The senior teacher of Management Chair J. U. Sadchenko

Amur State University (the Birobidzhan Branch), Russia

The current state of labour relations and the population’s employment in a region (the Jewish autonomous region)

Nowadays labour market is a dynamic and quickly changeable system. According to the Law of the Russian Federation dated 19 April, 1991, No 1032 - 1 “On employment of the population in the Russian Federation”' the government of the Jewish autonomous region has approved the applied regional target program “On assistance of employment of the population of the Jewish autonomous region for 2011 – 2013”. The control over carrying out the resolution of the Government of the JAR dated December 16, 2011, No 646 – pp is assigned on the vice-governor of the Jewish autonomous region, Antonov G.Ŕ, the regulation has come into force since 1 January, 2011 [16]. The purpose of the program is to create conditions to contain the level of unemployment within 9,0 % of economically active population of the Jewish autonomous region, the level of registered unemployment within the limits of 1,5 - 1,7 % by assistance of citizens to search suitable work and of employers in selection of necessary workers.

The total funding for the programme is 171739.27 thousand rubbles, including: 2011 - 68637.07 thousand rubbles; 2012 - 52235.00 thousand rubbles; 2013 - 50867.20 thousand rubbles; means of subventions from the federal budget is 159199.87 thousand rubbles, including: 2011 - 68637.07 thousand rubbles; 2012 - 45898.00 thousand rubbles; 2013 - 44664.80 thousand rubbles; among them: means of the regional budget - 12539.40 thousand rubbles, including: 2012 - 6337.00 thousand rubbles; 2013 - 6202.40 thousand rubbles.

The expected outcomes of the program are provision of public services to help citizens to find suitable work annually not less than 6.5 thousand people, assistance in employment of not less than 50% of the number of applicants in the employment of the disabled, regulating labour migration; promotion of employment of people living in the countryside, not less than 2.5 thousand people per year, provision of public services to promote temporary employment of citizens not less than 0.7 thousand people per year, the provision of public services for the temporary employment of minors not less than 0.9 per cent per year; the provision of public services for the vocational training of the unemployed, with the aim of future employment at least 482 people per year; the provision of public services for the social reintegration of the unemployed on the labour market at least 1.25 million people per year; the provision of public services by psychological support of the unemployed not less than 0.6 per cent of people per year; the provision of public services for the organization of professional orientation of citizens to choose a profession, employment opportunities, vocational training is not less than 9.5 thousand people per year; the provision of public services for the implementation of social benefits to citizens, recognized as unemployed, not less than 5.2 thousand people per year; the Russian Federation Pension Fund reimbursement expenses for pensions, for unemployed citizens ahead of time, 0.048 thousand people annually.

The registered labour market of the Jewish autonomous region (further - region) in 2009-2010, formed under the influence of the crisis phenomena in the economy, which is reflected in the increasing number of citizens, leaving the organizations of the region on various grounds, including the liquidation of entities, downsizing or workforce, work in part-time work, and applying to the employment service for assistance in finding suitable work.

It should be noted that the pace of layoffs in 2010 in compare with 2009 have increased almost twice. So, in 2009 294 employees planned to release workers in quantity of 3.0 thousand people, in 2010 these rates were respectively 1.5 and 167 thousand people. At the end of 2010 3organizations and 43 persons were at part-time employment, in 2009 23 organizations and 1.5 thousand people, respectively.

In January and December of 2009 the number of the citizens who have addressed in regional state establishments “the Centers of employment of the population” (further - RSCG CEP) to get the state services in search of suitable work, amounted to 13, 9 thousand people (116,1 % compared to 2008). The number of applicants for employment of the citizens dismissed because of liquidation of the organizations or reduction of the number or staff of workers, has increased in 3,8 times, for the turnover of staff - -in 1,1 times. The status of the unemployed had 8, 4 thousand people, that 27,2 % it is more than in 2008.

In January, December of 2010, 8, 6 thousand citizens that 6.0% less than at the same period in 2009 have addressed in the service of employment of the population of the region in search of work. The main categories forming labor market in 2010 were retired at his own request - 30.6%, the long-term unemployed - 21.9%, graduates and first-time job seekers - 27.5%, dismissed for the liquidation of organizations and downsizing or workforce - 6.0%.

The realization of the regional target program of assistance of employment to promote the employment of the population of the region in 2009-2010, helped to prevent the growth of unemployment and tensions on the labour market. State services to promote employment have received in 2009, 9.6 thousand people, more than 1.0 thousand unemployed have improved skills or learned new professions in demand on the labour market.

In 2010 the positive dynamics of provision of public services to promote employment of population is kept. Implementation of measures to promote the employment of the population contributes to the containment of unemployment at the average level 9.0% of the economically active population annually. The level of registered unemployment does not exceed 1.6 - 1.7%. The coefficient of tension also tending to decline and varies within 1.0-1.5 unemployed job seekers citizens for one vacancy.

In spite of the positive tendencies of the social-economic development’s forecast in the region for2011-2013, the situation in the sphere of population’s employment requires constant attention of authorities at all levels, the state employment service's efforts aimed at providing the population with high-quality and accessible public services in the field of employment, and social support to the unemployed.

