Logvinov Alexey Andreevich

State budget educational institution of secondary vocational training college social workers № 16, Director,

Russia, Moscow



The expansion of international sociocultural communication is accompanied, on the one hand, with the desire to contact other cultures and establish equivalent relations between individuals, groups of people, and the whole countries. On the other hand, it increases the rejection of “alien” social and cultural values and strengthens the preference of “one’s own” as the example to follow. Quite often, a reappraisal of the native culture values takes place, leading right up to the rejection of them and the acceptance of the “alien” sociocultural codes. The main concepts of intercultural communication, such as “one’s own”, “alien”, “conflict”, “tolerance”, “stereotype” and etc.,  acquire new meanings,  due to the new phenomenon of global culture,  which arises as one of the most important effects of globalization. 

The onset of globalization has been caused by many reasons: industrial and electronic revolutions, formation of the common market for goods and labor, migration on a global scale, and expansion of international contacts. Humanity goes through social transformations in all areas of life, which is reflected in the appearance of united economical space, the interaction of various cultures, changes in behavioral stereotypes, moral principles and values, and educational and professional standards [5].

Globalization affects states and nations, as well as individuals, causing the need for every individual to understand the global changes and opportunities for effective socialization in the new environment.

B.R. Mogilevich, Doctor of sociological science, observes that cross-cultural communication is implemented through the process of interaction between global and local cultures, between the “open” society of individuals and the fundamental sociocultural settings.  In this aspect, globalization represents, in fact, the new phase of interaction between social communities as an attribute of the modern development of social communication.

Cross-cultural communication plays one of the most important roles in the process of study and evaluation of the current condition of the human society, especially when it’s important to determine the optimal borders between globalization preservation of social and cultural pluralism, between terror and tolerance.  Communicators understand social standards of “alien” culture during the process of cross-cultural communication, thus creating conditions for their successful socialization and acculturation, which contributes to development of modern individual opened to multicultural collaboration [3].

The consideration of the problems of cross-cultural communication through the system of social science allows to determine deeply and comprehensively the tendencies of interaction of different social groups because the communicational aspects of human activity represent different aspects of social communication, which ensures the existence and development of human relationships in the process of information transfer. Awareness of the importance of the cross-cultural communication as the necessary condition to determine individual’s place in the global world is crucial for Russia now, when the country is not completely free from past heritance and faces numerous risks caused by modernization.       

Overcoming of stereotypes, implementation of tolerance into the society life, precise identity of all strata of Russian society is impossible without intercultural communication as the social mechanism to overcome the contradictions between global and local aspects of human life in the modern world.

In the second part on the XX century in Russia there were researches of cross-cultural communications; they were conducted when the educational paradigm  of teaching of foreign languages changed that the study of foreign literature achievements became the essential component of educational process. In this aspect it’s essential to emphasis on the works of  E.M. Vereshchagin, V.G. Kostomarov [1], S.G. Ter-Minasova [6].

The importance of intercultural communication in the life of modern Russian society increases during the process of overcoming out of date stereotypes of cross-cultural interaction with the growth of social migration and the number of conflict-situations on ethnic grounds. The need of cross-cultural communication as the necessary condition for successful socialization of individual in the global world updates the importance of this process from the point of social communication of different cultures. The importance of cross-cultural communication increases with the forming of tolerant relationships between different sociocultural communities in order to prevent different, particularly, inter-ethnic conflicts.

During the process of social communication representatives of different cultures exist not only in the  objective reality but also in the world of social relationships, which includes the following components: moral and value standards, traditions, habits, language, religious affiliation, etc.

Tolerance as a concept with the interdisciplinary status implies openness to new, self-confidence, the ability to accept the importance of the others, take part in competition [2; 3]. The problem of tolerance affects all members of the global society characterized by the wide range of controversial and complex phenomena of the material and spiritual life, and is an integral part of the processes of social and intercultural communication.

Sociological aspect of tolerance is characterized by moral and personal attitudes as the actualization of deliberate and individual motivation in the form of a conscious and intelligent approach to life, which implies that the individual and society  are responsible for its actions in a given situation.

Definition of  “Tolerance” assumes the existence of a dialectical "intolerance", which is characterized by rejection and hostility to any “alien” idea. Negative emotions, describing hostility and rejection reflect in contempt, disgust, anger, aggression, inability to dialog or compromise (see for example [2; 4]). In a given case cross-cultural interaction is supported with mutual tolerance, responsibility, the priority of the dialogic and compromise as a conflict resolution of all types and corroborates interdisciplinary status of intercultural communication as an integral component of sociological knowledge [2].

It needs to make a special note that communicational channels both natural (arisen during anthropogenesis) and artificial (created by people and are designed to ensure the understanding of individuals in the social reality, where "I" and "you", "I" and "Others" are in the constant process of social interaction [3]) are basic for evolution process of social communication which correlates with the social stratification of society. Originally the appearance of each new channel of social communication appears as a response to the challenges of civilization. Particularly:

- Language (50 ka) defined the social information transformation by the oral communication in context of mini-communication;

- Literature (III century BC) as the transmission of information through documents meant social differentiation on a "literate – illiterate" and the division of social groups to workers of mental and physical labor;

- Formulation of techniques and methods of text organization and identification of text genres, styles and language standards;

- Ethno communication as communication between ethnic groups’ individuals, ethnic group / groups;

- Multimedia (XIX century), which marked a technical revolution of the social communication and channels, resulting in the appearance of such communication channels as the telegraph, photography, sound recording, radio, cinema, the Internet. Through the multimedia social communication in the information society has worked on a different level, connecting peoples, nations, civilizations, etc.

Ethnomethodological approach to the study of social communication involves the study of everyday communication of communicators with has a particular meaning, while moral values ​​that govern the processes of communication are at the heart of social actions. The social communication is endowed with a self-reflection of communicants in the process of interpretation intersubjective meanings of each other words in the process of speech activity where the main component is not the content of the information, but a background meaning in the form of rules that define the speech patterns.

Thus, methodological and practical status of intercultural communication as an integral part of social communication is performed in the process of social interaction of individuals – members of different socio-cultural communities with adequate correlation of joint social actions.




1.                  Верещагин Е.М., Костомаров В.Г. Язык и культура. –  М.: Русский язык, 1976. – 248 с.

2.                  Майковская Л.С. Феномен этнокультурной толерантности в музыкальной культуре и образовании: монография. – М.: Граф-Пресс, 2008. – 260 с.

3.                  Могилевич Б.Р. Межкультурная коммуникация в системе социологического знания. – Саратов: Научная книга, 2008. – 275 с.

4.                  Невмержицкая Е.В. Этнокультурное воспитание молодежи в процессе изучения немецкого языка: концепции и реалии: монография. – М.: Граница, 2010. – 160 с.

5.                  Невмержицкая Е.В. Das kleine Energielexikon. Словарь. – М.: Граница, 2011. – 96 с.

6.                  Тер-Минасова С.Г. Язык и межкультурная коммуникация: учебное пособие. – М.: Слово/Slovo, 2008. – 264 с.