Ph. D. in Educational Sciences Deeva N.N.

Amur State University (Birobidzhan Branch), Russia

The main contradictions of young specialists’ employment

The characteristic of labour market as the object of the research is the intertwining of different forms of the cooperation of an employee and employer: market and non-market, economic and uneconomic (political, social, sociocultural and etc.). First, labour market is the totality of economic relations between demands and supplies of labour force, second, the point of intersection of varied economic and social interests, third, the field of relationship between an enterprise and its workers.

While our research we pointed four subjects of employment: 1) an educational institution, 2) a graduate, young specialist, 3) an employer, 4) the state. Thereafter, six groups of contradictions were singled out.

Group one is the contradictions which appear in the relationships between educational institutions and employers, in other words, the contradictions between the labour of educational services and labour market.

Group two is the contradictions in the system of the relationships between “a young specialist and an employer”.

Group three is the contradictions arising in the relations between educational institutions and their graduates.

The fourth group is the contradictions between educational institutions and the state.

The fifth group is the contradictions which characterize the relationships between young professional (graduate) and the State.

The sixth group is the contradictions expressing the attitudes between an employer and the state.

The article deals with the basic group of the contradictions, specifically, the contradictions between educational institutions and employers (the labour of educational services and labour market). These contradictions are reduced, finally, to educational services’ mismatch to employers’ demands and requirements. This discrepancy has numerous displays which we shall try to allocate here and to describe in brief.

1.1. The misbalance of an interlevel training. Recently, the misbalance between the training of workers and specialists with higher professional education has been increasing, since greatest percentage of young people tends to get higher education and it does not fit into constructs of the needs of our no rebuilt business [11, p.15].

The structure of professional education moved to higher school. From early nineties and until 2008 the quantity of educational institutions rose in two times, and the quantity of students in to 2, 6. The percentage of persons with higher education who are busy in economy of population is 27, 8 % at present. At the same time demand for qualified workers and specialists remains unsatisfactory and continues rising [4].

The opinions how to eliminate the interlevel misbalance are varied. In this way, A. Loginov, the representative of the Government of the Russian Federation, in the debate with O. N. Smolin, the Vice-Chairman of the Committee for Education and Science of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, affirmed that there were a lot of students in Russia and we should change the situation that way: from seven graduates of school four had to go to vocational colleges, two to secondary school, and only one to high school.

In his turn the Senator had to explain that this ratio was optimal in sixties of the last century. From that time the utter majority of countries so called “civilized” went too far forward: Japan and Belgian are passing to publically accessible higher education, South Korea put such task for the prospect, but futurologists affirm that among workers of the future “informational society” people with higher education must amount not less than 60 per cent [9, p.23].

1.2. The profile mismatch of educational services (high school specialties) to real needs. Currently, there is an increased demand for professionals in the sale field on the labour market, because in time of the crisis to maintain sales at the pre-crisis level is a chance for many companies to overcome the crisis successfully and continue to develop. The high level of sales can be achieved by active promotion products and services to market. However, educational institutions do not prepare enough specialists in the field of sales and crisis management. Such specialties are not in demand by school graduates while entering higher educational institutions. But there is an overabundance of other professions, such as economists, lawyers, PR-managers. Moreover, the rubricator of professions which are trained by higher and secondary vocational training institutions misses with the economic industrial basis in the country. According to the media, only 60% of high schools are assured of employment of its graduates, but not in all specialties [7, p. 231-235].

The results of the lead sociological interrogation of the employers of Birobidzhan in the Jewish autonomous region corroborate given contradiction. Most of the surveyed employers have fairly high need for working staff, engineering and technical workers. (Look at Figure 1.)

The given discrepancy of vocational training and the labour market’s demand leads to the major part of graduates cannot find work on their specialities, and have to go to work on positions below the level of their qualifications.

Fig. 1 The results of employers’ answers to the question “What workers are in high demand?»

1.3. The discrepancy of the volume of educational services to actual demands. As a matter of fact, we can observe or the lack or, on the contrary, the glut of specialists of necessary profile. So, there is the glut of economists or lawyers in a number of regions (for example, according to the employment service of Novosibirsk for one vacancy of an economist is more than 400 applicants) [10, p.366].

1.4. The discrepancy of the quality of specialists’ preparation to requirements. In the concept of the target program of educational development for 2000-2010 which was preceded by the national project “Education” we can highlight the most important words: “education which does not affect citizens’ success, the economy’s efficiency and lead to strengthening the state’s positions in the world, cannot be considered to be qualitative” [5].