In 2011-2013, according to the forecast, the dismissal of citizens because of the liquidation of organizations either downsizing or state employees as well as part-time mode will still take place.

Besides, in 2011 – 2013the following factors will influence labour market:

the professional qualification and territorial imbalance of demand and supply, structural unemployment, connected with lack of professional skills adequate to the requirements of the labour market, low mobility of labour and the price of workforce;

entry into the labour market of young people with no work experience and experiencing difficulties in finding work;

structural changes in the economy, dissatisfaction with the quality of jobs, contributing to an increase in the movement of labour, which leads to the labour market, citizens who were dismissed for various reasons;

the growth of prices and tariffs, influencing the increase of the number of referrals of unemployed population (long-term unemployed) in the bodies of the state employment service to find work, to vocational training, further training, retraining;

limited internal labour mobility of workforce, irregularities in tension of territorial labour markets, growth and unemployment.

The realization of regional target programs to promote the employment of the population of the region will ensure in 2011-2013, the containment of the overall unemployment rate within 9.0% of the economically active population and keep the registered unemployment rate at a level no higher than 1.5-1.7%.

To adopt preventive measures to mitigate negative socio-economic consequences of possible dismissals of employees and prevent the growth of unemployment in the region is continuing the implementation of the regional target program “The program of further measures to reduce tension on the labour market of the Jewish autonomous region” in 2011. The participants of the program from January to September 2010 became 290 people (82.6% of the original data), among them 60 unemployed and 25 people from unemployed citizens employed on the additional jobs created by the unemployed, who organized businesses in 2010-2011, had received a grant and assistance in the organization of own business that is 94.4% of source data; organized advanced professional training of employees – 76 116.9% source data; 56 graduates of professional education institutions were sent for training in order to acquire experience – 93.3% of source data; vocational retraining of 19 doctors in accordance with programmes for the modernization of health care – 100.0% source data; training, retraining and improvement of professional skill of 20 women on leave to care for a child up to 3 years are organized – 29.9% source data; 21 working places for parents with many children, and parents with children with disabilities and 13 jobs for unemployed persons with disabilities are organized , it is 68.0% of the original data.

The level of registered unemployment is 1.25% of the economically active population, against 1.3% on the corresponding date last year. Tension coefficient is 0.6 unemployed citizens for one vacancy against 1.0, respectively.

Having analyzed the state of the labour market and employment in the JAR, we identified the problems, which, in our opinion, are more serious. They are high unemployment; low wages, high staff turnover; low qualification of workers (level of professionalism in the field really catastrophically low, the predominance of agricultural industries, lack of high-tech industries, which have forced the population to raise qualification characteristics, lack of educational institutions of higher level in technical disciplines, Soviet style economy, which was not the quality of labour, but the quantity, and a number of other factors led to the current situation, in the end, on the territory of the JAR, as well as throughout the far East); inability to find employment on a speciality.


The Constitution of the Russian Federation: official text. – Ě.: Prior, 2011. – 78 p.

The Civil Procedural Code of the Russian Federation: adopted by the State Duma on October 23, 2002: approved the Federal Assembly October 30, 2002: for June 10, 2011. - Ě.: URight, 2011. – 876 p.

The Labour Code of the Russian Federation: Part 1, 2: adopted by the State Duma on June 17, 1998: The Federal Assembly on July 17, 1998. (Part 2 from August 5, 2011): for September 28, 2011. - Ě.: Uright, 2011. – 698 p.

The Federal law as for 25 December, 1997 No. 173-FZ “On the Amendment of the Law of the Russian Federation “On employment in the Russian Federation”. [electron resource]: The document was not published officially. Access from the reference legal system “Consultant Plus”.

The Federal law as for 19 April, 1991. No. 1032-1 "On employment in the Russian Federation”. [Electron resource]: The document was not published officially. Access from the reference legal system “Consultant Plus”.

The president’s message of the Russian Federation to the Federal Council of the Russian Federation. [Electron resource]: The document was not published officially. Access from the reference legal system “Consultant Plus”.

The resolution of the Russian Federation Government dated July 6, 1994, No 796, “On measures to encourage enterprises to train staff at the production". [Electron resource]: The document was not published officially. Access from the reference legal system “Consultant Plus”.

The resolution of the Russian Federation Government dated October 12, 2010, No 812, “On the size of the minimum and maximum values of the unemployment benefit for2011". [Electron resource]: The document was not published officially. Access from the reference legal system “Consultant Plus”.

The order of the Labour Government of the Jewish autonomous region dated June 3, 2011 No. 56 “On the order of notification to the representative employer of the facts in order to induce the public civil servant management on work of the Government of the Jewish autonomous region, except the public civil servant of the Jewish autonomous region, the appointment of the Governor of the Jewish autonomous region, to the perpetration of acts of corruption offences and the list of information contained in these notices”.[Electronic resource]: the document was not published. Access from the reference and legal system “Consultant plus”.

