 % of patients, moving – 19,7 %. More than 30,3 % interrogated keep to a diet in an everyday life, however, concept of "a dietary food» differentially at various social strata of the population: or it is the rigid diets excluding the most part of necessary products, or soft where enter genemodificated (GMO) products, the semifinished products containing harmful components. More than half interrogated (69,7 %) don't supervise food in the daily diet, don't keep to a diet from them of 59,3 % of respondents consume basically fat meat and fried food, 10,4 % interrogated prefer sharp and salted food. Thus, the culture of a food of the population, being in high group of risk on a stroke is low. Probably, it is connected with mentality of traditional southern, Kazakh and east food as a whole, however, considering presence in region of statistically significant level of socially vulnerable levels of population, it is necessary to take into consideration and the fact of high consumption GMO products because of their low consumer cost. As one of significant risk factors of a stroke – the overestimated norm of weight is marked by 45,5 % (910) interrogated, 54,5 % (1090) respondents consider the weight within norm. Only 18 % (360) interrogated actively go in for sports, sports exercises for maintenance of the health. Overwhelming number of questioned, 82 % from them of 27,4 % seldom do sports exercises, 15,5 % the person can't because of illness, 39,1 % - absence of habits to sports loadings, stereotypes, laziness. The interrelation of state of health with weather change, i.e. meteosensitivity were marked – "sometimes" at 55,2 % of respondents, is frequent" at 19,6 % the person and is constant" at 25,2 % questioned. A genetic heredity of an arterial hypertensia and an atherosclerosis from parents have no 60 % interrogated. At 40 % questioned, presence of the given diseases have made at: the father – 37,8 %, mothers – 30 %, both parents – 32,2 %.

In the spent research of disease of heart have been diagnosed in 37,2 % (745) cases. Thus, patients who are registrated in a dispensary at the cardiologist are revealed 46,2 % the person who are not registrated in a dispensary of 32,9 % and transferred, a heart attack of a myocardium of 20,9 % questioned. The first symptoms of an arterial hypertensia have arisen on the average in age categories from 40-50 years at 33,9 % of the questioned respondents (drawing 1).

Fig. 1. Quantity indicators of questionad, on the first symptoms of an arterial hypertensia


Frequency of the maximum borders of indicators of an arterial hypertensia on the average meets at 46,2 %  of patients to 140/90 mm.mr.cl., to 160/100 mm.mr.cl at 35,4 % interrogated, to 180/110 mm.mr.cl at 13,1 %, above 180/110 mm.mr.cl at 5,3 % of respondents.

More than half, interrogated (56,2 %) consider that preparations for correction of an arterial hypertensia render a positive effect. However, the others of 6,9 % of respondents notice that pressure isn't always stabilized, 11,8 % mark the big dynamics of pressure jumps, 14,5 % the person have refused drug intake and 10,6 % don't follow instructions of the doctor. Hence, patients with an arterial hypertensia not constantly are under supervision of the therapist, or it is available the fact of "self-treatment", use of folk remedies of medicine that doesn't influence a positive course of disease or full treatment. The diabetes has been revealed in 20,5 % (410) cases, the others of 79,5 % of respondents didn't suffer a diabetes. From patients with a diabetes, who are registrated in a dispensary at endocrinologist – 34,6 %, who were not registrated in a dispensary of 30 % and at 35,4 % of patients - insulin - a dependent diabetes. 

 Frequency of symptoms of display of feeling dumbness, weaknesses in one half of body (a hand, a foot, language, the person) among questioned, has made once a month at 44,5 %, once in 3 months at 32,3 % and once in half a year of 23,2 % the person. More than half of respondents of poll (64,7 %) don't connect symptoms of dumbness and weaknesses in one half of body with differences of arterial pressure (sharp increase or decrease in arterial pressure) carrying these factors to «instantaneous» reactions of an organism to a cold or weather conditions, 35,2 % sensitively watch displays of dumbness. It is necessary to organize offices of the psychological help (the office of the psychologist or the psychotherapist) in polyclinics consider 61,0 % of respondents of poll, 16,3 % have answered negatively, 22,7 % aren't informed on the importance for patients.

Thus, considering the data of sociological poll, it is possible to notice that prevalence of a stroke in SKA depends basically on features of a way of life and the risk factors connected with it. Updating of a way of life and decrease in levels of risk factors can prevent development of diseases. By consideration of questions of a migratory gain it is necessary to consider the genetic status of migrants, a condition of their health, feature of epidemiological, geographical conditions in the country, where they have arrived from. Presentation level in region of socially vulnerable levels of population influences dynamics of a stroke. Culture of a food and social (quality and a diet, hypodinamia, absence of practice of playing sports)  population factors in a context of traditional cultural stereotypes of SKA render one of significant influences on stroke occurrence even in such socially safe environment of a society (the teacher, bank workers, state employees).

Probably, creation of School of a stroke, an office of the psychologist or the psychotherapist in polyclinics, family-medical ambulance stations of a city and area, and also the analysis of a database of the Register of the strokes, adequate therapy from cardiologists and therapists, sanitary-educational work  will reduce and will reduce risk of occurrence of strokes on the scale of SKA.

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