At the same time according to the results of researches [2], employers are not satisfied with the low quality of specialists’ training of educational institutions. High school graduates have only theoretical knowledge but can’t use it practically. The quality of professional education was always the problem for educational institutions, nowadays this problem became more actual for, first, there is a high availability of higher education and growth of students’ quantity; second, the growth of students’ quantity who pay for studying. The growth of quantity is usually accompanied with lowing of quality, and the measures which can successfully opposite this negative tendency are needed. As to payment for education, its sense is distorted because of keeping paternalistic parasitical stereotypes. In the first case payment for education plays a role of study’s stimulus, in the second case it plays a role of social moral absolution that is explanation and excuse of inactivity and laziness.

The results of employers’ interrogation concerning the quality of specialists’ skills prove that there are problems in the contemporary system of education. (Fig. 2, 3, 4)

Fig.2 The results of employers’ answers to the question «Does the qualification of the specialists promote modern requirements?»

Fig.3 The results of employers’ answers to the question «What are you not satisfied with professional labour training of graduates of professional institutions?»

As we can see from the answers of employers unsatisfactory practical preparation of graduates is at the first place. The most part of employers is not satisfied with the existing level of preparation of specialists fully or partially.

Fig.4 The results of employers’ answers to the question «Are you satisfied with the level of professional labour training of graduates of professional institutions?»

At the same time for the period of studying it is very difficult to prepare a specialist who will fit all the demands that’s why we need cooperative efforts of professional institutions and employers in qualitative preparation of specialists of various profiles.

1.5. The weak role of employers in improvement the quality of training. Employers are interested in high quality training and, consequently, their active role is becoming increasingly important in its maintenance, but their real role in this process remains disproportionately low. The normative ways of their participation in training are not regulated. The system of audit of educational programs, quality assessment of specialists’ training by employers works insufficiently.

1.6. The absence of requirements’ unity to preparation of specialists from educational establishments and employers. Nowadays the basic task of the system of professional education is preparation of a competitive specialist who has skills appropriate to the actual labour market.

Fig. 5 The results of employers’ answers to the question «What can be done to solve this problem?»

As far as we can see from the answers of employers the main importance in specialists’ s training is internship and development of partner relationships. At the same time most of employers do not want to take graduates of higher educational institutions for internship and institutions have to make strong efforts to determine future specialists on a enterprise. At the same time the anaysis of literature and normative papers reveals the contradiction between existing demands and lack of criteria of competitiveness assessment [3, p.115].

1.7. The temporary inconsistency in specialists’ training. Recently there is a marked increase of employers’ interest to students and graduates of higher educational institutions. This phenomenon, first of all, is explained by expectation of critical decrease in number of the efficient population by the end of the decade forcing businesses to those who are just entering the labour market. However, contractual relations with enterprises which a lot of higher school institutions focus on are not always effective: educational institutions need long-term contracts but company needs specialists today, in the best case in a year or two.

1.8. The episodic contacts of educational institutions with employers. In high school and vocational educational institutions the problem to get in contact with potential employers, to conclude an agreement on mutual cooperation and to conduct a refresher course remains at present. Students learn about the possibility to work at an enterprise which concluded an agreement with only during their pre-graduation practical work from the workers of this enterprise. There are no student employment services in some educational institutions which must help students to find a job and cooperate with employers closely.

The main tools of influence of high school on the quality of practical preparation are industrial and pre-graduation practical work. That’s why we must develop the unified policy of high school concerning employment and organization of practice (as the first step of employment) and according to it the work of all departments of high school institutions related to the practice and employment should be under construction, as well as departments providing their activity.

The first place was given to employment services by employers concerning human resources management. However, informal practice of employment remains and plays a significant role.

Fig 6 The results of employers’ answers to the question «How do you carry out recruitment new personnel, stuff

As a result of the carried out research and analysis of the selective answers to the questions about problems of employment of young specialists we can come to the following conclusions:

- The problem of employment of young specialists on labour market remains complex and actual.

- The decision of the given problem will be possible through overcoming of the following contradiction between educational establishments and employers (the market of educational services and the labour market) which is shown in 1) the misbalance of an interlevel training, 2) the profile mismatch of educational services (high school specialties) to real needs, 3) the discrepancy of the volume of educational services to actual demands, 4) the discrepancy of the quality of specialists’ preparation to requirements, 5) the weak role of employers in improvement the quality of training, 6) the absence of requirements’ unity to preparation of specialists from educational establishments and employers, 7) the temporary inconsistency in specialists’ training, 8) the episodic contacts of educational institutions with employers.

Thus, only with the cooperation of professional training institutions, employers and the state (employment services), these problems can be solved comprehensively and effectively.


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