The order of the Labour Government of the Jewish autonomous region from June 2, 2011 No. 54 “On the Amendment of the order on labour as for September 16, 2010 No. 40 “On the Commission on compliance of demands to the official behavior of public servants of management the Labour Government of the region, settlement of conflict of interests, with the exception of civil servants, appointed and dismissed by the Governor of the region”. [Electronic resource]: the document was not published. Access from the reference and legal system “Consultant plus”.

The order of the Labour Government of the Jewish autonomous region dated May 25, 2011 No. 47 “On approval of the list of posts, professionals of the regional State budgetary institution “The Centre of conditions and protection of labour”, dependent on the Labour Government's management of the Jewish autonomous region, referred to the substantive staff by the type of economic activity”. [Electronic resource]: the document was not published. Access from the reference and legal system “Consultant plus”.

The order of the Labour Government of the Jewish autonomous region dated April 29, 2011 No. 43 “On establishing indicators, sizes and conditions of stimulation of labour of the head of the regional state budgetary institution “The Centre of conditions and protection of labour”, dependent on the Labour Government's management of the Jewish autonomous region, to evaluate the effectiveness and quality of the work of the institution”. [Electronic resource]: the document was not published. Access from the reference and legal system “Consultant plus”.

The order of the Labour Government of the Jewish autonomous region as for 19 April, 2011, No. 41 “On approving administrative regulations of government functions, “On monitoring of the carrying out of collective agreements”. [Electronic resource]: the document was not published. Access from the reference and legal system “Consultant plus”.

The order of the Labour Government of the Jewish autonomous region dated December 24, 2010, No 56 “On the procedure for calculating the size of the average wages to determine the size of the head’s salary of the regional public institution with a branch system of remuneration. [Electronic resource]: the document was not published. Access from the reference and legal system “Consultant plus”.

The order of the Labour Government of the Jewish autonomous region dated September 16, 2010 No. 40 “On the Commission on compliance of demands to the official behavior of public servants of management the Labour Government of the region, settlement of conflict of interests, with the exception of civil servants, appointed and dismissed by the Governor of the region”. [Electronic resource]: the document was not published. Access from the reference and legal system “Consultant plus”.

The resolution of the Government of the Jewish autonomous region dated October 26, 2010 No. 432-pp “On the approval of the regional target program “Promotion of the employment of the population of the Jewish autonomous region on 2011-2013” (in the edit. of the Government regulations of the JAR as for 25 July, 2011, No 342-pp, dated 31 October, 2011 No. 538-pp, date 16 December, 2011, No 646-pp). [Electronic resource]: the document was not published. Access from the reference and legal system “Consultant plus”.

The resolution of administration of the municipal district dated April 1, 2011, No 317 “On the system of remuneration of municipal educational institutions of Birobidzhan municipal district of the Jewish autonomous region». [Electronic resource]: the document was not published. Access from the reference and legal system “Consultant plus”.

The resolution of the administration of the municipal area dated October 26, 2010 No. 432-pp  “On the approval of the regional target program” promoting the employment of the population of the Jewish autonomous region” on 2011-2013».  [Electronic resource]: the document was not published. Access from the reference and legal system “Consultant plus”.

The resolution of the administration of the municipal area dated October 27, 2010 No. 1070 “On the procedure and conditions for the introduction of sectorial systems of remuneration of employees of municipal institutions of the municipality “Birobidzhan municipal district” of the Jewish autonomous region»

The resolution of the administration of the municipal area dated October 29, 2010, No 1083 “On the system of remuneration of municipal health care institutions of the municipality “Birobidzhan municipal district” of the Jewish autonomous region».  [Electronic resource]: the document was not published. Access from the reference and legal system “Consultant plus”.

The resolution of the administration of the municipal area as for October 29, 2010 No. 1079 “On the system of remuneration of municipal culture institutions of the municipality “Birobidzhan municipal district” of the Jewish autonomous region». [Electronic resource]: the document was not published. Access from the reference and legal system “Consultant plus”.

The resolution of the administration of the municipal area dated June 17, 2011 No. 498 “On raising basic salaries (basic post salaries), the basic wage rates of workers of the municipality of municipal institutions “Birobidzhan municipal district” of the Jewish autonomous region. [Electronic resource]: the document was not published. Access from the reference and legal system “Consultant plus”.

The resolution of the administration of the municipal area dated January 14, 2011 No. 17 “On approval of the procedure of calculating average wages to determine the size of the head’s salary of municipal agencies with a sectorial wages system”. [Electronic resource]: the document was not published. Access from the reference and legal system “Consultant plus”.

The dependent branch target program “The development and support of small and medium-sized enterprises in the municipality “Birobidzhan municipal district in 2011”. [Electronic resource]: the document was not published. Access from the reference and legal system “Consultant plus”.

The resolution of the administration of the municipal area dated February 26, 2010 No. 10 “On remuneration of employees of municipal institutions of the municipality “Birobidzhan municipal district” of the Jewish autonomous region. [Electronic resource]: the document was not published. Access from the reference and legal system “Consultant plus”.